Biden the uniter on Trump just now: He's not just a former president, he's a defeated former president. Defeated by over 7 million of your votes

Sad to she how corrupt Democrats are that they've already stolen one election and are working to steal more with so call "election reform".

Sorry, but I don’t engage in stolen election fantasies
You should be more intelligent than that
Do these clowns really believe any thinking person is buying their comparison of this to Pearl Harbor and 9/11?

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The good part is that Americans are watching and have sharp memories.
They can't be fooled easily.At lesst not in the long term.Maybe they can over
stuff like False Flags or even the J.F.K. assassination.But then the Warren Commission
helped make that possible.By censoring it's Report for 50 years.
Why was the 14,ooo hrs of video taken that day also censored.Only a few dramatic
clips were released.To help cultivate the Lie it was an " Insurrection ".
No one has been charged with Insurrection.Just Tresspassing and Illegal
Parading/Protesting.Not one forearm was collected on January 6th.
Only one shot was fired and it ended the life of a 14 year female Vet.
No warnng was given.Ashli Babbett was shot in the neck.
The SOB who shot and murdered her had his name concealed for months.
it used to be you didn't change your mind until you saw some evidence. now you believe your own evidence to make up your mind. i speak of course of Trump supporters
You have to feel sorry for the vegetable in the White House when his handlers feel that they need to point out he won. We have had how many presidents? Most of them have lost to the next one. But their staff felt no need to point out they won against their predecessor. When winning the election is the greatest accomplishment you have to point to in a year it shows just how bad you have done

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