Biden to governors: "I will take steps to get you out of the way."

When the Progs of Tyranny take full control and tame the false enemy Non Progs, they will come for you. The aged, the sickly, the obese and the under educated not controlled have no place in a Totalitarian state of pure control. The educated will be weeded out for use, the others enslaved or killed. This is the way of humanity. With thousands of years of proof of what it does. In the end the ones who yelled they had no voices, will be the ones who bring down a Republic as they have, then a Democracy and Empire which we are and transitioning to now.. ..finally an Oppressive State of Tyranny will emerge.
Nah, your paranoid delusion is a joke. Your silly hissy arises from your childish frustration, itself arising from the fact that you are on the wrong side of ethics, morality, history, science, and basic intellect.
Yes, the doddering democrat in the Oval Office just directly threatened governors who won't toe the administration's line regarding schools and masking, distancing, etc. He is speaking live (sort of) right now. The senile statesman's writers are not doing him any favors with this approach.
It's about time. These stupid fuckers are killing children now.
Sounds interesting....

Next time the Democrats say they need 25,000 National Guard troops to protect them from citizens walking through the US Capitol with flags, the governors should tell them to fuck off...

Or go to Afghanistan, where the Fucktard's buddies in the Taliban can protect them!!!!
tRump surrendered to the Taliban, not Joe.
Here in Indiana -- a bastion of stupid and backwards people -- we had some parents come to schoolboard meeting for one school system to try to bully and intimidate everyone. They screamed, they weaponized their small children, they made comments about coming armed next time or showing up armed at the school. Funny stuff.

The school system told them "fuck you" and instituted a mask mandate. They have so far fired one teacher for refusing to wear a mask. She tried to make a martyr of herself on social media and got laughed off of Facebook. I imagine her prospects for teaching employment are not so good anymore.

After the meeting where they made veiled threats of shooting up the meeting, the Sheriff was waiting outside. He calmly explained to them that he would take them away from their families and put them in prison if they so much as walked into that meeting with a weapon or made any direct threats of violence.

Now... Not a peep. Their kids are wearing masks. And those freaks are at home chewing on their own toes in blind, stupid frustration.

Our Sheriff is a conservative dumbass, btw. But he put his duty above his fetishes that night.

No kidding, was Indiana where the kid was expelled for bringing a weapon to school?

The wannabe dictator does not get to make that choice for anyone so he and anyone else who thinks they do can go fuck themselves everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.
That's nice.

Now put on your mask and get in line for your shot.
It's no longer a choice. Put on your mask and get in line for your shot.
You know, a lot of people are refusing to take the shot...

As a matter of fact, a lot of people in the medical profession, who worked through the pandemic, are now losing their jobs because they don't trust the so-called "vaccine"...

What do you plan to do when you can't get in for medical care because you can't find someone who will take your Obunglecare that can see you???
What do you plan to do when you can't get in for medical care because you can't find someone who will take your Obunglecare that can see you???
Put the unvaccinated sick people who are hospitalized with covid in a high school gym somewhere. Thanks for the softball question.

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