Biden tells Kimmel gas prices oil companies' fault:

If you are willing to contaminate your water table to get at it, sure.

One of the main pollutants released in the fracking process is methane, a greenhouse gas that traps 25 times more heat than carbon dioxide. Research indicates the U.S. oil and gas industry emits 16.9 million metric tons of methane every year, according to the International Energy Agency.3 Some of this methane is inadvertently leaked through faulty equipment, or deliberately vented into the atmosphere between extractions. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the U.S. accounts for more methane emissions than 164 countries combined.4

In addition to methane, fracking also releases toxic compounds such as nitrogen oxides, benzene, hydrogen sulfide, and other hydrocarbons, forming smog and ozone that can cause health problems to those living nearby. Local air pollution can aggravate asthma and other respiratory conditions.5

Fracking uses large amounts of water and releases toxic chemicals into the surrounding water table. Each well consumes a median of 1.5 million gallons, according to the EPA, adding up to billions of gallons nationwide every year.7 Not only does this reduce the amount of water available for drinking and irrigation, but it also threatens to pollute local sources with contaminated wastewater.

The byproduct of fracking's water consumption is billions of gallons of wastewater that may be contaminated by petrochemicals.8 The majority is injected into underground wells, and what isn't injected is transported for treatment. The EPA highlights potential leakage from wastewater storage pits, or accidental releases during transport, as risks to drinking water supplies.
All very very good points! And all COULD be solved if the current administration didn't hold the following:
So Biden is either lying or telling the truth in the following 3 statements and actions:
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

And wants to throw oil executives into jail... “we should put them in jail” when talking about fossil fuel executives.
The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%. That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.
So oil company workers can look at 3 statements and actions by Biden and wonder what their future is and therefore why should they work any more?
1) He wants to throw them in jail.
2) He wants to rid oil/coal, i.e. fossil fuels. Put them out of business. Make them unemployed.
3) He raises the cost of finding oil on Federal lands as well as halting the leasing of federal lands.

What would you do if your industry was told it was going to be obsolete, people put in jail and the cost is going up?

So Biden is either lying or telling the truth in the following 3 statements:
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

And wants to throw oil executives into jail... “we should put them in jail” when talking about fossil fuel executives.
The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%. That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.
So oil company workers can look at 3 statements and actions by Biden and wonder what their future is and therefore why should they work any more?
1) He wants to throw them in jail.
2) He wants to rid oil/coal, i.e. fossil fuels. Put them out of business. Make them unemployed.
3) He raises the cost of finding oil on Federal lands as well as halting the leasing of federal lands.

What would you do if your industry was told it was going to be obsolete, people put in jail and the cost is going up?
There were plenty of problems when Trump was running it. Did you not see the state of the economy and spending that he ended with? Yes Biden owns a chunk of what is going on. Much of it was a product of a pandemic that was out of anybodys control. And yes, Trump initiated many of the things that you’re blaming Biden for
Before C19, it seemed fine, and it was ok when he left the WH. What is it then? C'mon, you cannot say "orange man bad," and the gas will be back to 2 USD. Only the fool believes pandemic makes oil over $100 per.
Inflation was caused by several factors but yes trumps spending absolutely played a part. Tax cuts don’t immediately create tax revenue, they decrease revenue. If additional revenue is realized from tax cuts then it is from higher economic output but that wouldnt come for years down the line as a direct result of tax cuts .
So you thinking is Trump's spending caused the inflation...2 years later....BUT the tax cuts that started in 2021
didn't contribute to greater GDP, i.e. people had more money to spend on yachts, big cars, i.e. all material things that
mean JOBS... and therefor not enough time to affect Federal revenue. Right??
So you thinking is Trump's spending caused the inflation...2 years later....BUT the tax cuts that started in 2021
didn't contribute to greater GDP, i.e. people had more money to spend on yachts, big cars, i.e. all material things that
mean JOBS... and therefor not enough time to affect Federal revenue. Right??
Trumps spending was part of it. Where do you think the trillions of dollars ended up going?? Stock market, housing, and towards this yachts and cars you were speaking about. Didn’t need those tax cuts to get the money up to the top tier
Trumps spending was part of it. Where do you think the trillions of dollars ended up going?? Stock market, housing, and towards this yachts and cars you were speaking about. Didn’t need those tax cuts to get the money up to the top tier
But they paid MORE in taxes even though there was a lower rate! Now here is my proof!

