Biden succeeds on the same issues Trump couldn’t (listed)

Almost every single thing listed that was simply a result of being in the role (like appointing judges - no shit anyone there would do that what did he do?) or it was something already reversed because EOs don’t do shit. Half aren’t real (immigration reform proposal?). Give me a break.

Hell…. You got building a wall as a success. If that was done where are the illegal immigrants coming from? Not done. Not paid for by Mexico either.

Jesus Christ … it has immigration reform “proposal” as a win. Wtf? I propose world peace… is that a win for me?

The tax cuts were a disaster.. you ignoring record deficits under Trump?

Stupid shit like religious freedom and fucking PC on college campus as a win, gender bathroom??? This list is sooo hurting for ACTUAL wins it’s using shit that’s not real?

Paris accord? Guess what? We are back in! So.. where’s the fucking win?

Energy independence cracks me up. Here is US imports. We will never be independent.

View attachment 685242

That was the most embarrassing list of shit thrown at a wall I’ve ever seen on here.
The wall was almost complete. Biden stopped it. May you live in a city where hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants migrate to. Washington D.C. and New York City are bitching about a few bus loads. There were over 2,000,000 illegals in 2021.

If Trump would have been reelected we would not be in the Paris accords. Biden screwed that up too. Biden is pushing green power. Expect brownouts and blackouts in the future.Expect them when it is really hot and when it is really cold.’s-worst-power-grid

The tax cuts were far from a disaster. Let’s not ignore the effect of COVID-19.

The United States was energy independent in 2019. Then along came Sleepy Joe. Energy Independence means we produced more energy than we used.

U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years. Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”—which is not to say that we did not import or export energy, but that we produced more energy than we used. One can thank the oil and gas industry and its use of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling for that milestone as production in those industries increased a combined 11 percent in 2019. Total U.S. energy production increased by 5.7 percent in 2019 while U.S. energy demand decreased by 0.9 percent. The United States produced 101.0 quadrillion British thermal units (quads) of energy and consumed 100.2 quads last year. Fossil fuels accounted for 80 percent of both energy consumption and production in 2019.
…emphasis added
The wall was almost complete. Biden stopped it. May you live in a city where hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants migrate to. Washington D.C. and New York City are bitching about a few bus loads. There were over 2,000,000 illegals in 2021.

If Trump would have been reelected we would not be in the Paris accords. Biden screwed that up too. Biden is pushing green power. Expect brownouts and blackouts in the future.Expect them when it is really hot and when it is really cold.’s-worst-power-grid

The tax cuts were far from a disaster. Let’s not ignore the effect of COVID-19.

The United States was energy independent in 2019. Then along came Sleepy Joe. Energy Independence means we produced more energy than we used.

U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years. Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”—which is not to say that we did not import or export energy, but that we produced more energy than we used. One can thank the oil and gas industry and its use of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling for that milestone as production in those industries increased a combined 11 percent in 2019. Total U.S. energy production increased by 5.7 percent in 2019 while U.S. energy demand decreased by 0.9 percent. The United States produced 101.0 quadrillion British thermal units (quads) of energy and consumed 100.2 quads last year. Fossil fuels accounted for 80 percent of both energy consumption and production in 2019.
…emphasis added
US was NOT energy independent. Tell me how? Here is our imports. We need imported oil.

The wall was almost complete. Biden stopped it. May you live in a city where hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants migrate to. Washington D.C. and New York City are bitching about a few bus loads. There were over 2,000,000 illegals in 2021.

If Trump would have been reelected we would not be in the Paris accords. Biden screwed that up too. Biden is pushing green power. Expect brownouts and blackouts in the future.Expect them when it is really hot and when it is really cold.’s-worst-power-grid

The tax cuts were far from a disaster. Let’s not ignore the effect of COVID-19.

The United States was energy independent in 2019. Then along came Sleepy Joe. Energy Independence means we produced more energy than we used.

U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years. Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”—which is not to say that we did not import or export energy, but that we produced more energy than we used. One can thank the oil and gas industry and its use of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling for that milestone as production in those industries increased a combined 11 percent in 2019. Total U.S. energy production increased by 5.7 percent in 2019 while U.S. energy demand decreased by 0.9 percent. The United States produced 101.0 quadrillion British thermal units (quads) of energy and consumed 100.2 quads last year. Fossil fuels accounted for 80 percent of both energy consumption and production in 2019.
…emphasis added
If the wall was “almost” done where is it? Why isn’t it working. How can you stop something “almost” done and it not do anything. Here’s a fact check.. they only added 80 miles of new wall on the border. It’s a 2,000 mile border. Go spit in the ocean and tell me how you changed the tide. quote from Hillary about voter fraud.

