Biden supporters: talk about Joe Biden without mentioning Trump

Now is when you buy. Buy low sell high.

And if you aren't going to give Biden credit when it goes up, please don't point to him when it goes down. When it goes up will you suck my dick and admit you were wrong?

Since I'm not a Biden supporter ... am I allowed to mention President Trump? ...

I thought Trump did as well as he could implementing Republican policies, and that it was the Republican Congress that failed ...

And pretty much the same with Biden ... it's the Democrat Congress that is failing ...

All in all, this is a good thing ... the less Congress acts, the better for you and me ...
Who knows they are still make more money than me and I’m white lol
I've been telling you poor white Republicans for decades that to the rich Republicans, we are all n*#*$rs. They only play the race card to divide us. Blacks vote Democratic so the GOP tends to cater to the white racists. It's a social wedge issue.

Why aren't middle class blacks and middle class whites seeing the same thing? Because they use race to divide us. This is why poor whites vote against their own financial interests and vote GOP. That and guns, gays, religion.
I can do better. Let me try again

The infrastructure bill is going to make America Great for the next 10 years. Especially when it goes to the most needy places in America. Poor communities.
…..escalating inflation as more money changes fewer goods, and the middle-class people without children struggle to cover their increased expenses.
He appointed the first black woman VP and Supreme Court justice. That's progress.
Making hiring decisions based on race and gender is progress?

He got us out of Afganistan. We now aren't spending all that money every year in Afganistan.
….. leaving hundreds of Americans to the Taliban, and $86 billion of military equipment to Islamic terrorists, and getting 13 troops killed, was and is a huge failure.
He had like 6% growth.

After a year of lockdowns on the economy, that’s to be expected.
They don't want us to talk about Trump? What did Trump do the second Bloomberg announced he was running as a Democrat? That entire week that's all Trump talked about. Bloomberg this and Bloomberg that.

I thought Trump was running in 2024? If he is not then we will stop talking about him. Right now he's the leader of the Republican party hands down.

Biden supporters: talk about Joe Biden without mentioning Trump​

Wow, the Biden cult just can't seem to do it.

I can do better. Let me try again

The infrastructure bill is going to make America Great for the next 10 years. Especially when it goes to the most needy places in America. Poor communities.

He appointed the first black woman VP and Supreme Court justice. That's progress.

He got us out of Afganistan. We now aren't spending all that money every year in Afganistan.

He had like 6% growth.
How much of that money will go to REAL infrastructure like the billions that went to schools to retrofit their HVAC systems for Covid that somehow the teachers union got? The first black women VP is a FAILURE so bad it can't even be a bad joke. The Afgan pullout could not have been more screwed up if the Taliban ran it, face it he and his administration is a CLUSTERFUCK.
I've been telling you poor white Republicans for decades that to the rich Republicans, we are all n*#*$rs. They only play the race card to divide us. Blacks vote Democratic so the GOP tends to cater to the white racists. It's a social wedge issue.

Why aren't middle class blacks and middle class whites seeing the same thing? Because they use race to divide us. This is why poor whites vote against their own financial interests and vote GOP. That and guns, gays, religion.

Who is this guy catering to?

I've been telling you poor white Republicans for decades that to the rich Republicans, we are all n*#*$rs. They only play the race card to divide us. Blacks vote Democratic so the GOP tends to cater to the white racists. It's a social wedge issue.

Why aren't middle class blacks and middle class whites seeing the same thing? Because they use race to divide us. This is why poor whites vote against their own financial interests and vote GOP. That and guns, gays, religion.
Do you have access to the Internet?
When the economy is good, that is the answer. When the economy is in recession, like during Bush's time in office, you guys gave this same advice. During a REFUCKINGSESSION. Not a good time to go get a new job or start a new business but that was your advice. Oh I forgot, or go back to school. That was another piece of advice you doled out during a fucking recession.

So don't talk to me about flip flopping. Yes, right now jobs are available and raises are being given. People with good jobs are retiring and opening up good positions. It's the new guilded age. You'll waste it complaining.
you think doubling meat prices is good for the economy? 4:00 gas is good for the country? supply chain struggles is good for the country? then yeah, you'd think the economy was good. However--------
He killed 13 young Americans, dropped a bomb on babies kids and woman! We have 20 military bases with over 30,000 afghans on it, getting paychecks every week we are buying them houses! Lol ARE YOU ON CRACK!?

we have 1000s of grown men with six year old brides..
there is a six-year-old little girl getting plowed right now by a Muslim on our soil
We actually have Afghans taking up military housing on the bases here in NM right now.

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