Biden Signs $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Into Law

Nobody said that except your lying propaganda heroes. But 83% of the tax break s went to the rich and the tax breaks for everyone else run out in 2024, then only the rich will get it. Quite the scam as always. Who cares about infrastructure or regular people anyway lol? Absolute GOP idiocy....RemainCalm It is an insult against the entire GOP. Pure missininformation for the base....
So we are done.
Sorry idiot. The Washington Compost is not a relight leaning paper. THEY said Schumer lied and that 80% of Americans saw a tax break. But you don’t care about things like the truth. If your precious Dems cared about the middle class, why do they want to raise their taxes and cut taxes on the rich by reinstating the SALT deductions in full?
No nobody is arguing with that for crying out loud. But 83% of the tax cut money went to the rich and in 2 years the tax cuts for regular people run out while the ones for the rich go on. The usual scam. Snap out of it. Lol
It had nothing to do with "infrastructure". It was raid on the treasury to fund Left Wing stupidity.

Why are we spending money like that when are already $30 trillion in debt?

Why aren't we cutting back on spending instead of going further in debt?

Are the Democrats and the few weak minded Republicans that helped them fucking idiots?
STATEMENT: It had nothing to do with "infrastructure". It was raid on the treasury to fund Left Wing stupidity.

RESPONSE: You're really stupid if you believe everything you post. There is no reason to debate you, or to even to post a rebuttal to such a stupid asshole you are. Yet don't feel too bad, there are other stupid assholes who are in your set, it's known as the Idiot Fringe.
The Dems can make those breaks permanent. Why don't they?
STATEMENT: "The Dems can make those breaks permanent. Why don't they?"

RESPONSE: Because nitwit, the difference between the middle classes and working poor (the masses who are the consumers in large numbers) will continue to pay greater SALT and Fees annually; the top 5% will continue to be elected by fools; then grifters will add more dedications for the wealthy and other credits beyond those on the income tax.
STATEMENT: "The Dems can make those breaks permanent. Why don't they?"

RESPONSE: Because nitwit, the difference between the middle classes and working poor (the masses who are the consumers in large numbers) will continue to pay greater SALT and Fees annually; the top 5% will continue to be elected by fools; then grifters will add more dedications for the wealthy and other credits beyond those on the income tax.

Dems can't make the middle class cuts permament because rich people in high tax states have their SALT deductions capped?

then grifters will add more dedications for the wealthy and other credits beyond those on the income tax.

Yeah, Schumer is the worst.
STATEMENT: It had nothing to do with "infrastructure". It was raid on the treasury to fund Left Wing stupidity.

RESPONSE: You're really stupid if you believe everything you post. There is no reason to debate you, or to even to post a rebuttal to such a stupid asshole you are. Yet don't feel too bad, there are other stupid assholes who are in your set, it's known as the Idiot Fringe.

You are a fucking idiot if you believe anything the Democrats tell you.

There have been other threads itemizing the silly unnecessary Left Wing shit in that stupid bill so I am not going to rehash it.

Because you Moon Bats are so uneducated and low information you never really fully understand the damange that the Democrats do to this country. Rachael Maddow or CNN don't give you the information that you need to pull your head out of your ass.
You are a fucking idiot if you believe anything the Democrats tell you.

There have been other threads itemizing the silly unnecessary Left Wing shit in that stupid bill so I am not going to rehash it.

Because you Moon Bats are so uneducated and low information you never really fully understand the damange that the Democrats do to this country. Rachael Maddow or CNN don't give you the information that you need to pull your head out of your ass.
I'm a Democrat, a graduate of CAL and have a graduate degree from SF State U. Which elementary school were you suspended from?

As for Rachell: Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia
President Biden on Monday signed into law a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill at a boisterous ceremony outside the White House, sealing a major accomplishment of his first term.

In other news, Trump whines, Steve Bannon had his passport taken away, and Alex Jones gets his ass handed to him.
STATEMENT: "The Dems can make those breaks permanent. Why don't they?"

RESPONSE: Because nitwit, the difference between the middle classes and working poor (the masses who are the consumers in large numbers) will continue to pay greater SALT and Fees annually; the top 5% will continue to be elected by fools; then grifters will add more dedications for the wealthy and other credits beyond those on the income tax.
bitter much?
President Biden on Monday signed into law a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill at a boisterous ceremony outside the White House, sealing a major accomplishment of his first term.

In other news, Trump whines, Steve Bannon had his passport taken away, and Alex Jones gets his ass handed to him.

And watch all the Republicans who voted against it, raged against it and called it socialism talk up how important this legislation is and how much it help their home state. Assholes each and every one of them.
The U.S. should be marshaling its financial resources to greatly increase its defense spending in order to be prepared for the next major war.

You all know one is coming.
What is even scarier is that Biden was on a Zoom call with China's president Xi tonight. Gosh I hope that the translator can make Biden sound intelligent and powerful.

Come to think of it, the translators can control the destiny of the world!! Wouldn't it be funny if they controlled the narrative!!

Xi - 嘿混蛋
Biden Translator - "He just called you an A-hole.
Biden - Tell Mu shu pork over there that I think he's a moron
Xi Translator - 你是個白痴

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