Biden Says The US Has Israel's Back, Make No Mistake

Weapons are quickly becoming our major export as we produce less and less consumer goods for the world market. We are even selling our advanced weapon systems to other nations. I believe the F 35 is sold to foreign nations because of the massive costs and lead time to produce it. It also keeps people employed and it still has issues.

Biden Says The US Has Israel's Back, Make No Mistake​

Darn Tootin'. Joe is on the way to back you up!

In the past we could question it. We depend on nonexistent technologies that have long lead times to develop. The military/industrial complex may have cost us fifty naval ships or so or more that we desperately need alone.
Should have kept us in there and had an orderly withdrawl, gotten our equipment out and not let the Taliban take over the country, even if it took years. What Trump did was unimportant.
So Biden should have redeployed thousands of the troops Trump had just withdrew and cancelled the agreement Trump made while also take ng back the equipment we had given to the afghans?

That is an unusual opinion from a Trump supporter.

Oh, and what Trump did was important. He could have been doing what you suggested.
Hahaha,. WTF do you mean? There very little left of the Accords to follow. The Kitchen had been given away to the Taliban, sink and all. Continue the truce and get the skeleton crew out. Unless you think Joe should have redeployed tens of thousands of fresh bodies to go back to war with the Taliban to fix all of the Trumpyberra's fuck ups?
Cry more, Simp.

No thinking person is buying your bullshit ploy to blame Trump for Tater's debacle.
What would you have done, or what do you think Biden should have done, as president with 2500 troops and a May deadline to remove those troops and 80 million dollars of left behind equipment?
The exact opposite of everything the moron Biden did.

For starters:

  • Not abandon Bagram AFB in favor of the death trap he used to bug out.
  • Control Bagram until all Americans were evacuated, like Tater promised.
  • Continue to use Bagram as a base for intel using drones, and airstrikes on the Taliban if they got out of line.
  • If the Afghan forces started to fold, which would have been unlikely if we used air power to keep the Taliban down, tell them to leave the shit in the desert and we go blow it up so it doesn't end up in the Taliban's hands.

Instead, your Vegetable Messiah ignored his military leaders, set a dumbass bug out date of 9/11 purely for symbolic reasons, and ended up getting Americans killed and left behind.

Trump didn't force the moron to ignore his military leaders. Trump didn't force him to abandon Bagram. Trump didn't force him to use the downtown death trap airport to flee the country.

Biden owns this clusyerfuck 100%. Step outside your Cult long enough to get a dose of reality, Simp.
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The exact opposite of everything the moron Biden did.

For starters:

  • Not abandon Bagram AFB in favor of the death trap he used to bug out.
  • Control Bagram until all Americans were evacuated, like Tater promised.

Americans were warned for months ahead of the evacuation and they didn't leave.

So you want to risk soldiers life's to rescue people who refused to evacuate when requested? You don't like our military members much do you?

  • Continue to use Bagram as a base for intel using drones, and airstrikes on the Taliban if they got out of line.
  • If the Afghan forces started to fold, which would have been unlikely if we used air power to keep the Taliban down, tell them to leave the shit in the desert and we go blow it up so it doesn't end up in the Taliban's hands.

Instead, your Vegetable Messiah ignored his military leaders, set a dumbass bug out date of 9/11 purely for symbolic reasons, and ended up getting Americans killed and left behind.

Biden did everything the Pentagon recommended liar after conveying his desire to fullfil Trump's agreement. Bagram was deserted because their was not enough troops to hold it any longer.

"One of the most crucial decisions involved handing over Bagram Air Base to the Afghans as the last step of the withdrawal once U.S. forces were so depleted that they could no longer reasonably secure what had been the hub of the American military effort there for the past 20 years."

Trump didn't force the moron to ignore his military leaders. Trump didn't force him to abandon Bagram. Trump didn't force him to use the downtown death trap airport to flee the country.

He didn't ignore his military leaders. He pushed to carry out the agreement Trump made with the Taliban after releasing 1000s of Taliban soldiers.

Biden owns this clusyerfuck 100%. Step outside your Cult long enough to get a dose of reality, Simp.
Biden owns it and mistake were likely made but ultimately Trump left the equipment there as he withdrew troops to 2500.
Americans were warned for months ahead of the evacuation and they didn't leave.

So you want to risk soldiers life's to rescue people who refused to evacuate when requested? You don't like our military members much do you?

Biden did everything the Pentagon recommended liar after conveying his desire to fullfil Trump's agreement. Bagram was deserted because their was not enough troops to hold it any longer.

"One of the most crucial decisions involved handing over Bagram Air Base to the Afghans as the last step of the withdrawal once U.S. forces were so depleted that they could no longer reasonably secure what had been the hub of the American military effort there for the past 20 years."

He didn't ignore his military leaders. He pushed to carry out the agreement Trump made with the Taliban after releasing 1000s of Taliban soldiers.

Biden owns it and mistake were likely made but ultimately Trump left the equipment there as he withdrew troops to 2500.
Nothing but lies and bullshit in your post.

Really pathetic.
Biden said during his speech that he was “directing my team to share intelligence and deploy additional experts from across the United States government to consult with and advise Israeli counterparts on hostage recovery efforts.
This is why Trump should be allowed to keep intelligence documents even after he leaves the White House. Trump could be helping Israel with that information.
So going back to war with the Taliban, which would result in many more troops KIA. Withdrawing 80% of our troops and abandoning 5 bases, while the required peace talks never started was somehow unimportant? You believe that? Really?
What happened was terrorists took over Afghanistan, which gave Russia the incentive to invade Ukraine, which gave Hamas the incentive to attack Israel.
Incredibly dishonest Democrats need to let Americans help themselves. Get out of the way
Every thing they do to "help Americans" makes things worse. That's why liberal Demland California has turned into a shithole state and big blue cities are shithole cities.
What would you have done, or what do you think Biden should have done, as president with 2500 troops and a May deadline to remove those troops and 80 million dollars of left behind equipment?
You said yourself Biden extended the deadline from May. He could have extended it further.
So Biden should have redeployed thousands of the troops Trump had just withdrew and cancelled the agreement Trump made while also take ng back the equipment we had given to the afghans?

That is an unusual opinion from a Trump supporter.

Oh, and what Trump did was important. He could have been doing what you suggested.
Things didn't get bad until Biden withdrew more troops too quickly.

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