Biden speaking in Scranton right now. Touts his history on Amtrak.

Nice Speech. Despite what some ant-Biden posters have to say, the speech was well thought out.

For the record, I am fine with parts of the 3.5T package being scaled back. The moderates were right on that score. I will wait and see what Biden has to say at the Townhall tomorrow.
I'm sorry....but when that prick hasn't lifted a finger to keep our borders secure.....and has turned our ports into a cluster-fuck causing massive shortages for the foreseeable future....I really don't give a shit how much he likes trains.
Breaking: Trump thinks he won the election even though Biden beat his ass by 7 million votes.

Breaking: Trump still thinks he'll be reinstated in the near future after August didn't work out so well.
Breaking: Both of the above statements are total fabrications.
Breaking: Both of the above statements are total fabrications.
No, they're not. And I defy you to prove otherwise. You won't because you can't except parrot the shit spewed by Trump & his bootlicking lackeys.
The alternative was a deranged jerkoff ex game show host who thought he could steal the election back after Biden beat his ass. And soundly at that.
Got anything on topic, Dipshit?
How many times are we going to hear about his history with Amtrak?
I think senile Joe must be forgetting that he's told us this story many times already.
I already mentioned he was right on green energy, I liked what he said about the middle class. His defense of his tax hike on those making over $400,000 a year was well thought out.

Biden was right about environment. Biden was right about infrastructure. Biden’s is right about Build Back Better.

As I said, I will watch tomorrow night what Biden has to say further at the Townhall.

Biden’s speech was far from rambling. It was coherent and flowed. One can disagree with what he proposed, but Biden made his position crystal clear.
So you can't bring any actual coherent quotes from his speech today.

Thanks for stopping by, Johnlaw
Breaking: Trump thinks he won the election even though Biden beat his ass by 7 million votes.

Breaking: Trump still thinks he'll be reinstated in the near future after August didn't work out so well

You seem lost. Figure out what thread you are in and try a coherent post.

I'm rootin' for ya.
How many times are we going to hear about his history with Amtrak?
I think senile Joe must be forgetting that he's told us this story many times already.
No shit. I feel like we should all have about a million Frequent Flyer Miles for listening to his dipshittery over and over.
No, they're not. And I defy you to prove otherwise. You won't because you can't except parrot the shit spewed by Trump & his bootlicking lackeys.
Personally I think it's up to you to prove your theories.....and try using a source that isn't bought and paid for by the DNC.
The fact that Biden lost 18 of 19 Bellweather counties....and won fewer counties than any president in United States history, pretty much indicates that he couldn't have possibly gotten 81 million votes legitimately. I think he would be lucky to get 60 million votes with the results he got. More like 57 million to Trump's 74 million.
And the only reason you think Trump thinks he's gonna be reinstated is by fake news from the same media that gave Trump 98% negative coverage for 5 I doubt any of their reports are honest to begin with.
You seem lost. Figure out what thread you are in and try a coherent post.

I'm rootin' for ya.
Thanks for your support, retard.

Some day if you ever get a brain transplant you might give up on Dotard The Stable Genius.
poor old guy. One morning he's gonna wake up and it is going to be MORE than obvious he cannot do it. What will the media and the democrats do then??
Personally I think it's up to you to prove your theories.....and try using a source that isn't bought and paid for by the DNC.
The fact that Biden lost 18 of 19 Bellweather counties....and won fewer counties than any president in United States history, pretty much indicates that he couldn't have possibly gotten 81 million votes legitimately. I think he would be lucky to get 60 million votes with the results he got. More like 57 million to Trump's 74 million.
And the only reason you think Trump thinks he's gonna be reinstated is by fake news from the same media that gave Trump 98% negative coverage for 5 I doubt any of their reports are honest to begin with.
It doesn't matter what YOU think. What matters are the votes tallied which prove without a reasonable doubt that Trump lost. Case closed.
Thanks for your support, retard.

Some day if you ever get a brain transplant you might give up on Dotard The Stable Genius.
Only one of us it obsessed with Trump, and it isn't me, Dumbass.

Once again, go back to the OP and try to figure out what the topic is. Then see if your pea brain can address the topic without you pissing your Depends about a guy who hasn't been in office for 10 months.

Are you up to the task? I doubt it.
Move to Moscow, try your shit over there & see how long it is before you find yourself in Siberia breaking rocks for 20 years.
The ole, I don’t have an valid argument, so you use the weak “America, love it or leave It.”

I haven’t seen that move in like an hour, well played!
It doesn't matter what YOU think. What matters are the votes tallied which prove without a reasonable doubt that Trump lost. Case closed. isn't closed.
Making it damned near illegal to assert that the presidency was stolen is a huge red-flag. Claiming that members of congress should lose their jobs because they claimed this pretty much sealed the deal.
Only a cheat would react that way.
And the fact that Democrats have literally sent armies of lawyers to prevent a fair and impartial recount, and tried to use the courts to prevent audits. Whenever a discrepancy was found your media claims it was fake, which is not only highly suspicious but indicative of a cover-up. Using threats and infecting the audit company's employees with COVID was the last straw.

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