Biden says he'll raise all the money needed by taxing anyone making over $400,000 a year.

..they already pay MORE than their share
MORE taxes is going to kill the US
Class Warfare: 'The 'rich' who have more than you need to have their money taken and given to you.....everyone should make / have the same....the incentive for no one to work....socialism.

COME TO THE DARK SIDE Poster | Beth Shackel | Keep Calm-o-Matic
"...we have free shit."

Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share!
....that's STUPID---how about we pay ditch diggers the same as the BLACK NBA players?
..they already pay MORE than their share
MORE taxes is going to kill the US
Class Warfare: 'The 'rich' who have more than you need to have their money taken and given to you.....everyone should make / have the same....the incentive for no one to work....socialism.

COME TO THE DARK SIDE Poster | Beth Shackel | Keep Calm-o-Matic
"...we have free shit."

Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share!
how about we pay McDs workers the same as the BLACK NFL jackasses?
Biden should 1st acknowledge the existence of his grandson and get his millionaire adulterous deadbeat dad son to pay the child support he owes for the care of his illegitimate son.

THEN he can talk to me about other Americans paying THEIR 'fair share'.


He is paying child support...

You prefer Trump who likes them to get abortions...
There will be no problem since he can promise that GDP growth will be 5% a year...

So how does Biden pay for it...

Reverse the Trump tax cut for rich and corporates... $1.5 trillion
Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion.

Borrow infrastruction expense and pay off over increased production (Capital expendeture)... $1.3 trillion

Education pays off in increased tax revenue. It also drives an economy...

Housing plan will also drive economic activity in the construction market... Homeless are expensive cost on a city...

Combating opioid epidemic: Borrow the money, Cutting funding to poor will just make this worse...

This is all better than ploughing the money in to hole in the dessert. $2.4 billion.

You wrote: Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion How do you figure that? YOU have NOTHING to prove your statement. JUST a guess... I ON the other hand have a link... follow the link!

the government estimates that raising the tax rate on this small group will raise about $600 billion in new revenues over the next decade.

Whats 400 billion, we are getting 5% growth and I don't have to defend that...
OK... The GDP growing at 5% would be on top of the GDP in 2020 of $21.9 Trillion.
So that means for your simple mind.. 5% times $21.9 Trillion or $1.095 trillion. So I suppose DUMMIES like you think then all of that is
after expenses...WRONG dummy!
Lets assume that before taxes and after expenses the GDP net is For example, retail stores want to have a 50% gross margin to cover costs of distribution plus return on investment.
So applying that to the entire GDP means Net before taxes and after expenses at 50% the GDP supposedly $1.095 trillion growth then that is $ 547.5 Billion. again before taxes. So to get the $400 billion you so blithely throw around means TAXES JUST on the 5% growth would take almost all the growth! So why would anyone do anything to throw another $400 billion down the drain!
Again... dummies like you really don't know ANYTHING about operating expenses, financially speaking you are truly ignorant.
Here is a simple sheet to show you why the MINIMUM wage of $15 is so stupid nationally. Now I can see it some places BUT not nationally!
You tell me how increasing the labor costs by double to 30% would keep eating places in business!
There will be no problem since he can promise that GDP growth will be 5% a year...

So how does Biden pay for it...

Reverse the Trump tax cut for rich and corporates... $1.5 trillion
Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion.

Borrow infrastruction expense and pay off over increased production (Capital expendeture)... $1.3 trillion

Education pays off in increased tax revenue. It also drives an economy...

Housing plan will also drive economic activity in the construction market... Homeless are expensive cost on a city...

Combating opioid epidemic: Borrow the money, Cutting funding to poor will just make this worse...

This is all better than ploughing the money in to hole in the dessert. $2.4 billion.

You wrote: Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion How do you figure that? YOU have NOTHING to prove your statement. JUST a guess... I ON the other hand have a link... follow the link!

the government estimates that raising the tax rate on this small group will raise about $600 billion in new revenues over the next decade.
The Poor are a larger group. Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay enough in taxes.
Here is a simple example of what raising the minimum wage means IF YOU owned a restaurant.
Note the 2nd largest % of revenue (gross sales) is salaries and wages..@ 15.1%
So if the salaries/wages go up just 5%... there is no profit...therefore no business!
View attachment 379079

So? Increase the cost of the meals or do you think that people will stop eating at restaurants?
There will be no problem since he can promise that GDP growth will be 5% a year...

So how does Biden pay for it...

Reverse the Trump tax cut for rich and corporates... $1.5 trillion
Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion.

Borrow infrastruction expense and pay off over increased production (Capital expendeture)... $1.3 trillion

Education pays off in increased tax revenue. It also drives an economy...

