Biden Seals Covid Vaccines Safety Data Until 2026


Gold Member
May 1, 2024
Any democrat care to justify this? The covid vaccines have killed or horribly maimed god knows how many people. I have no sympathy for the americans who CHOSE to get the vax, but many people were FORCED to by Biden!!

President Joe Biden’s administration has sealed critical safety data related to Covid mRNA vaccines to ensure it is hidden from the American people until at least 2026.

In a motion filed with a district court, the Department of Justice (DOH) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reportedly requested for an 18-month stay concerning a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request lodged by America First Legal (AFL) and Just The News.

The FOIA request sought to obtain data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

According to the two agencies, an influx of pandemic-related FOIA requests is overwhelming the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
But according to the motion filed by the HHS and DOJ, the FDA has been dealing with FOIA requests amounting to “approximately 5.7 million pages of COVID-19 vaccine records in a compressed timeframe.”

Seems like every tom , dick , and harry wants to request data using FOIA

must be an election year and looking for dirt

Still Trump was president during the COVID -19 vaccine and he approved it.

I say let them go thru the paperwork and good luck as the paperwork is deep

stats are data have been released and are available.

Digging for dirt is a dirty job

Something to be gained from hiding it which is the prevention of Truth that would ignite a firestorm. It gives about a dozen people time to flee the country and set up in anonymity elsewhere
Trump is going to make big hay over this and topic is too hot and Biden damning to remain front page. Shunt off to a “medical” nowhere location upcoming
Any democrat care to justify this? The covid vaccines have killed or horribly maimed god knows how many people. I have no sympathy for the americans who CHOSE to get the vax, but many people were FORCED to by Biden!!

I bet Trump won't unseal it. Maybe Joe was just protecting Trump.

Any democrat care to justify this? The covid vaccines have killed or horribly maimed god knows how many people. I have no sympathy for the americans who CHOSE to get the vax, but many people were FORCED to by Biden!!

Democrats always DO the exact opposite of what they SAY. They claim to be transparent yet they stonewall, obfuscate, deceive and deflect. Covid records, Hunter's laptop, the Hur interview tape, Hillary's 33,000 deleted emails and destroyed hard drives, I could go on and on and on.
Operation warp speed was a Trump initiative that he approved.

Operation Warp Speed, a Trump administration initiative to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines as fast as possible, should be lauded as a successful endeavour in what has otherwise been a poor effort to deal with the coronavirus

So this was a trump administration initiative that Trump did claim credit for but rarely spoke about to his loyal audience.

Trump actually did get the shot and in 2021 he received a booster shot and his loyal audience were not pleased.

Any democrat care to justify this? The covid vaccines have killed or horribly maimed god knows how many people. I have no sympathy for the americans who CHOSE to get the vax, but many people were FORCED to by Biden!!

Hmmm, sounds like Bribem is pretty sure he won't be in office.
Trump just needs to keep campaigning, don't make any gaffs, go into a 4 corner stall and tell the dems to get stuffed on any future debates
The Dems know their only hope is for Trump to make a giant gaff for them to get back into this.
Any democrat care to justify this? The covid vaccines have killed or horribly maimed god knows how many people. I have no sympathy for the americans who CHOSE to get the vax, but many people were FORCED to by Biden!!

justify what ? That the source of this information is

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is publicly available and does not name names.​

False. The vaccines were announced a week AFTER the 2020 elections.

True. Stupid trump did support the vaccines, though not the mandatory jabs biden gave us.
Trump left office in Jan 2021

Thus he was the president in 2020

  • As president, Donald Trump expressed support for the COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination by touting their life-saving potential and saying they would be safe and available to all. In a Dec. 17 tweet, he explicitly said, "Get those ‘shots’ everyone!"

He got the vaccination himself.

Yet he kept quite because his base was not on board with it. So he played his supporters while actually getting the shot in 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews," Trump tweeted Dec. 17, one day before the Food and Drug Administration cleared a second vaccine for use. "Moving along really well. Get those ‘shots’ everyone!"

Most of the mandates were state initiated, municipalities initiated, or even private entities. None which had nothing to do with Biden.

Biden could only mandate for federal government authority. military , government employees, etc

So Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 vaccine mandates have been enacted by numerous states and municipalities in the United States, and also by private entities. In September 2021, President Joe Biden announced that the federal government would take steps to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for certain entities under the authority of the federal government or federal agencies. Most federal mandates thus imposed were either overturned through litigation, or withdrawn by the administration, although a mandate on health care workers in institutions receiving Medicare and Medicaid funds was upheld.
Trump left office in Jan 2021

Thus he was the president in 2020

  • As president, Donald Trump expressed support for the COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination by touting their life-saving potential and saying they would be safe and available to all. In a Dec. 17 tweet, he explicitly said, "Get those ‘shots’ everyone!"

He got the vaccination himself.

Yet he kept quite because his base was not on board with it. So he played his supporters while actually getting the shot in 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews," Trump tweeted Dec. 17, one day before the Food and Drug Administration cleared a second vaccine for use. "Moving along really well. Get those ‘shots’ everyone!"

Most of the mandates were state initiated, municipalities initiated, or even private entities. None which had nothing to do with Biden.

Biden could only mandate for federal government authority. military , government employees, etc

So Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 vaccine mandates have been enacted by numerous states and municipalities in the United States, and also by private entities. In September 2021, President Joe Biden announced that the federal government would take steps to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for certain entities under the authority of the federal government or federal agencies. Most federal mandates thus imposed were either overturned through litigation, or withdrawn by the administration, although a mandate on health care workers in institutions receiving Medicare and Medicaid funds was upheld.
Trump isn't the one covering up, Stupid.
Trump isn't the one covering up, Stupid.
Cover up what stupid.

The data is readily available to anyone is the point. Still it would require someone to be able to find it and have basic computer skills. Then you would have to watch out for the big words.

good luck
Biden can not do a thing, he is dying of dementia

It is democrats that did this. Biden is the scapegoat, Biden is who the democrats hide behind

He is and always has been since being president just a guy they put in place because he will say, do, and sign anything he is told to for the sake of his political and financial gain. That's it. He cares nothing about Americans or America, that's why they made him president.

And ultimately that's why his party and benefactors are far worse than he is. He is just a puppet doing the bidding of the true evil ones.

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