Biden succeeds on the same issues Trump couldn’t (listed)

No I didn’t. But that was what was passed to Biden. Right wing nuts take the middle of Trumps term and forget how the whole thing ended. Biden picked up a bad deal and it has been improving. You can’t take the good economy passed to Trump that continued to get better and then compare it to a shit economy that was passed to Biden that is improving. Come on.
Democrats passed it to Biden. They overruled Trump. Nice try at obfuscation though. But you've been nailed on that before.
If all this is true than why does 70% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track?
Most Trump supporters think the election was stolen with no evidence. What does that tell you about the ignorance and willful stupidity of the Right-wing electorate?
Most Trump supporters think the election was stolen with no evidence. What does that tell you about the ignorance and willful stupidity of the Right-wing electorate?
The evidence:
1. Trump won 18 of 19 bellwether counties.
2. 1100 people signed sworn affidavits testifying to Democrat cheating and irregularities on election night.
3. The odds of Biden getting 81 million votes were one in 3.4 billion.
4. Trump's job approval was in line with other first termers who had won re-election.
6. Six swing states all shut down voter counting nearly simultaneously at midnight with Trump in the lead at the time.
7. Trump routinely attracted 20,000 at his many rallies. Biden barely campaigned and could scarcely draw 1000 at his events.
No I didn’t. But that was what was passed to Biden. Right wing nuts take the middle of Trumps term and forget how the whole thing ended. Biden picked up a bad deal and it has been improving. You can’t take the good economy passed to Trump that continued to get better and then compare it to a shit economy that was passed to Biden that is improving. Come on.
Trump did not create COVID-19. Biden may have picked up a “bad deal” but he made it worse not better.

Let’s look at the Biden Presidency.

First Joe Biden has his own virus problem called monkeypox. How is Joe handling it? Here’s what a newspaper that normally supports Democrats has to say.

Inside America’s monkeypox crisis — and the mistakes that made it worse​

For two months, the Biden administration has been chased by headlinesabout its failure to order enough vaccines, speed treatments and make tests available to head off an outbreak that has grown from one case in Massachusetts on May 17 to more than 13,500 this week, overwhelmingly among gay and bisexual men. And 100 days after the outbreak was first detected in Europe, no country has more cases than the United States — with public health experts warning the virus is on the verge of becoming permanently entrenched here.

“I think there’s a potential to get this back in the box, but it’s going to be very difficult at this point,” Scott Gottlieb, who led the Food and Drug Administration under President Donald Trump and has advised the Biden administration on its response to public health outbreaks, said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” last week.

Interviews with more than 40 officials working on the monkeypox response, outside advisers, public health experts and patients show that despite efforts to learn from the nation’s coronavirus failures, officials struggled to meet growing demand for testing, vaccines and treatments. Early mistakes, including the failure to recognize the virus was spreading differently and far more aggressively than it had previously, and a plodding bureaucracy left hundreds of thousands of gay men facing the threat of an agonizing illness that has not led to U.S. fatalities but can cause painful lesions some have likened to being pierced by shards of glass while going to the bathroom. And experts fear broader circulation of a virus that can infect anyone by close contact.

Biden officials insist the nation’s response is at a turning point, touting a White House monkeypox team set up this month to lead the effort, the recent decision to declare monkeypox a public health emergency and the new vaccine plan to address growing demands for shots


The coming weeks will reveal whether the administration has overcome its early struggles — or whether too much time was lost as the virus took hold in the United States under a president who had vowed to prevent pandemics.

But let’s not ignore Biden’s numerous other mistakes. …

It wasn't COVID it was the Democrat draconian mandates and their fake scamdemic. The CDC is recanting today. Also COVID death counts were over inflated. The Democrats are busy covering up their shit like a cat covers its shit.
Fortunately I live in Florida with DeSantis as my Governor. He didn’t buy into all the draconian mandates and shutting down schools.

Yes, I have a lot of respect for DeSantis. He was a voice of sanity during this fake Democrat created scandemic hysteria.
Life was almost normal in the middle of the COVID pandemic here in Florida. People from New York City and other blue cities were coming to Florida to get a break from all the chickenshit.

Life was almost normal in the middle of the COVID pandemic here in Florida. People from New York City and other blue cities were coming to Florida to get a break from all the chickenshit.

Ya, I'm in California in a rural-mountain area. No one here gave a shit about the 'scandemic' except for the Post Office and some businesses. Most folks here never wore the face diapers and if you walked into the local bar with a mask, heaven help you.
Trump did not create COVID-19. Biden may have picked up a “bad deal” but he made it worse not better.