Housing plan will also drive economic activity in the construction market... Homeless are expensive cost on a city...

Combating opioid epidemic: Borrow the money, Cutting funding to poor will just make this worse...

This is all better than ploughing the money in to hole in the dessert. $2.4 billion.

You wrote: Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion How do you figure that? YOU have NOTHING to prove your statement. JUST a guess... I ON the other hand have a link... follow the link!

the government estimates that raising the tax rate on this small group will raise about $600 billion in new revenues over the next decade.
The Poor are a larger group. Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay enough in taxes.
Here is a simple example of what raising the minimum wage means IF YOU owned a restaurant.
Note the 2nd largest % of revenue (gross sales) is salaries and wages..@ 15.1%
So if the salaries/wages go up just 5%... there is no profit...therefore no business!
View attachment 379079
lol. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics. Labor costs are only 3.6 percent in your own list.
NO YOU dummy!
So if the salary and wages are doubled... then dummy Labor costs will become 30% not 15.1% from that list
MORE proof dummy which you evidently don't know how to use the internet to find out FACTS!!!

the average labor cost generated by front- and back-of-the-house positions across all restaurant categories comprises 30.5 percent of sales revenue What Is Normal for a Restaurant's Labor Cost Percentage?

Restaurateurs commonly aim to keep labor costs between 20% and 30% of gross revenue.

Restaurants whose average ticket totals between $15 and $25 typically spend 33.2 percent of gross sales on labor expenses.

Last edited:
There will be no problem since he can promise that GDP growth will be 5% a year...

So how does Biden pay for it...

Reverse the Trump tax cut for rich and corporates... $1.5 trillion
Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion.

Borrow infrastruction expense and pay off over increased production (Capital expendeture)... $1.3 trillion

Education pays off in increased tax revenue. It also drives an economy...

Housing plan will also drive economic activity in the construction market... Homeless are expensive cost on a city...

Combating opioid epidemic: Borrow the money, Cutting funding to poor will just make this worse...

This is all better than ploughing the money in to hole in the dessert. $2.4 billion.

You wrote: Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion How do you figure that? YOU have NOTHING to prove your statement. JUST a guess... I ON the other hand have a link... follow the link!

the government estimates that raising the tax rate on this small group will raise about $600 billion in new revenues over the next decade.
The Poor are a larger group. Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay enough in taxes.
You are economically illiterate.

Enjoy your $25 Big Macs.
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics, the law, morals or politics. Right wing fantasy is all you have.
Inflation would be less than five percent. And, wages should outpace inflation, regardless.
Thanks for confirming your economic illiteracy.
Holeeee shiiiiit!

You mean to tell me the key to a successful socialist nation that gives free everything to everyone is just taxing those making 400k or more? There’s no negative economic impact, as a matter of fact it will cause a boom economy.

This whole damn time it was that easy. I bet Venezuela, Cuba etc all feel pretty dumb right now.
There will be no problem since he can promise that GDP growth will be 5% a year...

So how does Biden pay for it...

Reverse the Trump tax cut for rich and corporates... $1.5 trillion
Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion.

Borrow infrastruction expense and pay off over increased production (Capital expendeture)... $1.3 trillion

Education pays off in increased tax revenue. It also drives an economy...

Housing plan will also drive economic activity in the construction market... Homeless are expensive cost on a city...

Combating opioid epidemic: Borrow the money, Cutting funding to poor will just make this worse...

This is all better than ploughing the money in to hole in the dessert. $2.4 billion.

You wrote: Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion How do you figure that? YOU have NOTHING to prove your statement. JUST a guess... I ON the other hand have a link... follow the link!

the government estimates that raising the tax rate on this small group will raise about $600 billion in new revenues over the next decade.
The Poor are a larger group. Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay enough in taxes.
Here is a simple example of what raising the minimum wage means IF YOU owned a restaurant.
Note the 2nd largest % of revenue (gross sales) is salaries and wages..@ 15.1%
So if the salaries/wages go up just 5%... there is no profit...therefore no business!
View attachment 379079

So? Increase the cost of the meals or do you think that people will stop eating at restaurants?
You are the owner of a restaurant. You have choice. Raise food prices or do this?
Make the decision because the chances of keeping 100% of your regular customers if you raise the prices 25% to cover the cost of minimum wage. Or this. Which would you prefer?
Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 5.43.44 PM.png
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
What? That might be the most clueless post of the day! People that make minimum wage don't pay Federal taxes, Daniel! So you think you can raise their wages to the point where they do and that will fix the deficit problem? You don't really know much about you?
Why don't you learn simple English and then respond? They would be paying taxes if you raise the wage enough. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics, the law, morals, or politics. Right Wing fantasy is all they seem to know and understand.