The Numbers Are In: Trump’s Tax Cuts Paid Off​

The government now expects to bring in more tax revenue in the decade following the 2017 “Trump tax cuts” than it had projected prior to the passage of tax reform.
The corporate tax reform propelled higher income growth and therefore higher income taxes and payroll taxes.
Unfortunately, many of the provisions of the Trump tax cuts are set to expire over the next few years.
The Congressional Budget Office’s May 2022 forecast shows that the government now expects to bring in more tax revenue in the decade following the 2017 “Trump tax cuts” than it had projected prior to the December 2017 passage of tax reform.
It doesn’t look like the tax cuts—which government scorekeepers said at the time would cost $1.5 trillion over 10 years—have been anything like the fiscal nightmare that some on the left would lead us to believe.

Adjusting the forecasts to actual 2022 dollars, prior to the tax cuts the government projected $40.7 trillion of income tax, corporate tax, and payroll tax revenues between 2018 and 2027.
The latest budget forecasts project $41.3 trillion of revenues for that period. Instead of reducing revenues by $1.5 trillion, the latest forecasts suggest tax revenues will come in $570 billion higher than expected.

According to economists Tyler Goodspeed and Kevin Hassett, after the 2017 tax cuts, business investment soared 9.4% compared to the pre-tax cuts trend. For corporations, real investment rose 14.2%. Similarly, a 2021 Heritage Foundation report showed the dramatic growth in investment and wages that occurred after the tax cuts.
A key driver in the surge in investment was multinational firms who chose to reinvest in U.S. markets instead of offshoring.
(REMEMBER folks...everyone laughed at Trump's efforts to bring back the
U.S. companies have repatriated $1 trillion since tax overhaul

Almost every time I bring PROOF to counter the guesses, the false stories, the personal, subjective comments that some you idiots take as TRUE and still you persist in spreading further the total falsehoods!
You dummies bitch and moan about Trump being a ass hole ... and that's one thing you are right about!
But this asshole did something that NO president had done in the past!
With the tax cuts and repatriation of nearly $1 trillion Trump had:
1) more tax revenue coming in Proof:
The latest budget forecasts project $41.3 trillion of revenues for that period. Instead of reducing revenues by $1.5 trillion, the latest forecasts suggest tax revenues will come in $570 billion higher than expected.
2) Had more companies investing IN AMERICA!!!
3) Had the USA energy independent for the first time since 1952!
We were "energy independent and if you can READ follow this and the links.
There were 7 months of energy independence! But keep it up with your stupid uninformed
comments as you are continuing to show the deficiencies of people like you!
The definition of "energy independence"...
In 2019, as was the case in March, the U.S. produced slightly more energy than it consumed.
Specifically, Americans used about 100.2 quadrillion Btu of energy and produced about 101 quadrillion Btu.
Broken down by month, there were seven months in 2019 where energy production outpaced energy consumption.
Previously, the U.S. had been a net energy importer since 1952.

So those of you that call me a troll, or all the other dumb ass comments that you make AGAIN with NOT ONE
shred of substantiation, (WHICH I frequently provide)... you won't understand a word I wrote!
Almost every time I bring PROOF to counter the guesses, the false stories, the personal, subjective comments that some you idiots take as TRUE and still you persist in spreading further the total falsehoods!
You dummies bitch and moan about Trump being a ass hole ... and that's one thing you are right about!
But this asshole did something that NO president had done in the past!
With the tax cuts and repatriation of nearly $1 trillion Trump had:
1) more tax revenue coming in Proof:
The latest budget forecasts project $41.3 trillion of revenues for that period. Instead of reducing revenues by $1.5 trillion, the latest forecasts suggest tax revenues will come in $570 billion higher than expected.
2) Had more companies investing IN AMERICA!!!
3) Had the USA energy independent for the first time since 1952!
We were "energy independent and if you can READ follow this and the links.
There were 7 months of energy independence! But keep it up with your stupid uninformed
comments as you are continuing to show the deficiencies of people like you!
The definition of "energy independence"...
In 2019, as was the case in March, the U.S. produced slightly more energy than it consumed.
Specifically, Americans used about 100.2 quadrillion Btu of energy and produced about 101 quadrillion Btu.
Broken down by month, there were seven months in 2019 where energy production outpaced energy consumption.
Previously, the U.S. had been a net energy importer since 1952.

