"Biden stopped the bleeding" seems to be the reading...

Biden didn't help the ticket.. He may have helped the angry liberal base.. but that's it. He turned off Independent voters with his rude crass disrespect.

Yep, that was obvious with CNN, which kept a focus group of independents, men and women, Biden didn't move them, Ryan did. Yes, even on the Catholic discussion.

Outright lie. It was 33% Biden 33% Ryan and 33% that did not care for either citing politics as usual.

People liked Ryan's views more as far as the economy but felt Biden was the more caring candidate. Both candidates lost and won on different issues.

C'mon man.. we have cable..
Wall Street would have pwned Medicare and Social Security if Ryan's privatization plan would have gone into effect. Bullshyte Romney/Ryan don't want to fling Grandma and her wheelchair off the cliff. Of course they still do.

4 more years to not let that happen.

Regards from Rosie

that's why obama stole 716 Billion from the seniors right? :lol::lol::lol:

He is taking g it from insurers. Honesty ain't your strong suit either. Romney/Ryan want to dismantle Medicare and privatize Social Security. Which will have future seniors dying on ER floors.

Regards from Rosie
The constant smirking, smiling and laughing was as much a gaffe as anything he's said thus far.

Now I understand why the polls above show Ryan as the winner. This site is made up of a majority of Village Idiots who don't care about facts and the truth.

FACTS? Explain why slow Joe continued to quote the tax policy study that even the tax policy center has recanted? Let's start with that FACT.
Biden didn't help the ticket.. He may have helped the angry liberal base.. but that's it. He turned off Independent voters with his rude crass disrespect.

Yep, that was obvious with CNN, which kept a focus group of independents, men and women, Biden didn't move them, Ryan did. Yes, even on the Catholic discussion.

Outright lie. It was 33% Biden 33% Ryan and 33% that did not care for either citing politics as usual.

People liked Ryan's views more as far as the economy but felt Biden was the more caring candidate. Both candidates lost and won on different issues.

C'mon man.. we have cable..

CNN Poll on debate winner: Ryan 48%, Biden 44%

(CNN) – A CNN poll of debate watchers released following Thursday's matchup between Rep. Paul Ryan and Vice President Joe Biden showed 48% of respondents named Ryan the winner and 44% said Biden won.

The margin between the two candidates was within the poll's five point sampling error.

A poll taken immediately after last week's first presidential debate showed a much more decisive victory for Mitt Romney. Sixty seven percent of debate watchers questioned said that the Republican nominee won the faceoff, with one in four saying that President Barack Obama was victorious.

CNN Poll on debate winner: Ryan 48%, Biden 44% – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Scary sheet!

Lyin Ryan still won't tell us what deductions he will eliminate.

Ryan admitted that they would outlaw abortion.

Who do you trust on Medicare and Social Security? The people who have been trying to get rid of if for decades????

Biden kicked Gilligan's ass.

Your inablility to listen does not negate the fact that both Romney and Ryan have said specifically how they would aproach the tax code. Since you have blown any credibility I won't even bother with the rest.
The constant smirking, smiling and laughing was as much a gaffe as anything he's said thus far.

Now I understand why the polls above show Ryan as the winner. This site is made up of a majority of Village Idiots who don't care about facts and the truth.

You just think you understand. In reality, you are still confused over what are facts and the truth.

One simple fact is that the economy bottomed out in June of 2009, six months after Obama took office and well before any of his enormous stimulus package ever got into circulation.

So, the idea that his stimulus prevented a deeper recession is a pure lie. But, Obama said it, the left wing blogs endorsed it, and you, in your ignorance, bought into that lie.

Another simple fact is that stimulus money did not prevent either General Motors or Chrysler from going into bankruptcy. They blew through the stimulus money and then declared bankruptcy anyway. Bankruptcy saved General Motors and Chrysler, not Obama or his stimulus money.

But, Obama spins the lie, the left wing blogs endorses it, and you, in your ignorance, buy into it.

Another simple fact that you left wing loons ignore, is that about 23 million American workers lost their jobs, or couldn't get a job, but Obama only provided stimulus money to the UAW workers, and unionized government workers. Are they more equal than other unemployed American workers?
If this is Biden stopping the bleeding I am seriously glad he isnt my Doctor.
Biden did an excellent job. Based on compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him an A. He was the adult on stage.

Ryan did a poor job. Based on LACK OF compassion, facts and sincerity - I give him a D. He was the child on stage.

I thought the moderator was good (not great) - I give her a B. I thought she cheated Biden out of equal time, leaving Biden with little choice but to sometimes interrupt Ryan.

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