Biden supporters: talk about Joe Biden without mentioning Trump

We actually have Afghans taking up military housing on the bases here in NM right now.
I talked to a cook at an Air Force Base in New Jersey. She has 30,000 afghans getting weekly paychecks for just walking around.. she also has reported that many afgans are getting free houses from the government..
Wait. 13% of us only making up 1% of CEO's makes sense to you?

Asians are also under represented in the board rooms of America. Indians too. The smartest guys in the company are stuck in mid management. Why? Because white men are doing the hiring. They say they can't lead. Are not good leaders. They have all kinds of reasons why blacks, women, asians, arabs and mexicans aren't CEOs but it doesn't make sense in a country as diverse as ours, why is it all white men who become CEO's?

No bias?
why aren't they creating businesses and creating jobs?

Again, you think about freebies all the time.
This is classic Republicans wanting to control the conversation and narrative. They want to discuss politics but the rule is, no mentioning Trump. That's controlling the conversation. I won't allow it.
name one person frozen out by a republican? can't make this up.
I've been telling you poor white Republicans for decades that to the rich Republicans, we are all n*#*$rs. They only play the race card to divide us. Blacks vote Democratic so the GOP tends to cater to the white racists. It's a social wedge issue.

Why aren't middle class blacks and middle class whites seeing the same thing? Because they use race to divide us. This is why poor whites vote against their own financial interests and vote GOP. That and guns, gays, religion.
what do rich demofks call you?

You still haven't learned that demofks are kkk. fk son, when will you ever learn?

Back in 1866, the Democratic party started the KKK, kind of. It really started as more of a grassroots movement, that was picked up by the democrats of the time. They opposed the Republicans, who wanted to give social justice and equality to blacks.
Except for Sealybobo democrats have nothing to say about President Biden, must not have much positive after all since 4 pages have accumulated and yet only TWO comments are posted about Biden himself in any detail.

I don't start daily threads about a stolen election. LOL. And like it or not, Trump is running the media narrative.
that didn't answer the question. way to divert. So typical of you, never really any thought.
you failed. there's actually a thread on the first president to try and appoint a black judge to SCOTUS, George W. Bush, and creepy racist joe said no.
Because she was probably a KRunt. Remember Bush wanted to appoint his friend Harriet Meirs to the Supremes? Not even qualified. I'd hate to see the other person he appointed. What was her name? Heritage Foundation nut probably. Who else besides Joe said no? Must have been a lot of people said no to her.
…..escalating inflation as more money changes fewer goods, and the middle-class people without children struggle to cover their increased expenses.

Making hiring decisions based on race and gender is progress?

….. leaving hundreds of Americans to the Taliban, and $86 billion of military equipment to Islamic terrorists, and getting 13 troops killed, was and is a huge failure.

After a year of lockdowns on the economy, that’s to be expected.
Where would women be today if not for affirmative action?

Making hiring decisions based on gender is progress? It sure is LISA

Are you a white woman Lisa? This explains your thinking

that didn't answer the question. way to divert. So typical of you, never really any thought.
I answered. You don't have to be very observant on this board to notice that anti-Trump folks start threads based upon NEWS STORIES about Trump's BEHAVIOR, while the Trump folks start mult threads every day on their wet dreams about a stolen election
Where would women be today if not for affirmative action?

Making hiring decisions based on gender is progress? It sure is LISA

Are you a white woman Lisa? This explains your thinking

Inflation is simply because the supply bottlenecks are not allowing mftrs to increase production to satisfy demand. And its just not consumer goods. Cummings Diesel is today's poster child. I mean we'd still have some inflation for things like gasoline that has a cap on how much refiners are willing to produce. Saltwater fish costs more because it costs more to fish. Beef is going to cost more because of global warming, drought and corn. But for those goods, we can find alternatives. But the overall inflation is just because of supply. And both Trump and Biden want to produce more in the US

That's not mean as defense for the extension and expansion of child care tax credits.
I answered. You don't have to be very observant on this board to notice that anti-Trump folks start threads based upon NEWS STORIES about Trump's BEHAVIOR, while the Trump folks start mult threads every day on their wet dreams about a stolen election
nope, sorry, maybe worked for your teachers back in the day, but here, nope. You never said what you charge Trump for being in your head. Are you suggesting he lives rent free in your head?
Because she was probably a KRunt. Remember Bush wanted to appoint his friend Harriet Meirs to the Supremes? Not even qualified. I'd hate to see the other person he appointed. What was her name? Heritage Foundation nut probably. Who else besides Joe said no? Must have been a lot of people said no to her.
so black isn't black unless black is black?
Inflation is simply because the supply bottlenecks are not allowing mftrs to increase production to satisfy demand. And its just not consumer goods. Cummings Diesel is today's poster child. I mean we'd still have some inflation for things like gasoline that has a cap on how much refiners are willing to produce. Saltwater fish costs more because it costs more to fish. Beef is going to cost more because of global warming, drought and corn. But for those goods, we can find alternatives. But the overall inflation is just because of supply. And both Trump and Biden want to produce more in the US

That's not mean as defense for the extension and expansion of child care tax credits.
no, mandates are causing it, direct from the dictator in DC.

self inflicted.
…..escalating inflation as more money changes fewer goods, and the middle-class people without children struggle to cover their increased expenses.

Making hiring decisions based on race and gender is progress?

….. leaving hundreds of Americans to the Taliban, and $86 billion of military equipment to Islamic terrorists, and getting 13 troops killed, was and is a huge failure.

After a year of lockdowns on the economy, that’s to be expected.
White women.

Recently obtained documents from the Justice Department indicate the Trump administration is planning to target affirmative action on university campuses, likely arguing that it discriminates against white college applicants.

Ironically, the group that affirmative action helps the most is also one of its most stringent opponents. Statistics show that white women benefit immensely from affirmative action, but according to Vox, they are also among those who most want to see it abolished.

The numbers prove it: After two decades of affirmative action, it was white women who held the majority of managerial jobs, compared to African American, Latino, and Asian American women (the supposed beneficiaries of these policies), according to a 1995 report by the California Senate Government Organization Committee. Across the board, affirmative action helped women obtain success in the labor market.

While white women like Fisher argue against affirmative action on the basis that the policy is reverse discrimination, and that schools should be blind to race and gender, they essentially are fighting against the very policies that have helped progress for women of all backgrounds over the past four decades. As women continue to fight for equal rights and pay in the workforce, advocating against affirmative action would be more detrimental than ever.

so black isn't black unless black is black?
ACDC will answer your question:

Black is black
I hit the sack
I've been too long, I'm glad to be back
Yes, I'm let loose
From the noose
That's kept me hanging about
I've been looking at the sky
'Cause it's gettin' me high
Forget the hearse 'cause I never die
I got nine lives
Cat's eyes
Abusin' every one of them and running wild
'Cause I'm black
Yes, I'm black
Well, I'm black
Yes, I'm black
Well, I'm black, black
Well, black is black
Yes, black is black.

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