Biden to governors: "I will take steps to get you out of the way."

Just pointing out where this is going.
You wish. We know you yearn for vicarious violence, like any other crazy old person who left behind their humanity long ago. But mostly people are just going to get vaccinated, when they realize acting like a fucking moron to impress their fellow moron cultists isn't worth losing the house and the car.
Yes it is. They do not tolerate any strong Conservative opinion there.

I've been banned there 7 or 8 times. After the last one, I gave up because it has no traffic with mostly leftoids talking to one another.
Here in Indiana -- a bastion of stupid and backwards people -- we had some parents come to schoolboard meeting for one school system to try to bully and intimidate everyone. They screamed, they weaponized their small children, they made comments about coming armed next time or showing up armed at the school. Funny stuff.

The school system told them "fuck you" and instituted a mask mandate. They have so far fired one teacher for refusing to wear a mask. She tried to make a martyr of herself on social media and got laughed off of Facebook. I imagine her prospects for teaching employment are not so good anymore.

After the meeting where they made veiled threats of shooting up the meeting, the Sheriff was waiting outside. He calmly explained to them that he would take them away from their families and put them in prison if they so much as walked into that meeting with a weapon or made any direct threats of violence.

Now... Not a peep. Their kids are wearing masks. And those freaks are at home chewing on their own toes in blind, stupid frustration.

Our Sheriff is a conservative dumbass, btw. But he put his duty above his fetishes that night.
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You wish. We know you yearn for vicarious violence, like any other crazy old person who left behind their humanity long ago. But mostly people are just going to get vaccinated, when they realize acting like a fucking moron to impress their fellow moron cultists isn't worth losing the house and the car.
That's the Mao way.

Biden to governors: "I will take steps to get you out of the way."​

Cool! Republican governors are driving the last Covid-19 surge.
Cute, irrelevant whining. And i doubt it comes to that. You white wingers prefer bullying people in settings like school board meetings and playing cosplay in your princess soldier dresses for the benefit of cameras.

You're a good little sheeple. It will come to that because we won't take your jab Scooter Here, have one on me.

We need to take Biden's threat seriously. When a cognitively impaired president has total support in the media, the propaganda arm of the CDC and total control of the agenda of federal law enforcement bad things can happen.
It doesn't help we live in a short attention span society. The media with all of their entertainers intertwined can spew insults and zingers to impress the masses. And do. Trying to compete with that element of their agendas is not easy.
Yes, the doddering democrat in the Oval Office just directly threatened governors who won't toe the administration's line regarding schools and masking, distancing, etc. He is speaking live (sort of) right now. The senile statesman's writers are not doing him any favors with this approach.
The governors are elected directly by the people of the each state, not appointed by the President of the United States, nor are they under the command or authority of POTUS.
I have a feeling that you can't shoot many people with your dildo...

But if I were you, I would think twice about threatening the group that owns most of the guns....
Well moron, it would be cops doing the shooting. Why are you so damn dumb?
Yes, the doddering democrat in the Oval Office just directly threatened governors who won't toe the administration's line regarding schools and masking, distancing, etc. He is speaking live (sort of) right now. The senile statesman's writers are not doing him any favors with this approach.
Again, there is a solution for you and your ilk: leave the country, go, the sooner the better. You are not needed or wanted here.
Well moron, it would be cops doing the shooting. Why are you so damn dumb?
Would that be the same cops that the Democrats claim have been indiscriminately killing blacks???

The cops that the Democrats have been defunding (and even going as far as phycally attacking, firebombing, and murdering)???

THAT should get interesting!!!
Then you can get gassed and shot, like protestors who dared to block streets, i guess.
When the Progs of Tyranny take full control and tame the false enemy Non Progs, they will come for you. The aged, the sickly, the obese and the under educated not controlled have no place in a Totalitarian state of pure control. The educated will be weeded out for use, the others enslaved or killed. This is the way of humanity. With thousands of years of proof of what it does. In the end the ones who yelled they had no voices, will be the ones who bring down a Republic as they have, then a Democracy and Empire which we are and transitioning to now.. ..finally an Oppressive State of Tyranny will emerge.

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