Biden succeeds on the same issues Trump couldn’t (listed)

Yes it is, but that video was not in #235. What mental issue of yours is keeping you from understanding that?
I don't give a fuck about #235. I provided a quote you idiot, and none of these Trump vegetables on here has debated it. You lose. Get lost. You are an embarrassment to human intelligence.
OMG! Retardation has infected the entire Trump tribe. This crowd needs to rounded up and put in the mental ward for stupidity. They have no cognitive skills.
Continued personal attacks and psychotic tantrums will not change the fact that the video was not in post #235, which is the post I responded to.

What could change that is if you go back now, edit the post, and insert the video now.
Continued personal attacks and psychotic tantrums will not change the fact that the video was not in post #235, which is the post I responded to.

What could change that is if you go back now, edit the post, and insert the video now.
No one cares. The quote speaks for itself. You lose again. I thought I was on ignore? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
I don't give a fuck about #235.
Of course you don't because it is your post I responded to, causing the next 5 or 6 of your triggered, psychotic, tantrum-throwing distraction attempts.

You claim not to care about #235, which I responded to, yet you are raving like a lunatic about my response to #235.

Take your own advice - seek professional help or do us all a favor & STFU.
Definition of failure. I give you props for not saying he was successful but you lose points by blaming it on others. Biden has less party support in congress than Trump had and still is killing it. Trump failed.
/——-/ No one ever accused Newsweek of being conservative. Let’s see what they say about Banana Republic Joe’s so called successes. Joe Biden's growing list of failures | Opinion
I show facts. I'm not apologizing for anyone. What do you show except your lame nonsense?
You just apologized for the Ds. Claiming they were lied
into supporting the Iraq War. Old dumb Joe supported the Iraq War well after the facts came out. No doubt you don’t know this or care. Partisans are an awful thing.

Hillary supported every war since the Revolution.
Lol. Where have I stated I want a world without corporations and government programs?

Why have you jumped to ridiculous conclusions?

Oh COMMUNISM!!! Not the dumb con bogie word. Hide under your bed!
Oh, not contrarianism...what a waste of time...
Trump should have been disqualified as a serious candidate back at "grab em by the pussy."
Unfortunately though 73 million Americans have such low expectations for their candidates that they didn't care.
Sexual predator?
No problem.
Swindler and con man?
No problem.
Incompetent, incurious dullard?
No problem.
Immoral child rapist?
No problem.
Russian plant?
No problem.
And on, and on.....
This is why Clinton called them "America's basket of deplorables."

Spot on!
All pejorative attacks, and lies you idiots bought hook, line, and sinker...

Yall thought Trump was easy to beat, so your media promoted him early on, now you're falling into the same trap...enjoy your new President come '24. Dummy
All pejorative attacks, and lies you idiots bought hook, line, and sinker...

Yall thought Trump was easy to beat, so your media promoted him early on, now you're falling into the same trap...enjoy your new President come '24. Dummy
/———/ So Trump was lying about how famous and powerful men treat women. He was lying when he said women allow that behavior? Never happens in Hollyweird No sireee
/———/ So Trump was lying about how famous and powerful men treat women. He was lying when he said women allow that behavior? Never happens in Hollyweird No sireee
It will pay for itself.

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