Biden tells Kimmel gas prices oil companies' fault:

For years, the cult has said their goal is high gas prices to push their agenda, and then everyone acts surprised when it happens.
There are only 5,000 electric powerplants in the US, there are 145,000 gas stations. If you wanted to attack the USA and take us out which would you target? Right lets all buy EV's...bad idea. This is also a national security issue.
There are only 5,000 electric powerplants in the US, there are 145,000 gas stations. If you wanted to attack the USA and take us out which would you target? Right lets all buy EV's...bad idea. This is also a national security issue.

Most people do not understand that the power to charge the electric car comes from POWER PLANTS….many of which are fossil fuel plants.

So now instead of burning fossil fuel in your gas tank, the power company just burns more fossil fuel to make the electricity to fuel your car….often in poor areas.
Most people do not understand that the power to charge the electric car comes from POWER PLANTS….many of which are fossil fuel plants.

So now instead of burning fossil fuel in your gas tank, the power company just burns more fossil fuel to make the electricity to fuel your car….often in poor areas.
Natural gas power plants is the biggest percentage, fracking resulted in natural gas pulling ahead of coal. Coal and oil make up another large chunk followed by hydroelectric. Then you have the pitifully inadequate solar and wind.
Dem party propaganda spewed by the Dem news media 24/7 overcomes logic and common sense. Then people get raped with Dem $5 a gallon gas and wake the hell up.

Funny how once you hit people in the wallet, they take notice.

It is a shame this is what it takes for these brain dead puppets who claimed Trump was ruining the US.
Funny how once you hit people in the wallet, they take notice.

It is a shame this is what it takes for these brain dead puppets who claimed Trump was ruining the US.
Obama tried the same shit Biden is doing, only when Dems and independents starting screaming about the price of gas Obama and Dems backed off. Biden is too stupid to change course.
Obama tried the same shit Biden is doing, only when Dems and independents starting screaming about the price of gas Obama and Dems backed off. Biden is too stupid to change course.

It seems to me that we have serious infiltration from foreign actors who are actively bringing down the US from within. Biden is doing what he is told.

The elites want these high prices.
Just curious what does "goguing" mean?
What it means to me is that you are a

So you couldn't refute a single point I made, then.. Got it.

None of that matters, only your EXPOSED prissy elitist punk 'screw the poor and middle class' attitude matters.

Well, it kind of all matters. While the rest of the world moved to more fuel efficient vehicles, the US double downed on gas-guzzling hogs...

I don't have lots of compassion for self-inflicted injuries.

During World War II, we needed to conserve oil to have it available for the war effort. We rationed gasoline and people car pooled to work and we asked ourselves "Is this trip necessary?"

Today we buy a big gas guzzler, and we complain about high gas prices while idling in the Starbucks Drive through to buy a $5.00 cup of coffee.
There are only 5,000 electric powerplants in the US, there are 145,000 gas stations. If you wanted to attack the USA and take us out which would you target? Right lets all buy EV's...bad idea. This is also a national security issue.

Are you fucking retarded?

How is not a "national security issue" to remained hooked on a commodity that funds people like Putin, Maduro, and most of the bad actors in the Middle East?

And before you whine about how we need to despoil our own land to make our own oil, you STILL haven't solved the problem that everyone else can't do that.

"Oil companies, instead of everybody, says, 'Well, Biden won't let them drill.' They have 9,000 drilling sites that they already own that are there. They're not doing it," Biden told Kimmel. "You know why? Because they make more money not drilling and buying back their own stock."

"Nobody's listening to him at all on this because it's so obvious," Brenberg reacted on "Varney & Co." "All these same oil companies who apparently can't get it together now, boy, they could get it together under President Trump, couldn't they?"

Biden needs to be put in a rubber room with a drool cup.
View attachment 656569
If you research, one big reason they don't drill are high regulations and environmental requirements. Other countries don't do this so it's cheaper to drill there.

It's" fun" I suppose to simply ask unresearched vague questions and giggle at implied answers but if you don't know the REAL answers then it's just another bait scenario.

In general answer, btw.
Are you fucking retarded?

How is not a "national security issue" to remained hooked on a commodity that funds people like Putin, Maduro, and most of the bad actors in the Middle East?

