Biden to boost food stamps

Basic economic formulas don't take party lines, Daniel. You'd know that if you'd ever taken an Econ class! I'm simply pointing out what happens to you when you trot out your 'Economics Lite' talking points!
lol. You don't seem to understand economics to begin with. Any lying hypocrite can resort to ad hominems. What right-wingers are best at not any "gospel Truth".
A mere executive order to faithfully execute at-will employment Law would actually help Solve simple poverty in a market friendly manner and would be better and easier since that is a power of the chief magistrate of the Union.

Oh boy, notwithstanding that an executive order only applies to federal agencies, and therefore has absolutely no bearing on private sector at will employment, do you care to elaborate on exactly how you envision such an executive order would accomplish what you suggest it would? Perhaps you could offer something more explanatory than your typical meaningless bumper sticker platitudes.
lol. You don't seem to understand economics to begin with. Any lying hypocrite can resort to ad hominems. What right-wingers are best at not any "gospel Truth".
When Spain looted the New World of its gold, it brought it back to the homeland and spread it around. Spain has not recovered from the economic devastation of having to much of the metal in active dealings. That was about 4 or 5 centuries ago. The same thing happens with running the printing presses with Fiat Currencies. Our financial system is more complicated but there are wild distortions around the globe with shortages of cash or way to much cash and people here and overseas can and do suffer. Here people on fixed incomes/pensions or their pay or checks do not rise are feeling it already with the inflation. The most insidious tax there is that governments use routinely on the masses. All of those trillions printed and trillions more went far more then just giving the peasants a check a few times.
lol. You don't seem to understand economics to begin with. Any lying hypocrite can resort to ad hominems. What right-wingers are best at not any "gospel Truth".
Gee, Danny Boy...I took economics in college. That place where smart people go to get smarter? You know...the place that wouldn't let you in?
Oh boy, notwithstanding that an executive order only applies to federal agencies, and therefore has absolutely no bearing on private sector at will employment, do you care to elaborate on exactly how you envision such an executive order would accomplish what you suggest it would? Perhaps you could offer something more explanatory than your typical meaningless bumper sticker platitudes.
You're gonna make Danny Boy's head explode if you ask him to actually THINK, Osiris! Meaningless bumper sticker platitudes are what he does best. As Clint once said "A man's got to know his limitations!" You've pointed out what his are...and it's not going to get any better!
Not as weird as the lefty policies...... They're too old to kill, let's feed them. :rolleyes:
That’s kind of the only two options these lunatics want to give you. Either pay for the abortion or pay welfare for as long as they live.

Personal responsibility is never even considered.
Oh boy, notwithstanding that an executive order only applies to federal agencies, and therefore has absolutely no bearing on private sector at will employment, do you care to elaborate on exactly how you envision such an executive order would accomplish what you suggest it would? Perhaps you could offer something more explanatory than your typical meaningless bumper sticker platitudes.
This is federal doctrine and States would be more willing to go along with federal support:

At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."

Only right-wingers are hypocritical enough against the Poor to be "Illegal" to the Laws.
When Spain looted the New World of its gold, it brought it back to the homeland and spread it around. Spain has not recovered from the economic devastation of having to much of the metal in active dealings. That was about 4 or 5 centuries ago. The same thing happens with running the printing presses with Fiat Currencies. Our financial system is more complicated but there are wild distortions around the globe with shortages of cash or way to much cash and people here and overseas can and do suffer. Here people on fixed incomes/pensions or their pay or checks do not rise are feeling it already with the inflation. The most insidious tax there is that governments use routinely on the masses. All of those trillions printed and trillions more went far more then just giving the peasants a check a few times.
We used to have black codes.
You're gonna make Danny Boy's head explode if you ask him to actually THINK, Osiris! Meaningless bumper sticker platitudes are what he does best. As Clint once said "A man's got to know his limitations!" You've pointed out what his are...and it's not going to get any better!
Says the guy who allegedly took economics in school yet has no valid arguments only fake news; how typical of the right-wing.
A mere executive order to faithfully execute at-will employment Law would actually help Solve simple poverty in a market friendly manner and would be better and easier since that is a power of the chief magistrate of the Union.
Government cannot solve poverty

You have been proven wrong in other threads and are still repeating ignorant crap
How bout you degenerate bottom feeders don't have kids you can't support without robbing others?

But BL, if asslips wasn't out porking up his fat, greasy old lady, he'd have nothing else to do all day but sit around cracking open a can of suds, opening a bag of cheese doodles and watching game shows on TV. Besides, having kids opens up the door to those big welfare bucks.
You wasted your time and money since you only have fallacy (of ad hominem) not any valid arguments. You prove it every time you post.
Since you only seem to know two things, Daniel..."fallacy" and "ad hominim" it's rather comical when you accuse others of not being well educated. You don't have "valid arguments". You have drivel.

I'm proud of both my degrees and they have both served me well throughout my life. U-Mass and Boston University. I got a great education at both.
Says the guy who allegedly took economics in school yet has no valid arguments only fake news; how typical of the right-wing.
Give me an example of a "valid argument" coming from you, Daniel! Pick out your best one. Something to do with Economics since you've declared me to be lacking in knowledge in that subject. Let's see how that goes. :)
Since you only seem to know two things, Daniel..."fallacy" and "ad hominim" it's rather comical when you accuse others of not being well educated. You don't have "valid arguments". You have drivel.

I'm proud of both my degrees and they have both served me well throughout my life. U-Mass and Boston University. I got a great education at both.
Is that why you have no valid arguments?

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