Biden supporters: talk about Joe Biden without mentioning Trump

what do rich demofks call you?

You still haven't learned that demofks are kkk. fk son, when will you ever learn?

Back in 1866, the Democratic party started the KKK, kind of. It really started as more of a grassroots movement, that was picked up by the democrats of the time. They opposed the Republicans, who wanted to give social justice and equality to blacks.

How come you love General Lee as much as those guys?
  • Claims for the week ended Jan. 29 totaled 238,000, a touch lower than the 245,000 Dow Jones estimate.
  • Continuing claims on a four-week basis hit their lowest level since 1973.
  • Productivity rose more than expected in the fourth quarter, while unit labor costs were less than the Wall Street estimate.

Weekly jobless claims total 238,000, fewer than expected

Initial filings for unemployment claims totaled a bit fewer than expected last week as companies looked to overcome the impact of the omicron spread.

Jobless claims are down.

Great news for Joe!

(There you go. 100% trump free.)
it does. I know in the limited space between your ears, you have no idea targeting people for jobs based on color and gender is racist and biggoted. I get it. I don't expect you to understand how stupid that makes you look.
White women have benefited the most bro. Yet they are the fiercest opponents. How do you explain that? It can only mean they don't appreciate what AA did for them.

There wouldn't be any women CEO's if not for AA. There were none before it. And that's not a knock against women. That's a knock against the good old boys white men network that keeps the number at 86% white males.

Corporate America is clearly systemically racist. So AA is designed to stop that racism and sexism. When it stops, we can end the diversity programs that are in most of the fortune 500's. If you were right, there wouldn't be so many diversity programs. Way too many CEO's acknowledge there is a problem. In a society as diverse as ours? Come on.

What makes me laugh is white women have benefited the most and yet they are against it. Almost as if they are embarrassed.

Most white women CEO's and VP's probably want everyone to believe AA didn't help them. But we all know it did. Don't be embarrassed about it.
because you are too ignorant/ stupid to know who he is. You don't even know demofks hung blacks for being black ACDC or not.
Yes and you don't know that the Southern Democrats flipped. Today they are Republicans. The KKKlan is Republican douchbag. They have nothing to do with our party. Proud Boys are yours doofis.
Yes and you don't know that the Southern Democrats flipped. Today they are Republicans. The KKKlan is Republican douchbag. They have nothing to do with our party. Proud Boys are yours doofis.
nope, never happened. see you do believe what conmen tell you. name one. I know Robert Byrd was one. you?
nope, never happened. see you do believe what conmen tell you. name one. I know Robert Byrd was one. you?
The KKK, Proud Boys, Quanon, all of them are Republicans today. Are you suggesting they vote with black people? White racists you say today vote Democratic?

Then how do Republicans win elections?

89% of blacks voted for Hillary. How did she lose all those red states if she won the white racist vote?

You're an idiot.
The infrastructure bill is going to make America Great for the next 10 years. Especially when it goes to the most needy places in America. Poor communities.

He appointed the first black woman VP and Supreme Court justice. That's progress.

He got us out of Afganistan. We now aren't spending all that money every year in Afganistan.

He had like 6% growth. In 2019 after the huge tax break we all got, we only had 2.3% growth. Probably because of the trade war that "you know who" started with China.

The infrastructure bill is going to make America Great for the next 10 years. Especially when it goes to the most needy places in America. Poor communities. Pure conjecture on your part. It's like declaring a winner before the game is played.

He appointed the first black woman VP and Supreme Court justice. That's progress. Progress is appointing people based on the color vagina a woman has? Since when?

He got us out of Afganistan. We now aren't spending all that money every year in Afganistan. That was Trump's doing, though I'm not supposed to mention him.

He had like 6% growth. In 2019 after the huge tax break we all got, we only had 2.3% growth. Interesting, so you've never heard of COVID then. Did they shut shit down last year? Sure as fuck did. Did they reopen shit this year after the election was over? Sure as fuck did. Did you simply run out of ideas why Biden is awesome and/or are you say 22 years old?

Probably because of the trade war that "you know who" started with China. That's interesting too. China gave us COVID, Democrats shut things down and you turn around and blame Trump for the losses.
White women.

Recently obtained documents from the Justice Department indicate the Trump administration is planning to target affirmative action on university campuses, likely arguing that it discriminates against white college applicants.

Ironically, the group that affirmative action helps the most is also one of its most stringent opponents. Statistics show that white women benefit immensely from affirmative action, but according to Vox, they are also among those who most want to see it abolished.

The numbers prove it: After two decades of affirmative action, it was white women who held the majority of managerial jobs, compared to African American, Latino, and Asian American women (the supposed beneficiaries of these policies), according to a 1995 report by the California Senate Government Organization Committee. Across the board, affirmative action helped women obtain success in the labor market.

While white women like Fisher argue against affirmative action on the basis that the policy is reverse discrimination, and that schools should be blind to race and gender, they essentially are fighting against the very policies that have helped progress for women of all backgrounds over the past four decades. As women continue to fight for equal rights and pay in the workforce, advocating against affirmative action would be more detrimental than ever.

It's actually primarily asians who are discriminated against in the universities.

But I see you just couldn't help your Trump obsession regardless.

nope, never happened. see you do believe what conmen tell you. name one. I know Robert Byrd was one. you?
It didn't happen overnight. All politic are local. Most of the Southern Democrats in office opposed the Northern Democrats agenda in the 60's and voted against it. Their constituents still supported them and continued to vote for them. After a generation passed their constituents still supported the "traditional southern values'. The Neo-GOP offered them more of that than the new batch of Democrats did and the south eventually turned red.
It didn't happen overnight. All politic are local. Most of the Southern Democrats in office opposed the Northern Democrats agenda in the 60's and voted against it. Their constituents still supported them and continued to vote for them. After a generation passed their constituents still supported the "traditional southern values'. The Neo-GOP offered them more of that than the new batch of Democrats did and the south eventually turned red.
name one republican. Why didn't Robert Byrd switch parties then? you are really stupid. And I don't follow cons. There's always a fact that exposes the con. Robert Byrd is it. Need me to pull his bio if you're too fking lazy?

  • Claims for the week ended Jan. 29 totaled 238,000, a touch lower than the 245,000 Dow Jones estimate.
  • Continuing claims on a four-week basis hit their lowest level since 1973.
  • Productivity rose more than expected in the fourth quarter, while unit labor costs were less than the Wall Street estimate.

Weekly jobless claims total 238,000, fewer than expected

Initial filings for unemployment claims totaled a bit fewer than expected last week as companies looked to overcome the impact of the omicron spread.

Jobless claims are down.

Great news for Joe!

(There you go. 100% trump free.)
Unemployment went up! doh

Most of the jobs are jobs reopened that were closed for the pandemic. fk I hate when idiot demofks take credit after initiating the ruin. fk off demofkers!!!
Why didn't Robert Byrd switch parties then?
What are you? Daft?

I never said Southern Democrats switched partied. They voted against Civil Rights and their constituency mostly continued to vote them back to Congress as Democrats. Like your hero Robert Byrd.

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