So you're going to give them more money in order to take it away? That works in your economic model? Do yourself a Thomas Sowell's book on economics...specifically the chapter on minimum wage policy.
Simple math, right wingers. Even more difficult than simple English, right wingers.
Never took a single Economic class...did you, Daniel?
And so idiots like those of you supporting a $15.00 minimum wage just don't understand.... way to destroy people's lives!
This is a peculiar and challenging time for us all. But no other industry is suffering more than our restaurant industry. “The economy stands to lose 4% of GDP without immediate assistance to local restaurants,” notes theIndependent Restaurant Coalition. Luckily, the industry is full of creative, imaginative individuals who are pivoting to meet the needs of our current crisis.
..they already pay MORE than their share
MORE taxes is going to kill the US
Class Warfare: 'The 'rich' who have more than you need to have their money taken and given to you.....everyone should make / have the same....the incentive for no one to work....socialism.

COME TO THE DARK SIDE Poster | Beth Shackel | Keep Calm-o-Matic
"...we have free shit."

Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share!
I'd almost like to see the left try this just to hear the HOWLS of indignation when the POOR get a bill in the mail from the IRS for the taxes they owe!
There will be no problem since he can promise that GDP growth will be 5% a year...

So how does Biden pay for it...

Reverse the Trump tax cut for rich and corporates... $1.5 trillion
Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion.

Borrow infrastruction expense and pay off over increased production (Capital expendeture)... $1.3 trillion

Education pays off in increased tax revenue. It also drives an economy...

Housing plan will also drive economic activity in the construction market... Homeless are expensive cost on a city...

Combating opioid epidemic: Borrow the money, Cutting funding to poor will just make this worse...

This is all better than ploughing the money in to hole in the dessert. $2.4 billion.

You wrote: Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion How do you figure that? YOU have NOTHING to prove your statement. JUST a guess... I ON the other hand have a link... follow the link!

the government estimates that raising the tax rate on this small group will raise about $600 billion in new revenues over the next decade.
The Poor are a larger group. Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay enough in taxes.
Here is a simple example of what raising the minimum wage means IF YOU owned a restaurant.
Note the 2nd largest % of revenue (gross sales) is salaries and wages..@ 15.1%
So if the salaries/wages go up just 5%... there is no profit...therefore no business!
View attachment 379079

So? Increase the cost of the meals or do you think that people will stop eating at restaurants?
You are the owner of a restaurant. You have choice. Raise food prices or do this?
Make the decision because the chances of keeping 100% of your regular customers if you raise the prices 25% to cover the cost of minimum wage. Or this. Which would you prefer?
View attachment 379197
Went to Red Robbin for lunch. Placed my order and paid through basically a bottom of the line $100 IPad. The only person that came by filled my Coke back up. You just aren’t going to get 15 bucks an hour to do that job. It’s not going to happen.
..they already pay MORE than their share
MORE taxes is going to kill the US
Class Warfare: 'The 'rich' who have more than you need to have their money taken and given to you.....everyone should make / have the same....the incentive for no one to work....socialism.

COME TO THE DARK SIDE Poster | Beth Shackel | Keep Calm-o-Matic
"...we have free shit."

Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share!
Now, now, don't start that whole thing back up again, Daniel. You've been taken to school so many times they don't even have to write your name down.
..they already pay MORE than their share
MORE taxes is going to kill the US
Class Warfare: 'The 'rich' who have more than you need to have their money taken and given to you.....everyone should make / have the same....the incentive for no one to work....socialism.

COME TO THE DARK SIDE Poster | Beth Shackel | Keep Calm-o-Matic
"...we have free shit."

Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share!
....that's STUPID---how about we pay ditch diggers the same as the BLACK NBA players?
Projecting much, right winger. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
..they already pay MORE than their share
MORE taxes is going to kill the US
Class Warfare: 'The 'rich' who have more than you need to have their money taken and given to you.....everyone should make / have the same....the incentive for no one to work....socialism.

COME TO THE DARK SIDE Poster | Beth Shackel | Keep Calm-o-Matic
"...we have free shit."

Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share!
how about we pay McDs workers the same as the BLACK NFL jackasses?
lol. Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful.
..they already pay MORE than their share
MORE taxes is going to kill the US
The Poor don't pay enough in taxes and need their wages raised.
the poor are stupid and deserve NOTHING
You Are the Problem, right wingers.
You Are the Problem, left wingers.
We actually understand our Constitution, unlike the clueless and Causeless, right wing.

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