Let’s look at the Biden Presidency.

First Joe Biden has his own virus problem called monkeypox. How is Joe handling it? Here’s what a newspaper that normally supports Democrats has to say.

Inside America’s monkeypox crisis — and the mistakes that made it worse​

For two months, the Biden administration has been chased by headlinesabout its failure to order enough vaccines, speed treatments and make tests available to head off an outbreak that has grown from one case in Massachusetts on May 17 to more than 13,500 this week, overwhelmingly among gay and bisexual men. And 100 days after the outbreak was first detected in Europe, no country has more cases than the United States — with public health experts warning the virus is on the verge of becoming permanently entrenched here.

“I think there’s a potential to get this back in the box, but it’s going to be very difficult at this point,” Scott Gottlieb, who led the Food and Drug Administration under President Donald Trump and has advised the Biden administration on its response to public health outbreaks, said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” last week.

Interviews with more than 40 officials working on the monkeypox response, outside advisers, public health experts and patients show that despite efforts to learn from the nation’s coronavirus failures, officials struggled to meet growing demand for testing, vaccines and treatments. Early mistakes, including the failure to recognize the virus was spreading differently and far more aggressively than it had previously, and a plodding bureaucracy left hundreds of thousands of gay men facing the threat of an agonizing illness that has not led to U.S. fatalities but can cause painful lesions some have likened to being pierced by shards of glass while going to the bathroom. And experts fear broader circulation of a virus that can infect anyone by close contact.

Biden officials insist the nation’s response is at a turning point, touting a White House monkeypox team set up this month to lead the effort, the recent decision to declare monkeypox a public health emergency and the new vaccine plan to address growing demands for shots


The coming weeks will reveal whether the administration has overcome its early struggles — or whether too much time was lost as the virus took hold in the United States under a president who had vowed to prevent pandemics.

But let’s not ignore Biden’s numerous other mistakes. …

By almost EVERY measurable statistic this economy has improved. The only blemish is the supply chain driven inflation from low supplies. Any attempt by Trump to address our infrastructure would have helped. He didn’t.

Biden is doing all the right things for the economy but it takes time. He should pass it over to another Republican to destroy just like Bush and Trump did.
Can Trump supporters explain why he failed miserably yet Biden is succeeding? Was Trump lying about wanting to address these issues or did he just not have the experience and patience needed to get the job done?

“Trump tried and failed to deliver an infrastructure package, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to advance legislation to address gun violence, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump said he’d use Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump tried and failed to deliver record job growth, while Biden succeeded on the issue.

Trump even endorsed penalties for stock buybacks, while Biden succeeded on the issue.”

Biden succeeds again on an issue where Trump tried and failed

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Son, All I can say is that you must live in a VERY privileged, tiny bubble

By almost EVERY measurable statistic this economy has improved. The only blemish is the supply chain driven inflation from low supplies. Any attempt by Trump to address our infrastructure would have helped. He didn’t.

Biden is doing all the right things for the economy but it takes time. He should pass it over to another Republican to destroy just like Bush and Trump did.
I can’t believe you actually said that, “By almost EVERY measurable statistic this economy has improved.”

It makes me wonder if you are paid to post propaganda.

This week, the stock market took a turn into bear territory on the heels of yet another brutal monthly inflation report. With the Federal Reserve considering larger rate hikes in order to tamp down record inflation, the possibility of a near-term recession now looms quite large, despite the feeble protestations of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. As former Clinton Treasury Secretary Larry Summers -- the man who predicted President Joe Biden's inflation -- stated, "I think when inflation is as high as it is right now, and unemployment is as low as it is right now, it's almost always been followed, within two years, by recession."

All of this was perfectly predictable. Firehosing money into an already-hot economy was a recipe for inflation -- and yet that was precisely the policy pursued by the Federal Reserve and the Biden White House. According to The Wall Street Journal, the Biden White House and the Fed thought that the post-COVID-19 period would follow the 2007-2009 pattern: "weak demand, slow growth, long periods of high unemployment and too-low inflation." This was incontestably preposterous. The 2020 economic crash was not the result of systemic flaws in the economy like the 2007-2009 subprime mortgage crisis; it was the result instead of an artificially induced economic coma, supported by an unprecedented infusion of government cash, preceded by a historic economic boom.