And before you whine about how we need to despoil our own land to make our own oil, you STILL haven't solved the problem that everyone else can't do that.
LMAO you are triggered by logic and facts. :itsok:
We were oil independent and exported oil before the drool cup took over.
Now we are scampering like rats.
we have enough oil to last us over 100 years at current production levels. Furthermore, if we also include more complicated oil reservoirs such as kerogen deposits, then we may have more than 250 years of oil supply.
We were oil independent and exported oil before the drool cup took over.
Now we are scampering like rats.
we have enough oil to last us over 100 years at current production levels. Furthermore, if we also include more complicated oil reservoirs such as kerogen deposits, then we may have more than 250 years of oil supply.
The United States has the largest known deposits of oil shale in the world, according to the Bureau of Land Management and holds an estimated 2.175 trillion barrels (345.8 km3) of potentially recoverable oil.
In 2021, the United States consumed an average of about 19.78 million barrels of petroleum per day, or a total of about 7.22 billion barrels of petroleum. This was an increase in consumption of about 1.6 million barrels per day over consumption in 2020.Mar 9, 2022

2,175,000,000,000 barrels of oil in known oil in USA divided by 19,780,000 barrels per day would be a total of
110,010 days or 301 years.
The United States has the largest known deposits of oil shale in the world, according to the Bureau of Land Management and holds an estimated 2.175 trillion barrels (345.8 km3) of potentially recoverable oil.

If you are willing to contaminate your water table to get at it, sure.

One of the main pollutants released in the fracking process is methane, a greenhouse gas that traps 25 times more heat than carbon dioxide. Research indicates the U.S. oil and gas industry emits 16.9 million metric tons of methane every year, according to the International Energy Agency.3 Some of this methane is inadvertently leaked through faulty equipment, or deliberately vented into the atmosphere between extractions. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the U.S. accounts for more methane emissions than 164 countries combined.4

In addition to methane, fracking also releases toxic compounds such as nitrogen oxides, benzene, hydrogen sulfide, and other hydrocarbons, forming smog and ozone that can cause health problems to those living nearby. Local air pollution can aggravate asthma and other respiratory conditions.5

Fracking uses large amounts of water and releases toxic chemicals into the surrounding water table. Each well consumes a median of 1.5 million gallons, according to the EPA, adding up to billions of gallons nationwide every year.7 Not only does this reduce the amount of water available for drinking and irrigation, but it also threatens to pollute local sources with contaminated wastewater.

The byproduct of fracking's water consumption is billions of gallons of wastewater that may be contaminated by petrochemicals.8 The majority is injected into underground wells, and what isn't injected is transported for treatment. The EPA highlights potential leakage from wastewater storage pits, or accidental releases during transport, as risks to drinking water supplies.
POTUS was Trump during the meat of the pandemic, are you blaming him as well?

The fire wasn’t started from that BBQ. It was a wiring issue in the basement
Ya, it may be the wiring issue. However, Biden is the building maintenance manager, and he was fooling around with the wiring not long ago.

There was no problem when Trump, Obama ... lived there. In fact, I believe the C19 is the big reset. :rolleyes:
If you research, one big reason they don't drill are high regulations and environmental requirements. Other countries don't do this so it's cheaper to drill there.

It's" fun" I suppose to simply ask unresearched vague questions and giggle at implied answers but if you don't know the REAL answers then it's just another bait scenario.

In general answer, btw.
That is the true inconvenient truth that the leftists do not want you to know. Western countries outsource their energy source. Now, Biden pisses the middle east off, and we are all paying the price.
That is the true inconvenient truth that the leftists do not want you to know. Western countries outsource their energy source. Now, Biden pisses the middle east off, and we are all paying the price.
And China just dug up a shitload if coal to burn.

Global warming my ass.
Ya, it may be the wiring issue. However, Biden is the building maintenance manager, and he was fooling around with the wiring not long ago.

There was no problem when Trump, Obama ... lived there. In fact, I believe the C19 is the big reset. :rolleyes:
There were plenty of problems when Trump was running it. Did you not see the state of the economy and spending that he ended with? Yes Biden owns a chunk of what is going on. Much of it was a product of a pandemic that was out of anybodys control. And yes, Trump initiated many of the things that you’re blaming Biden for

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