Biden Says He Would Support Moving All-Star Game Over Georgia Voting Law

We get it, think and do as we do or else.
Nope...Stupidity and racism have no place in Georgia....and neither does the MLB All Star Game. I wonder how many trump humpers will refuse to watch baseball now? WHHAAAAA WHAAAA....they will whine like the Liar in Chief did when Biden beat his fat ars.

Wha hahaha!
Watch as MLB goes broke.
Question for Synthaholic , since New York still has more restrictive voting laws than the new Georgia law, will the MLB and every other pro sports league move their games out of New York?

Shame - allowing sports to be a political tool. Using this as a barometer I cannot think of a state that should be allowed to host the All-Star game.
GA fixes election fraud and Leftists protest. Amazing

There was nothing to fix. The vote was counted three times. Once by hand. There was no fraud. Only butthurt. And now the real problem is being dealt with. And after HR 1 is signed into law, that problem will be fixed permanently.
Its sad that it came to this but economics is the only language that resonates with the right wing.
The right wing won't be losing any money. The MLB will. The businesses will. They are punishing Americans and they will not forget.
Its sad that it came to this but economics is the only language that resonates with the right wing.
The right wing won't be losing any money. The MLB will. The businesses will. They are punishing Americans and they will not forget.

Right wingers don't own businesses?'re stupid.
They do. People react badly to abuse and intimidation. Keep it up. In the long run the Right will make out like a bandit.
Once AGAIN I noted in my OP that it hurts the city, and that that is unfortunate.

Look at the title of your OP. You take delight in it.

You can try that tripe with someone else, but just not me.

Generally if somebody starts a thread title with the word "Bwahaha" you can pretty much bank on the fact that they're getting a gaggle of giggles out of it, sure.

It looks like this :113::happy-1:

But as you said let's look at my title in full. It says "MLB pulls ASG out of Georgia". It does not say "MLB pulls ASG out of Atlanta". That word choice was, as always, intentional.

You are splitting hairs, Pogo. One only employs such an argumentative practice when their position is weak and indefensible.

I quoted myself DIRECTLY. And accurately. Doesn't get much stronger than that.

But you aren't defending your point. Which makes what you did or did not say in regards to the game's location, meaningless in the grand scheme of this discussion.

I like how you are trying to shift this discussion elsewhere, away from the subject matter in your own post.

You don't seem to care if this hurts African-American business owners in Atlanta, where the actual game would have been played.

You actually need me to tell you, for the FOURTH TIME, that I made that point ALREADY in my OP??


I wouldn't be hitting my head that hard if I were you.

I made the point that the inclusion of "Bwahaha" indicates you took joy in that decision. I wonder who brought up the location?

It wasn't me.

Actually it was. Post 122 if not earlier. The one where you claimed I'd "forgotten" about Atlanta.

Again, the thread title doesn't say "Atlanta". The thread title says "Georgia". The thread title says "Georgia" rather than "Atlanta" deliberately. Because the MLB move is in response to what Georgia did, not to what Atlanta did.

There you go again. It doesn't matter whether you said "Atlanta" or "Georgia."

I am taking issue with how this hurts the African American business owners of Atlanta, not with where the game is (or was) being played. I take issue with you showing apparent delight with this decision, not considering the greater ramifications it has on the people who would have benefited directly from the influx of revenue the ASG would have brought them, namely the minority business owners living in the city of Atlanta.

Specificity is something you don't seem to grasp very well at the moment.

I got cher specifics right here pal....

Once AGAIN it DOES matter whether I said "Atlanta" or "Georgia" --- I knew that before I typed it, which is why I typed "Georgia" and not "Atlanta". Atlanta didn't pass any voter suppression city ordinances far as I know and that's not what MLB reacted to; the STATE law is. That's why I specifically wrote "Georgia" and not "Atlanta" in my OP ---- which I see has now been mergerated into some previous thread I didn't know existed. Who knew anyone actually used the redundant "Breaking News" forum. :dunno: Anyway YOU are the guy who keeps trying to shift that into "Atlanta", as if no other place in Georgia is affected, and specifically workers there, and specifically black workers. I didn't do that. So there's your specificity. As I also wrote in that OP, actions have consequences. "Consequences" is plural. Your specifically black workers in specific Atlanta are part of those consequences.

Meanwhile between trying to navigate and read back the new merged thread I noticed it was gathering darkness and I knew my temps are going to the teens tonight and that means chopping wood, and that means breaking out the axes that were stowed out in the shed in the mistaken belief that we were done with all that until next winter, and that means trudging out to the shed which is 13 miles uphill both ways in the snow.
GA fixes election fraud and Leftists protest. Amazing

There was nothing to fix. The vote was counted three times. Once by hand. There was no fraud. Only butthurt. And now the real problem is being dealt with. And after HR 1 is signed into law, that problem will be fixed permanently.

Speaking of butt still like it in the ass right Ca*l? Not one court listened to the evidence.
Legislation has consequences.

But go further
Move the Braves games out of Georgia.
Block MLB tv coverage in Georgia
Then we talk about the NFL, College Football, NBA...

MLB-TV already blacks out the Braves' "market area" which, since it includes me in North Cackalackee, I'm sure includes all over Georgia.

MLB sucks that way. I can't view any game that involves either Atlanta or, strangely, Cincinnati.
MLB just did the equivalent of laying down for the national anthem. What the hell makes them think they are the voting police. It's obvious they don't know shit about it. And we should all take the time to welcome one of the countries greatest racists, Lebron James, to MLB. There goes the neighborhood. Fuck MLB

Bizzaro post, considering that one of baseball's many sins is that it's responsible for bringing that national anthem (actually it wasn't the national anthem yet at the time) INTO public sporting events where it had no business being. That was during the WWI jingoism hysteria. The same hysteria that would rip Dachshunds from their owners and stone them to death on the street simply because "Dachshund" is a German word. The same jingoist mob mentality that sentenced Earnest Starr to 10 to 20 hard labor for refusing a jingo-mob's demand that he kiss a flag.
Don't you think you're trying to extend this jingoism stuff a little too far? Or are you just trying to exhibit your superior historical knowledge of jingoism? Either way, MLB has no business in voting

EVERYTHING in history has a context. Nothing just happens out of nothing. So no I'm in no way 'ashamed" to know what that context is, if that's what Cult of Ignorance wants. Fuck Cult of Ignorance. Ignorance is Stupid.

I agree, MLB has no business in voting. But ---- its fan base does.

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