Biden Says The US Has Israel's Back, Make No Mistake

This has nothing to do with Trump. Biden let Afghanistan fall to terrorists and left our equipment behind. It was on his watch.
The terrorist who Trump negotiated with? We gave that equipment to the Afghanis. Why do you think the best military in the world wouldn't degrade the equipment we wouldn't take with us? You know the Generals testified under oath about their evacuation plan right? Most all of the Doha Accords were implemented well before Joe Biden won the election. He could have redeployed tens of thousand fresh troops to fix all of Donald screw ups, but that would mean a lot more KIA. He made the right choice. We never should have tried nation building in Afghanistan.
The terrorist who Trump negotiated with? We gave that equipment to the Afghanis. Why do you think the best military in the world wouldn't degrade the equipment we wouldn't take with us? You know the Generals testified under oath about their evacuation plan right? Most all of the Doha Accords were implemented well before Joe Biden won the election. He could have redeployed tens of thousand fresh troops to fix all of Donald screw ups, but that would mean a lot more KIA. He made the right choice. We never should have tried nation building in Afghanistan.
Zero American deaths in the final 18 months Trump was in office during the drawdown.

Then Tater came in and does what Tater does……fucked things up.
Dementia Biden can't remember when he last changed his diaper. How can we expect this IDIOT to keep us safe? Well you already saw what he has done so far, for everyone BUT this country!
Zero American deaths in the final 18 months Trump was in office during the drawdown.

Then Tater came in and does what Tater does……fucked things up.
You guys love you some American killing ISIS suicide bombers don'tcha? Wasn't stopping ISIS and other terrorist groups one of the conditions of the Doha Accords that Benedict Donald allowed the Taliban to ignore. To be fair, which you don't deserve, it is awful hard to stop a Suicide Bomber on a mission, so we'll never know if it could have been stopped by the Taliban even if they tried. Kabul is a big place.

Grand Total: 2,456
Yes, it does change things. If it was a treaty Tater would have been bound to follow it.

It wasn’t, and he didn’t. His decisions resulted in the clusterfuck.
Hahaha,. WTF do you mean? There very little left of the Accords to follow. The Kitchen had been given away to the Taliban, sink and all. Continue the truce and get the skeleton crew out. Unless you think Joe should have redeployed tens of thousands of fresh bodies to go back to war with the Taliban to fix all of the Trumpyberra's fuck ups?
This makes FOUR different carrier strike groups in the Med.....two from the US alone.

The terrorist who Trump negotiated with? We gave that equipment to the Afghanis. Why do you think the best military in the world wouldn't degrade the equipment we wouldn't take with us? You know the Generals testified under oath about their evacuation plan right? Most all of the Doha Accords were implemented well before Joe Biden won the election. He could have redeployed tens of thousand fresh troops to fix all of Donald screw ups, but that would mean a lot more KIA. He made the right choice. We never should have tried nation building in Afghanistan.
Well, looking back on it, we VERY OBVIOUSLY did NOT make the right choice. Afghan is now a terrorist country, it encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine, and now our left behind military equipment is going to Hamas and Hezbollah.
Should have kept us in there and had an orderly withdrawl, gotten our equipment out and not let the Taliban take over the country, even if it took years. What Trump did was unimportant.
So going back to war with the Taliban, which would result in many more troops KIA. Withdrawing 80% of our troops and abandoning 5 bases, while the required peace talks never started was somehow unimportant? You believe that? Really?
Well, looking back on it, we VERY OBVIOUSLY did NOT make the right choice. Afghan is now a terrorist country, it encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine, and now our left behind military equipment is going to Hamas and Hezbollah.
We never learn. Vietnam was selling Iran spare US parts for their US made military, while we supported Iraq with Soviet parts for their Soviet made military. Russia had already invaded Ukraine and was occupying Crimea. We are the worlds leading manufacturer and exporter of weapons, so is it really surprising? Of course it was the weapons we gave to the Afghanis to defend themselves with right?
So going back to war with the Taliban, which would result in many more troops KIA. Withdrawing 80% of our troops and abandoning 5 bases, while the required peace talks never started was somehow unimportant? You believe that? Really?
It's better than what ultimately happened, Afghanistan turning right back over to being a terrorist country, which encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine, and now we have the Israeli thing going on, not to mention all of the world wide inflation this has caused. We spent years and billions of dollars to bring democracy to Afghanistan along with women's rights and then we just packed up and left them to become worse off than they had originally been.
"This is a moment for the United States to come together and grieve with those who are mourning," Biden said, adding that "the United States has Israel's back. Make no mistake."

But, I can't help but think, what about us? We've got 14 American citizens dead and possibly around 20 taken as hostages and Biden says we have Israel's back? What about OUR back? Biden won't even say that we have OUR back? We're just going to suck up the fact that we have 14 dead and around 20 taken hostage and Biden says we are going to support Israel? When is Biden going to support the US? What are WE going to do about it? Or, are we just going to support Israel and forget about American citizens murdered and taken hostage?
It's better than what ultimately happened, Afghanistan turning right back over to being a terrorist country, which encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine, and now we have the Israeli thing going on, not to mention all of the world wide inflation this has caused. We spent years and billions of dollars to bring democracy to Afghanistan along with women's rights and then we just packed up and left them to become worse off than they had originally been.
How many more years, how many more deployed, and how many KIA?

"At the peak in 2011, we had 97,000 US troops alongside 41,000 NATO troops in Afghanistan. 10 years later when Ambassador Khalilzad signed the Doha agreement with Mullah Baradar on 29, February, 2020, United States at 12,600 US troops with 8,000 NATO and 10,500 contractors. This has been a 10 year multi administration draw down, not a 19 month or 19 day NEO."

Russia had already invaded Ukraine. The current turmoil in the ME between those two has been going on for over hundred years.
We never learn. Vietnam was selling Iran spare US parts for their US made military, while we supported Iraq with Soviet parts for their Soviet made military. Russia had already invaded Ukraine and was occupying Crimea. We are the worlds leading manufacturer and exporter of weapons, so is it really surprising? Of course it was the weapons we gave to the Afghanis to defend themselves with right?
Weapons are quickly becoming our major export as we produce less and less consumer goods for the world market. We are even selling our advanced weapon systems to other nations. I believe the F 35 is sold to foreign nations because of the massive costs and lead time to produce it. It also keeps people employed and it still has issues.

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