Biden supporters: talk about Joe Biden without mentioning Trump

What is he doing well? Not well?

Lie all you want (I'll call you out when you do), but don't mention Donald Trump.

Good luck!
The infrastructure bill is going to make America Great for the next 10 years. Especially when it goes to the most needy places in America. Poor communities.

He appointed the first black woman VP and Supreme Court justice. That's progress.

He got us out of Afganistan. We now aren't spending all that money every year in Afganistan.

He had like 6% growth. In 2019 after the huge tax break we all got, we only had 2.3% growth. Probably because of the trade war that "you know who" started with China.
The infrastructure bill is going to make America Great for the next 10 years. Especially when it goes to the most needy places in America. Poor communities.

He appointed the first black woman VP and Supreme Court justice. That's progress.

He got us out of Afganistan. We now aren't spending all that money every year in Afganistan.

He had like 6% growth. In 2019 after the huge tax break we all got, we only had 2.3% growth. Probably because of the trade war that "you know who" started with China.

OK, there's a fail right out of the gate. Anyone else?
Goonblow ^ pretty much just acknowledged that the proposed task is too difficult for the libs.
P.S. For every 1 person looking for a job, there are 1.5 jobs available. If inflation is your problem, now is the time to go look for a better paying job.

You cons do realize that's the solution to inflation right? Make more money. That's what rich people do. That's what you need to do. Not complain about inflation.
OK, there's a fail right out of the gate. Anyone else?
I can do better. Let me try again

The infrastructure bill is going to make America Great for the next 10 years. Especially when it goes to the most needy places in America. Poor communities.

He appointed the first black woman VP and Supreme Court justice. That's progress.

He got us out of Afganistan. We now aren't spending all that money every year in Afganistan.

He had like 6% growth.
It seems that the Repubs can't run from Trump fast enough to only talk about Biden.
They don't want us to talk about Trump? What did Trump do the second Bloomberg announced he was running as a Democrat? That entire week that's all Trump talked about. Bloomberg this and Bloomberg that.

I thought Trump was running in 2024? If he is not then we will stop talking about him. Right now he's the leader of the Republican party hands down.
^^^First troll of the bunch (and probably the most useless one).

Don't you see Marv! Their silence speaks volumes! Ask me what Trump ever did and I will knock you over with lists so long your head would spin!

But it SPEAKS VOLUMES that when you ask any of them the same about Biden, not only do they not defend him, but THEY CHANGE THE FUCKING SUBJECT. Ahem.
The infrastructure bill is going to make America Great for the next 10 years. Especially when it goes to the most needy places in America. Poor communities.

He appointed the first black woman VP and Supreme Court justice. That's progress.

He got us out of Afganistan. We now aren't spending all that money every year in Afganistan.

He had like 6% growth. In 2019 after the huge tax break we all got, we only had 2.3% growth. Probably because of the trade war that "you know who" started with China.
They don't want us to talk about Trump? What did Trump do the second Bloomberg announced he was running as a Democrat? That entire week that's all Trump talked about. Bloomberg this and Bloomberg that.

I thought Trump was running in 2024? If he is not then we will stop talking about him. Right now he's the leader of the Republican party hands down.
it was the ask of the topic. so as usual off topic is where you'd go.
The reason Joe Biden became President is because he is so boring to listen to.
This is classic Republicans wanting to control the conversation and narrative. They want to discuss politics but the rule is, no mentioning Trump. That's controlling the conversation. I won't allow it.
funny shit huh? go figure, actually talk about the guy in the wh today. how dare us. right? hahahaahahahhahha you all are fking whackamoles for sure.
it was the ask of the topic. so as usual off topic is where you'd go.
The infrastructure bill is going to make America Great for the next 10 years. Especially when it goes to the most needy places in America. Poor communities.

He appointed the first black woman VP and Supreme Court justice. That's progress.

He got us out of Afganistan. We now aren't spending all that money every year in Afganistan.

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