Biden to governors: "I will take steps to get you out of the way."

The governors or town councils decided for months about masks and lockdowns and closings but now that sense is rearing its ugly head then King Jo(k)e will overrule them.
Yes, the doddering democrat in the Oval Office just directly threatened governors who won't toe the administration's line regarding schools and masking, distancing, etc. He is speaking live (sort of) right now. The senile statesman's writers are not doing him any favors with this approach.
This is what it looks like when the President is clear and direct. These Governors are harming and killing people for personal enrichment. Good for him for doing his job.
I know, he has left a trail a blind man could follow. He likes the site DTT , he Mods protect him there.

Yep, one mod in particular ruined DTT, imaginethat is his name.

An old fart leftoid pothead of 50-years.
It may come to that but you would have no idea what integrity and independence means.
Cute, irrelevant whining. And i doubt it comes to that. You white wingers prefer bullying people in settings like school board meetings and playing cosplay in your princess soldier dresses for the benefit of cameras.
So Biden's puppet masters are NOT happy with Republican / conservative Governors who.are unwilling to surrender to Marcist / Socialist tyranny and wrote a direct threat aimed at American citizens: 'COMPLY', FALL IN LINE, OR I / WE WILL DESTROY YOU!

In the immortal words of veteran R-Rep Dan Crenshaw, "GO F* YOURSELF', JOE!
It has to be covert. Not marching in the street banging pots and pans. In the night. A clinic giving shots, the building where an employer fires people for not vaccinating. We have plenty of qualified individuals with the ability to wage asymmetrical warfare.
Oh shut up, you insufferable pussy. You will sit on your fat ass and do exactly nothing, as you always have.

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