Biden says he is tired of being quiet?

Rogue AI
Good thing they do cause who know what crap would come out of his mouth. Hell every time he opens his mouth his dementia shows. Good Lord and to think some lefty loons think 80 million people voted for this incompetent walking, talking disaster.
You've been convinced because you're stupid and you can't face reality that most of America hates Trump. We get it. You probably live in a neighborhood where everyone has 20 trump signs in their yard. So for people like you, it's difficult to see beyond your own little bubble.
Yes all 10,000 of you who hate Trump...ballots run 80,00 times i get it. And i bet those in the circles were paid to be there.


Answer the damn question!

How are people being stopped from voting as it is now?

And like Biden saying he is sick of not getting his way, (LOL), I'm sick of dolts like him calling half the country racists, insurrectionists, etc. If you can only govern half the country, perhaps your partisan ass should not sit over the entire country.

Having a race baiter like Biden call everyone he does not like politically a white supremacist is the same as calling everyone a Nazi who you don't like politically. In fact, as I try to channel Godwin, is there any real difference?

Just tired of all the partisan excrement coming out of DC, but perhaps there is nothing else to come out.

And when Conservatives start to agree with Mitt Romney, you know something is up.

Mitt really laid out Biden on such things as calling the filibuster Jim Crow, especially since democrats used it like crazy when the GOP was in power, but I could not find it on the DNC controlled web on Youtube. All they had of Romney was Mitt calling out Trump over January 6th.

No surprises there.
Sounds like you got triggered.

As soon as you chimps stop lying about the 2020 election, and stop insinuating Mitt Ronney isnt a conservative, maybe you can join the rest of sane America. Until then, stay amongst your own kind.
Sounds like you got triggered.

As soon as you chimps stop lying about the 2020 election, and stop insinuating Mitt Ronney isnt a conservative, maybe you can join the rest of sane America. Until then, stay amongst your own kind.
Understand this, any buffoons that voted for or supports democrats in power is not a conservative.

It's not rocket science.
I guess I have to.....


  1. greatest in amount, quantity, or degree.

Definition yes, but when read by people they don't se majority, they see a number higher than that. '

Your statement is claiming agency the numbers don't back up.
Understand this, any buffoons that voted for or supports democrats in power is not a conservative.

It's not rocket science.
Supporting a democrat and acknowledging a democrat won an election are two separate things. Try to get that through your thick skull.
Definition yes, but when read by people they don't se majority, they see a number higher than that. '

Your statement is claiming agency the numbers don't back up.
So I'm supposed to account for people not knowing the meaning of words when I write a sentence? LOL I dont think so. You still dont seem to know the meaning of the word "most" even when I copied and pasted it from the dictionary. You're cognitive dissonance is showing.....
So I'm supposed to account for people not knowing the meaning of words when I write a sentence? LOL I dont think so.

You know how people would read it, again claiming agency your candidate didn't earn, or at least your opponent didn't delve down to.

And that was at the last election, how many cases of buyers remorse you think are out there?
You know how people would read it, again claiming agency your candidate didn't earn, or at least your opponent didn't delve down to.

And that was at the last election, how many cases of buyers remorse you think are out there?
Nice job switching the frame of reference. But I'll bite. Biden isnt running again. That should be obvious. Trust me. MOST Americans are glad trump didnt get another 4 years.
View attachment 586996

About voting rights legislation being passed?


So tell us democrats, how has voting been unconstitutional and racist all these years?


And with half the country already convinced the last election was rigged, how will that half feel after democrats pass a partisan voting bill on voting?


Any brain function "left"?
Grandpa Brandon yelling "GET OFF MY LAWN" for the hundredth time. He alternates between angry old man and babbling old man depending on what meds he's on.
View attachment 586996

About voting rights legislation being passed?


So tell us democrats, how has voting been unconstitutional and racist all these years?


And with half the country already convinced the last election was rigged, how will that half feel after democrats pass a partisan voting bill on voting?


Any brain function "left"?

The worse this admin. is the louder they scream.
Biden isnt running again. And Biden is not in any way left wing. Now that we've got that out of the way, Biden won over 50% of the vote in 2020. That's most people.

Close to zero chance Trump mounts any meaningful run for President in 2024. He'll be 78 years old by then. But keep sending half your paycheck to him every month he isnt done grifting you yet.

Besides the fact she has a black pussy, why did Biden choose a radical leftist as a running mate then?
you can't face reality that most of America hates Trump.

Right. Most of America hated cheap gas, good jobs, low regulations, low crime, limited immigration, world peace and fair trade, not to mention a pro-America Can-Do attitude!

But they just LOVE Bidden The Stuttering Fuck and his mumbling, bumbling, confusion, falling, tripping, lying, reading cards, asking permission, not answering questions, $4.00 gas, empty food shelves, millions of businesses closed, dysfunctional schools, millions flooding our border, broken ports, failed Covid policy, sicking FBI on school moms, the worse foreign failure in our history, abandoned Americans, high inflation, wearing double masks, vaccine ID, a cackling whore VP, spiraling debt and soaring crime.

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