Biden Signs $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Into Law

Public transit in Democratic shitholes. The electrical grid in Blue states. Again, the water in Democratic shitholes.
Racist bigot, large chunks of that money is going to Republican lead States like Florida and Texas, quit being a jerk. I live in Nebraska our senators voted for it because they knew it would be good for Nebraska and we desperately needed the help with infrastructure in our state. This isn't a political issue, it's a national issue.
Racist bigot, large chunks of that money is going to Republican lead States like Florida and Texas, quit being a jerk. I live in Nebraska our senators voted for it because they knew it would be good for Nebraska and we desperately needed the help with infrastructure in our state. This isn't a political issue, it's a national issue.
What did I say that was racist, drama queen?
You attacked half the country for no reason. Making statements generalized statements against any group is racism in case you didn't know that.
President Biden on Monday signed into law a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill at a boisterous ceremony outside the White House, sealing a major accomplishment of his first term.

In other news, Trump whines, Steve Bannon had his passport taken away, and Alex Jones gets his ass handed to him.
Another win for the good guys.
Where's the bounce?

No bounce for bipartisan bill...cuz Biden couldn't have done it without Republican support.

Sorry... Nothing to brag over here. Trump would have done the same... but Dems chose party over county and torpedoed infrastructure.

Republicans come out smelling like a rose and make Dems look petty and small.

Red wave 2022... Let's go Brandon.
Public transit in Democratic shitholes. The electrical grid in Blue states. Again, the water in Democratic shitholes.
Obviously we need to invest in our port infrastructure, airports bridges and roads everywhere. We have had 40 years of the GOP being in charge of taxation so very little investment in infrastructure. We're number 13! Not cool, also stupid. The gop is a catastrophe and now a perversion on top of it. Get vaccinated for God's sake, what the hell is wrong with conservatives around the world now. Conspiracy nuts racism and anti-science. Hateful misinformation everywhere.
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Obviously we need to invest in our port infrastructure, airports bridges and roads everywhere. We have had 40 years of the GOP being in charge of taxation so very little investment in infrastructure. We're number 13! Not cool, also stupid. The gop is a catastrophe and now a perversion on top of it. Get vaccinated for God's sake, what the hell is wrong with conservatives around the world now. Conspiracy nuts racism and anti-science. Hateful misinformation everywhere.
The money in large part is going to the Blue states. It is the Democrats way of bailing out shitty governance,
The money in large part is going to the Blue states. It is the Democrats way of bailing out shitty governance,
In other words, the older parts of the country that have been falling apart from 40 years now. 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, brainwashed functional moron.
All are military strength depends on technology. China does not want war, they want economic domination of the entire world. To that end, they have spent billions on EMP weaponry, not to be used offensively, what could be used defensively as an alternative to war. They are way ahead of us on this. They could knock out all of our military in one felt swoop, if they had a mind to. They are much wiser than we are, they realize no one wins in war.
All are military strength depends on technology. China does not want war, they want economic domination of the entire world. To that end, they have spent billions on EMP weaponry, not to be used offensively, what could be used defensively as an alternative to war. They are way ahead of us on this. They could knock out all of our military in one felt swoop, if they had a mind to. They are much wiser than we are, they realize no one wins in war.
You are unbelievably stupid...even for a commiecrat.
All are military strength depends on technology. China does not want war, they want economic domination of the entire world. To that end, they have spent billions on EMP weaponry, not to be used offensively, what could be used defensively as an alternative to war. They are way ahead of us on this. They could knock out all of our military in one felt swoop, if they had a mind to. They are much wiser than we are, they realize no one wins in war.

If anyone makes a successful EMP attack on the U.S. then my wife, my middle sister, and eventually I will die. (to say nothing of thousands of others)

Thus the U.S. being prepared to win a war with the Chinese and Russians is literally a matter of life and death for me and the people I love.
Obviously we need to invest in our port infrastructure, airports bridges and roads everywhere. We have had 40 years of the GOP being in charge of taxation so very little investment in infrastructure. We're number 13! Not cool, also stupid. The gop is a catastrophe and now a perversion on top of it. Get vaccinated for God's sake, what the hell is wrong with conservatives around the world now. Conspiracy nuts racism and anti-science. Hateful misinformation everywhere.

Well, the Dems have been useless twats for 40 years.
If anyone makes a successful EMP attack on the U.S. then my wife, my middle sister, and eventually I will die. (to say nothing of thousands of others)

Thus the U.S. being prepared to win a war with the Chinese and Russians is literally a matter of life and death for me and the people I love.
You don't get it, " WE " are the biggest threat in the world, exactly because we have too many people who think like that.
You don't get it, " WE " are the biggest threat in the world, exactly because we have too many people who think like that.

The U.S. does not threaten other nations. If you disagree then prove your claim.
The U.S. does not threaten other nations. If you disagree then prove your claim.
During the Cold War with Russia, it was just a coin toss between which nation would go broke first madly building up an unended military. Russia went broke first, we lucked out. We are no longer in that position, we have the greatest debt of any Nation in history, we have trouble paying off the interest on all the debt. China, on the other hand, has no debt. We cannot win this Cold War of our own making. We invaded Iraq to Ann terrorism, we only helped increase it by 2,800%. The world is a more dangerous place than ever because of our efforts, or should I say mistaken efforts.

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