Biden says he is tired of being quiet?

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About voting rights legislation being passed?


So tell us democrats, how has voting been unconstitutional and racist all these years?


And with half the country already convinced the last election was rigged, how will that half feel after democrats pass a partisan voting bill on voting?


Any brain function "left"?
This report from the lib news media is typical of the decline in that industry

its long on process - meaning whats the score?

is old joe winning or losing?

But short on substance such as details about whats in the bill

so readers are given nothing useful to decide if they are for it or against it
NO ONE actually voted FOR Joe Biden. The democrats used the media to make people sick and tired of Trump not realizing it was their bullshit political spin of him they were tired of. They convinced many people that Trump was just so bad he had to go! So they voted AGAINST Trump.

Now that they got Biddum and see how he has fucked everything up even failing worse at Covid, Trump is looking pretty good about now.

Smarmy tweets at 4AM that no one would even know about if CNN wasn't following every one of them are a million times better than massive illegals flooding in, soaring inflation, broken ports, botched evacuations, closed schools, raging crime and lawlessness, masks and more masks, towering debt, looming war, and a gestapo police state.

I would qualify that as "none of the swing Voters voted FOR Biden, they voted AGAINST Trump.

That's where the buyers remorse is.
This report from the lib news media is typical of the decline in that industry

its long on process - meaning whats the score?

is old joe winning or losing?

But short on substance such as details about whats in the bill

so readers are given nothing useful to decide if they are for it or against it
Make the bill long and thick and full of lawyer double speak that no one will ever have the time to read, or if they did, would not be able to understand it all. It's what they do with all bills these days.

Then say it is a bill that is the only way to preserve democracy as those that oppose it are either Nazis or white supremacits


Again, it's how they pass anything these days.
Actually we are in an age of massively lower taxes.

What does the government have to do with the family unit?
Ever have the government take your kid off of you cause he walked home by himself from the park? Ever have the government try to teach your kid racism then call the FBI on you because you dared to object at a school board meeting to what was being forced down your kid's throat?

LOL telling me what I hate.
The same thing all Leftists hate: themselves. None of you are happy, like your country, and think everything must fundamentally change to suit you to cover up massive inferiority complexes.
Please explain to us (with supporting links) how Kamala is a "radical leftist".

ILMAO. No matter what I do to support that fact you're going to wake-up tomorrow same as you are today, a brainless coward victimization loving leftist.

The non-partisan GovTrack rated Harris as the most liberal U.S. Senator"

re-affirm its decision that public colleges and universities may consider race as one factor in admissions decisions

Harris has argued for treating "habitual and chronic truancy" among children in elementary school as a crime committed by the parents of truant children

Harris supports the creation of a government funding program to pay tuition and fees for students attending public colleges and universities for dependent students whose parents have income of $125,000 or less and independent students with incomes of $125,000 or less.

In March 2019, Harris told Jimmy Kimmel that she was open to discussing abolishing the Electoral College given that there was "no question that the popular vote has been diminished in terms of making the final decision about who's the president of the United States and we need to deal with that

Harris has expressed support for San Francisco's sanctuary city policy of not inquiring about immigration status in the process of a criminal investigation.

Which is why most people are not qualified to run a business, let alone a nation; yet these unqualified people can vote for the best welfare.
There are people in poorer areas who deny any improvements from local businesses and any monopoly institutions like colleges. It will upset the applecart of freebies. If a scent of gentrification starts the economy withing the economy will be affected and decline. The real Village.
ILMAO. No matter what I do to support that fact you're going to wake-up tomorrow same as you are today, a brainless coward victimization loving leftist.

The non-partisan GovTrack rated Harris as the most liberal U.S. Senator"

re-affirm its decision that public colleges and universities may consider race as one factor in admissions decisions

Harris has argued for treating "habitual and chronic truancy" among children in elementary school as a crime committed by the parents of truant children

Harris supports the creation of a government funding program to pay tuition and fees for students attending public colleges and universities for dependent students whose parents have income of $125,000 or less and independent students with incomes of $125,000 or less.

In March 2019, Harris told Jimmy Kimmel that she was open to discussing abolishing the Electoral College given that there was "no question that the popular vote has been diminished in terms of making the final decision about who's the president of the United States and we need to deal with that

Harris has expressed support for San Francisco's sanctuary city policy of not inquiring about immigration status in the process of a criminal investigation.

Yet you dont provide a link to govtrak showing kamala as most liberal senator.

I have zero problems with a few of those things you mentioned.
I would qualify that as "none of the swing Voters voted FOR Biden, they voted AGAINST Trump. That's where the buyers remorse is.

Maybe or probably. A lot of Obama voters swung over to vote for Trump. Not sure how many swung back. But you'd have to have your head pretty far up your ass to be living now in 2022 under Biden and think you are better off than in 2019 or 2020 with Trump.
Yet you dont provide a link to govtrak showing kamala as most liberal senator.

I have zero problems with a few of those things you mentioned.

Yet what I said first, no matter what you support her and everything else Democrat. All they need to do is pitch and you'll swear to it.
You've been convinced because you're stupid and you can't face reality that most of America hates Trump. We get it. You probably live in a neighborhood where everyone has 20 trump signs in their yard. So for people like you, it's difficult to see beyond your own little bubble.
Trump had better polling in office compared to Slo Joe and Trump had the press against him!!
81 million PROUD PROUD PROUD voters.

Way to go.

I'm jealous....I didn;'t vote for 81 million get to brag FOREVER that you chose to vote for Biden with you own freewill.

It's what makes AMerica great! The freedom to fuck yourself in the ass because you are fucking retarded.
I'm so glad you're pissed. Get madder.

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