You must be doing meth again.

If you want one I will provide it, but you have to ask without being a dick. You in no way automatically provide quotes for everything you say. So yet again, Democrat = hypocrite. If you had asked for one, your post would have been a lot better than the hate that consumes you
You chart is too blurry to read.
Says we imported a shit load of oil when Trump claimed to be energy independent. We dont extract the correct oil for our refineries. We have to import oil. Just like we did under Trump and Obama and Bush and now Biden. The reduction in oil imports has come from heavier reliance on natural gas not US oil production. More shit we can’t refine doesn’t help us.
If you want one I will provide it, but you have to ask without being a dick.
That you're a known liar is not up for debate. Your misquoting of Secretary Clinton is.
You in no way automatically provide quotes for everything you say.
Sure I do.
So yet again, Democrat = hypocrite.
If I quote someone, I quote someone. You can't do that....boy.
If you had asked for one, your post would have been a lot better than the hate that consumes you
Make me laugh harder.
That you're a known liar is not up for debate. Your misquoting of Secretary Clinton is.

Democrats consider me a liar, everyone else considers you one. You made no point that wasn't just shallow and self serving and obvious. Grow the fuck up, little girl
Sure I do.

If I quote someone, I quote someone. You can't do that....boy.

You live in an unforgiving world. Does it have to do with being a Castro girl and a homosexual? The only people I have quit permanently are (and why):

BrokeLoser - racism
JoeB131 - racism
francoHFW - attacking my mother and sister
rightwinger - attacking my daughter

I have others on ignore, but I haven't sworn to permanently ignore any of them and I let them off as their annoying me fades and I forget. Most end up back on ignore, some go on and off and ...

I don't know what you're talking about here, but then you don't know what you are talking about either

Make me laugh harder.

You never laugh, you're a nasty person. Be honest
Democrats consider me a liar, everyone else considers you one.
I quote people. You don't. I win.
You made no point that wasn't just shallow and self serving and obvious. Grow the fuck up, little girl

You live in an unforgiving world. Does it have to do with being a Castro girl and a homosexual? The only people I have quit permanently are (and why):

BrokeLoser - racism
JoeB131 - racism
francoHFW - attacking my mother and sister
rightwinger - attacking my daughter

I have others on ignore, but I haven't sworn to permanently ignore any of them and I let them off as their annoying me fades and I forget. Most end up back on ignore, some go on and off and ...

I don't know what you're talking about here, but then you don't know what you are talking about either

You never laugh, you're a nasty person. Be honest
None of whatever else you wrote interests me

Please quote Ms. Clinton alleging voter fraud.
I quote people. You don't. I win.

You can spin it how you want, but you attacked me for a quote you never requested. I said if you do it without insulting me than I would get it, and you couldn't do it.

There is no fucking way you provide links for everything you say without being asked, you are full of shit

None of whatever else you wrote interests me

And candycorn goes eight year old again. I'm just a meanie and a poopy pants, huh? I will give you an awwwwwwwwwwww

Please quote Ms. Clinton alleging voter fraud.

Note how you spin, you changed the broad four years saying the election was stolen (what you attack Trump for) to the narrow "alleging voter fraud."

Spin, spin, spin, spin
You can spin it how you want, but you attacked me for a quote you never requested. I said if you do it without insulting me than I would get it, and you couldn't do it.

There is no fucking way you provide links for everything you say without being asked, you are full of shit

And candycorn goes eight year old again. I'm just a meanie and a poopy pants, huh? I will give you an awwwwwwwwwwww

Note how you spin, you changed the broad four years saying the election was stolen (what you attack Trump for) to the narrow "alleging voter fraud."

Spin, spin, spin, spin
TD, DR, DC...

Still no quotes from Ms. Clinton.

So I guess you were always.
If we had the infrastructure bill and microchip bill 5 years ago we’d be in better shape. The answer is the republicans exploit the one pressure point in the economy inflation which is moderating to their chagrin. Get read for convoy news cuz that’s what they use in between stupid ideas.

We were in better shape 5 years ago without those things dumb ass.

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