This meant that when vaccines became available, when Americans headed back to work, when children went back to school, we should have been poised for an explosion in demand. To instead predict weak demand, and to build an extraordinary framework of continuing fiscal and economic stimulus on that basis, was an act of either total insanity, epic stupidity or purposeful malice. Perhaps it was a combination of all three. As the Journal observed, "many Democrats saw their control of the White House and Congress as a rare opportunity to shift Washington's priorities away from tax cuts favored by Republicans and toward expensive new social programs." Or, as Biden himself put it this week, "I don't want to hear any more of these lies about reckless spending. We're changing people's lives!"

They sure are. It turns out that "experts" in the back room constructing a supposedly better world rarely consider the possibility of unpredicted side effects. They are so busy building glass castles in their minds that they neglect the realities of human behavior. The result is generally that those the "experts" seek most to help are actually those harmed the most.
By almost EVERY measurable statistic this economy has improved. The only blemish is the supply chain driven inflation from low supplies. Any attempt by Trump to address our infrastructure would have helped. He didn’t.

Biden is doing all the right things for the economy but it takes time. He should pass it over to another Republican to destroy just like Bush and Trump did.
No, the supply chain problem is a direct result of Biden's sky high fuel prices caused by his strangling of our fossil fuel production. We still have sky high inflation, gas prices higher than during Trump and food prices climbing. We did not have these problems until Biden was selected and installed by corrupt, crooked Democrats. Biden is doing all the WRONG things for the economy and it's more than obvious to everyone except TDS idiots like yourself.
No, the supply chain problem is a direct result of Biden's sky high fuel prices caused by his strangling of our fossil fuel production. We still have sky high inflation, gas prices higher than during Trump and food prices climbing. We did not have these problems until Biden was selected and installed by corrupt, crooked Democrats. Biden is doing all the WRONG things for the economy and it's more than obvious to everyone except TDS idiots like yourself.
I’m in that business. Gas prices are not the issue. Labor is the issue. It has restricted production creating a shortage driving prices up. Delays are labor driven too.

Freight is usually 5% or less with gas being barely one of those five percents.
I’m in that business. Gas prices are not the issue. Labor is the issue. It has restricted production creating a shortage driving prices up. Delays are labor driven too.

Freight is usually 5% or less with gas being barely one of those five percents.
So, the sky high price of diesel is 'not the issue?' You expect carriers just to suck up the extra expense? You're 'in that business?' :cuckoo:
So, the sky high price of diesel is 'not the issue?' You expect carriers just to suck up the extra expense? You're 'in that business?' :cuckoo:
I just explained. Doubling diesel prices is a 1% impact on costs. Basically at $5 per gallon you get $1 per mile. You use rail for anything longer than 1,000 miles usually so the most a truck costs is $1,000 in diesel. Anyway the cost of shipping a truckload is $3 a mile all in. Depending on what you are shipping it isn’t the biggest impact at all.
I just explained. Doubling diesel prices is a 1% impact on costs. Basically at $5 per gallon you get $1 per mile. You use rail for anything longer than 1,000 miles usually so the most a truck costs is $1,000 in diesel. Anyway the cost of shipping a truckload is $3 a mile all in. Depending on what you are shipping it isn’t the biggest impact at all.

Why you should care about diesel’s soaring price: It’s making everything cost more​

If you’re wondering what’s swelling the price of everything you buy, the cost of a gallon of diesel is a good place to start.

Why you should care about diesel’s soaring price: It’s making everything cost more​

If you’re wondering what’s swelling the price of everything you buy, the cost of a gallon of diesel is a good place to start.
From your article. It’s $600 per truck more. You can get 3,000 coffee makers on a truck. That is like 20 cents a coffee maker. Most stuff is like that.

Even if you ship something dirt cheap like…actual dirt (soil) that sells for $2.50 a cubic foot that’s so heavy you can only get 1,000 in a truck befor it weighs out at 30,000 pounds… that’s .60 cents. That’s worse case scenario.
From your article. It’s $600 per truck more. You can get 3,000 coffee makers on a truck. That is like 20 cents a coffee maker. Most stuff is like that.

Even if you ship something dirt cheap like…actual dirt (soil) that sells for $2.50 a cubic foot that’s so heavy you can only get 1,000 in a truck befor it weighs out at 30,000 pounds… that’s .60 cents. That’s worse case scenario.
That's great but, what about if you don't have to ship 3,000 coffee makers? The price of diesel is not going to go down because of your shipping needs.
That's great but, what about if you don't have to ship 3,000 coffee makers? The price of diesel is not going to go down because of your shipping needs.
You and I are debating how much prices are up due to fuel. It’s about 1%. Most of the price increases are labor shortages leading to product shortages which leads to price increases.

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