Biden succeeds on the same issues Trump couldn’t (listed)

Trump did an excellent job in my opinion and also many Republicans agree with me.

Trump also did far more good for this nation than Demented Joe Biden has or will do.

Almost every single thing listed that was simply a result of being in the role (like appointing judges - no shit anyone there would do that what did he do?) or it was something already reversed because EOs don’t do shit. Half aren’t real (immigration reform proposal?). Give me a break.

Hell…. You got building a wall as a success. If that was done where are the illegal immigrants coming from? Not done. Not paid for by Mexico either.

Jesus Christ … it has immigration reform “proposal” as a win. Wtf? I propose world peace… is that a win for me?

The tax cuts were a disaster.. you ignoring record deficits under Trump?

Stupid shit like religious freedom and fucking PC on college campus as a win, gender bathroom??? This list is sooo hurting for ACTUAL wins it’s using shit that’s not real?

Paris accord? Guess what? We are back in! So.. where’s the fucking win?

Energy independence cracks me up. Here is US imports. We will never be independent.


That was the most embarrassing list of shit thrown at a wall I’ve ever seen on here.
Your Veggie Messiah surpassed Trump in less time than Trump had to deal with the Fauci Flu, Simp.
It was passed to him at 3,000 deaths a day and through vaccinations and safety protocols he got the death per day down to double digits. The miracle Joe pulled off will be in history books
/——-/ I got plenty MAGAPILL.COM
Time for you to change the subjsnd move the goal posts.
Subject is: Biden accomplished more of Trump’s legislative agenda than Trump did. I listed them in the OP. Plus… this beauty….

Mexico agrees to pay for a high tech “wall”. Thanks Biden!

Subject is: Biden accomplished more of Trump’s legislative agenda than Trump did. I listed them in the OP. Plus… this beauty….

Mexico agrees to pay for a high tech “wall”. Thanks Biden!

/——-/ All you got is a throw away line about Mexico. Enjoy your 300% increase in gas, 8.9% inflation and empty store shelves — all Banana Republic Joes handiwork. You can’t pick and choose.
I do, I asked Hillary how to get it since she had proof of voter fraud when she said for four years the election was stolen from her. I also asked Nancy Pelosi how she got the proof that Trump was owned by Russia since she said that through his four year term and she explained it to me. I have a call in asking her how she got it wrong since that turned out to be disinformation. She hasn't called me back yet. She will, I am in fact holding my breath.

Oh wait ... they didn't ... and you didn't care ...

Typical Democrat hypocritical liar quote from Hillary about voter fraud.

You must be doing meth again.
/——-/ All you got is a throw away line about Mexico. Enjoy your 300% increase in gas, 8.9% inflation and empty store shelves — all Banana Republic Joes handiwork. You can’t pick and choose.
View attachment 685282
The store shelves were quite empty under your blob....

Oh're picking and choosing.

Did you enjoy losing by 8M votes?
To explain the major difference between Trump and Democrats, Trump was looking for actual solutions. Democrats simply label a bill xyz and say they fixed it. Take inflation. Trump's wise policies held inflation in check, whereas Democrats' idiotic spending spiked inflation. So Biden comes up with even MORE spending, but labels it "The Inflation Reduction Act". Then dupes like Maddow go on and say "Biden passed a bill to reduce inflation when Trump never could."

0bama did the same thing with the "Jobs Bill" in 2009. Again, a problem Democrats caused, the huge loss of jobs with the Great Recession, and 0bama "fixes" it with huge spending, sops to the unions, and calls it the "Jobs Bill". Marxist media says "See? This man is a genius."

Same old playbook.
What was the last landmark legislation passed by the magaturd party?
The store shelves were quite empty under your blob....

Oh're picking and choosing.

Did you enjoy losing by 8M votes?
/——-/ Yes, the store shelves were empty under Trump, but they were refilled by the time he left office. Banana Republic Joe screwed the pooch.
It was passed to him at 3,000 deaths a day and through vaccinations and safety protocols he got the death per day down to double digits. The miracle Joe pulled off will be in history books
More deaths uneed your Vegetable Messiah in the same time period, Simp.

/——-/ All you got is a throw away line about Mexico. Enjoy your 300% increase in gas, 8.9% inflation and empty store shelves — all Banana Republic Joes handiwork. You can’t pick and choose.
View attachment 685282
Inaccurate memes don’t make up for the legislation I posted nor the Mexican commitment. What a sad place you guys are in let down so much by Trump while Obamacare was transformative and still here and Biden’s legislation will be historic too.

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