So those of you that call me a troll, or all the other dumb ass comments that you make AGAIN with NOT ONE
shred of substantiation, (WHICH I frequently provide)... you won't understand a word I wrote!
When you say we were energy independent what exactly do you mean?
When you say we were energy independent what exactly do you mean?
You obviously didn't read or click...
In 2019, as was the case in March, the U.S. produced slightly more energy than it consumed.
Specifically, Americans used about 100.2 quadrillion Btu of energy and produced about 101 quadrillion Btu.
Broken down by month, there were seven months in 2019 where energy production outpaced energy consumption.
Previously, the U.S. had been a net energy importer since 1952.
And the link YOU didn't follow is the extreme left a subsidiary of Poynter Institute of St. Pete Fl that
has been called "Pravda West" by those of us living in that area!
When you say we were energy independent what exactly do you mean?
In 2019, as was the case in March, the U.S. produced slightly more energy than it consumed.
Specifically, Americans used about 100.2 quadrillion Btu of energy and produced about 101 quadrillion Btu.
Broken down by month, there were seven months in 2019 where energy production outpaced energy consumption.
In 2019, as was the case in March, the U.S. produced slightly more energy than it consumed.
Specifically, Americans used about 100.2 quadrillion Btu of energy and produced about 101 quadrillion Btu.
Broken down by month, there were seven months in 2019 where energy production outpaced energy consumption.
Haha, first of all did you even read your link? We were never energy independent under Trump. Still aren’t. now if you are talking about producing more than we consume then yes we did achieve that under Trump and guess what, we are still achieving it under Biden. Mr Dementia Green New Deal himself. We were also a net exporter of oil in joes first year. Apparently the sky isn’t falling is it?!

Haha, first of all did you even read your link? We were never energy independent under Trump. Still aren’t. now if you are talking about producing more than we consume then yes we did achieve that under Trump and guess what, we are still achieving it under Biden. Mr Dementia Green New Deal himself. We were also a net exporter of oil in joes first year. Apparently the sky isn’t falling is it?!

It is true that imports of petroleum (which includes crude oil, refined petroleum products, and other liquids) decreased in 2020, the last year of Trump’s presidential term:
7.863 million barrels per day imported versus 10.055 million barrels per day imported in 2016, former president Barack Obama’s last year, data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows ( here ).

That year the United States became a “net exporter” - exporting more of a commodity than what it imports - of petroleum for the first time since 1949 (it exported 8.498 million barrels per day, and imported 7.863 mb/d)

Just when you thought President Joe Biden couldn’t screw up U.S. energy policy any worse,
his cabinet rises to the occasion.
The Biden administration wants to curb – and potentially ban outright – U.S. exports of oil and refined products. Such a decision would do little to tame soaring consumer fuel prices and could cause them to remain inflated for longer.
It is true that imports of petroleum (which includes crude oil, refined petroleum products, and other liquids) decreased in 2020, the last year of Trump’s presidential term:
7.863 million barrels per day imported versus 10.055 million barrels per day imported in 2016, former president Barack Obama’s last year, data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows ( here ).

That year the United States became a “net exporter” - exporting more of a commodity than what it imports - of petroleum for the first time since 1949 (it exported 8.498 million barrels per day, and imported 7.863 mb/d)

Just when you thought President Joe Biden couldn’t screw up U.S. energy policy any worse,
his cabinet rises to the occasion.
The Biden administration wants to curb – and potentially ban outright – U.S. exports of oil and refined products. Such a decision would do little to tame soaring consumer fuel prices and could cause them to remain inflated for longer.
Biden wants to curb exports which means we use more of what we make and you are bitching about that?! Really?
Link? I don’t need a link I was responding to your post genius. You said it
Slade3200 said:
"Biden wants to curb exports which means we use more of what we make and you are bitching about that?! Really?

I asked you to prove that Biden "wants" to curb exports? Prove where Biden says he wants to curb exports?

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