Biden Says He’ll Create A Committee To “Reform The Court System”

Democrats hate America.

Reform = Do away with it entirely in favor of a system of kangaroo courts with predetermined levels of guilt before the sham trials commence.

Rather like their impeachment charade.

Maybe that is an opportunity. If you don´t go to jail for 10 years for smoking a joint, you are not going to leave it as a felon.
Maybe that is an opportunity. If you don´t go to jail for 10 years for smoking a joint, you are not going to leave it as a felon.

Joe Biden is responsible for someone smoking a joint going to jail for years but making it possible for a crack-head to get a $50,000 per month company Board Member job in Ukraine while collecting $1.5 BILLION from the Chinese for their 'company's investment opportunities'.

Democrats hate America.

Reform = Do away with it entirely in favor of a system of kangaroo courts with predetermined levels of guilt before the sham trials commence.

Rather like their impeachment charade.

Ah, Joe? You're the guy who wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime bill a couple of decades that put thousands of blacks into federal prisons. Now you want to appoint a committee to reform what it is that YOU fucked up? Gotta love liberals! Their answer to government that hurts people is MORE government!
Democrats hate America.

Reform = Do away with it entirely in favor of a system of kangaroo courts with predetermined levels of guilt before the sham trials commence.

Rather like their impeachment charade.

Maybe that is an opportunity. If you don´t go to jail for 10 years for smoking a joint, you are not going to leave it as a felon.

Courts uphold law, they don’t create it.
"Reform the court system" is Bidenspeak for "I'll pack the court to the gills with young Far Left stooges so we can run this country any way we want to". Once the Dems abolish the filibuster if they take the Senate and "Reform" the courts, the America we grew up in will be gone.

" Courts uphold law, they don’t create it. "

That's the way it is supposed to be. But after Joe reforms it the court system will be filled with left-wing activists.
"Reform the court system" is Bidenspeak for "I'll pack the court to the gills with young Far Left stooges so we can run this country any way we want to". Once the Dems abolish the filibuster if they take the Senate and "Reform" the courts, the America we grew up in will be gone.
Joe will put AOC on the Court.
Democrats hate America.

Reform = Do away with it entirely in favor of a system of kangaroo courts with predetermined levels of guilt before the sham trials commence.

Rather like their impeachment charade.

Maybe that is an opportunity. If you don´t go to jail for 10 years for smoking a joint, you are not going to leave it as a felon.

Courts uphold law, they don’t create it.

When its about the way they do it, big changes can come. You don´t want to sit in front of a judge who is in the pocket of CoreCivic. Just see what their red stripes are all about.
"Reform the court system" is Bidenspeak for "I'll pack the court to the gills with young Far Left stooges so we can run this country any way we want to". Once the Dems abolish the filibuster if they take the Senate and "Reform" the courts, the America we grew up in will be gone.
Joe will put AOC on the Court.

Obama too.
Now we are going to experience the "shithole" mentality. Sell out politicians/media/entertainers committing national hari kari in the name of social justice.
Democrats hate America.

Reform = Do away with it entirely in favor of a system of kangaroo courts with predetermined levels of guilt before the sham trials commence.

Rather like their impeachment charade.

Maybe that is an opportunity. If you don´t go to jail for 10 years for smoking a joint, you are not going to leave it as a felon.

Courts uphold law, they don’t create it.

When its about the way they do it, big changes can come. You don´t want to sit in front of a judge who is in the pocket of CoreCivic. Just see what their red stripes are all about.

The law is the law.
Democrats hate America.

Reform = Do away with it entirely in favor of a system of kangaroo courts with predetermined levels of guilt before the sham trials commence.

Rather like their impeachment charade.

Instead of condemning the far left extremists, Biden bows to them.

They are probably very excited about the news about how pedo inclusive Biden is.
Democrats hate America.

Reform = Do away with it entirely in favor of a system of kangaroo courts with predetermined levels of guilt before the sham trials commence.

Rather like their impeachment charade.

Maybe that is an opportunity. If you don´t go to jail for 10 years for smoking a joint, you are not going to leave it as a felon.

Courts uphold law, they don’t create it.

When its about the way they do it, big changes can come. You don´t want to sit in front of a judge who is in the pocket of CoreCivic. Just see what their red stripes are all about.

The law is the law.

Its not that simple. You have to punish a crime but considering various circumstances gives a huge leverage.
Democrats hate America.

Reform = Do away with it entirely in favor of a system of kangaroo courts with predetermined levels of guilt before the sham trials commence.

Rather like their impeachment charade.

Democrats will fundamentally transform the courts into something completely different like the rest of the country

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