Biden to release ALL vaccine doses

People have to get their first dose before they can get the second. We're way behind schedule and I'm not sure why the wingnuts care anyway, they don't plan on getting vaccinated.
Why even bother getting the first dose if there isn't going to be a second? The Biden White House hasn't even taken power yet and they're already proving that they are IDIOTS!

That first does gets your over 50% protection. If you don't get the first dose you never get the second.

From your own cited source!
"Despite the early protection afforded by the first dose, it’s unclear how long that protection would last on its own, underscoring the importance of the second dose. Previous studies have found that the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine gives the immune system a major, long-term boost, an effect seen in many other vaccines."
One dose gives about 50% protection. Get this shit out and follow up.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

Follow up with what...hope. I see you're still stupid as ever.
Obviously the second dose. Jesus Christ.
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump

Dude, after Dear Leaders botched pandemic response and terrible distribution plan .. Just STFU and let Fauci handle things. Thanks!
The CDC had the plan, the states implemented their plan which may, or may not have followed the CDC plan.
Some states did do a terrible job of the implementation, and I'll leave that right here.

Dude No - Donald corrupted the CDC & there was NO plan for distribution. None
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump

Dude, after Dear Leaders botched pandemic response and terrible distribution plan .. Just STFU and let Fauci handle things. Thanks!
The CDC had the plan, the states implemented their plan which may, or may not have followed the CDC plan.
Some states did do a terrible job of the implementation, and I'll leave that right here.

Dude No - Donald corrupted the CDC & there was NO plan for distribution. None
People have to get their first dose before they can get the second. We're way behind schedule and I'm not sure why the wingnuts care anyway, they don't plan on getting vaccinated.

I do. and what's the point of getting the first dose if you don't get the 2nd?

Exactly. The first dose will be given, but the second will depend on "compliance" with whatever Beijing Joe wants you to do to get it.
That was the "plan" that you claim didn't exist, Doc! You'll see that it puts a large part of the distribution into the hands of local people because they are seen as having the best grasp on who in their populations is most at risk. Which means States like New York are once more put in the scary position of having Andrew Cuomo be in charge of their health.
People have to get their first dose before they can get the second. We're way behind schedule and I'm not sure why the wingnuts care anyway, they don't plan on getting vaccinated.

I do. and what's the point of getting the first dose if you don't get the 2nd?

Exactly. The first dose will be given, but the second will depend on "compliance" with whatever Beijing Joe wants you to do to get it.

Wouldn't they just hold off on the first?
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump
Science doesn't say all doses should not be released.
It says you need a 2nd dose shortly after the 1st for the 1st to be effective and currently there aren't enough 2nd doses so releasing the 1st dose in mass quantities is futile.

21 days isn't "shortly after" None of the dispensaries have second doses for the patients they've given first doses to. All have received assurances that the second doses will come but they don't have them on hand.

Republicans are looking to slag Biden based on nothing but conjecture and fear.

American conservatives are the biggest whiny snowflakes in the fucking world. We can't do this, we can't do that. You people have more excuses to keep you from doing ANYTHING, that anyone I've ever met.
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump
Science doesn't say all doses should not be released.
It says you need a 2nd dose shortly after the 1st for the 1st to be effective and currently there aren't enough 2nd doses so releasing the 1st dose in mass quantities is futile.

21 days isn't "shortly after" None of the dispensaries have second doses for the patients they've given first doses to. All have received assurances that the second doses will come but they don't have them on hand.

Republicans are looking to slag Biden based on nothing but conjecture and fear.

American conservatives are the biggest whiny snowflakes in the fucking world. We can't do this, we can't do that. You people have more excuses to keep you from doing ANYTHING, that anyone I've ever met.
I'll be amused who you blame for the Biden Administration's myriad screw ups, Dragon Lady! If the Democrats control the House and the Senate and Joe's in the Oval Office you don't have a scape goat if Biden's policies start imploding the economy! I think that secretly Joe was PRAYING that the GOP kept control of the Senate! That way when he's not able to give everyone all the promises he made during the campaign...he could have blamed it on an "obstructionist" Senate! He knows we can't afford all the free shit he's promised. Now he's got no excuse for not delivering on those promises!
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump
Science doesn't say all doses should not be released.
It says you need a 2nd dose shortly after the 1st for the 1st to be effective and currently there aren't enough 2nd doses so releasing the 1st dose in mass quantities is futile.

21 days isn't "shortly after" None of the dispensaries have second doses for the patients they've given first doses to. All have received assurances that the second doses will come but they don't have them on hand.

Republicans are looking to slag Biden based on nothing but conjecture and fear.

American conservatives are the biggest whiny snowflakes in the fucking world. We can't do this, we can't do that. You people have more excuses to keep you from doing ANYTHING, that anyone I've ever met.
Why do you stalk me? Honest question. My sister in law is a nurse. She tells me that they do have 2nd doses ready to go. Got her first about 10 days ago. Will you please stalk someone else? You crazed Canuck witch.
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump
Science doesn't say all doses should not be released.
It says you need a 2nd dose shortly after the 1st for the 1st to be effective and currently there aren't enough 2nd doses so releasing the 1st dose in mass quantities is futile.

21 days isn't "shortly after" None of the dispensaries have second doses for the patients they've given first doses to. All have received assurances that the second doses will come but they don't have them on hand.

Republicans are looking to slag Biden based on nothing but conjecture and fear.

American conservatives are the biggest whiny snowflakes in the fucking world. We can't do this, we can't do that. You people have more excuses to keep you from doing ANYTHING, that anyone I've ever met.
I'll be amused who you blame for the Biden Administration's myriad screw ups, Dragon Lady! If the Democrats control the House and the Senate and Joe's in the Oval Office you don't have a scape goat if Biden's policies start imploding the economy! I think that secretly Joe was PRAYING that the GOP kept control of the Senate! That way when he's not able to give everyone all the promises he made during the campaign...he could have blamed it on an "obstructionist" Senate! He knows we can't afford all the free shit he's promised. Now he's got no excuse for not delivering on those promises!
She ll blame me as she stalks me nonstop. Crazed loon.
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump
Science doesn't say all doses should not be released.
It says you need a 2nd dose shortly after the 1st for the 1st to be effective and currently there aren't enough 2nd doses so releasing the 1st dose in mass quantities is futile.

21 days isn't "shortly after" None of the dispensaries have second doses for the patients they've given first doses to. All have received assurances that the second doses will come but they don't have them on hand.

Republicans are looking to slag Biden based on nothing but conjecture and fear.

American conservatives are the biggest whiny snowflakes in the fucking world. We can't do this, we can't do that. You people have more excuses to keep you from doing ANYTHING, that anyone I've ever met.
Why do you stalk me? Honest question. My sister in law is a nurse. She tells me that they do have 2nd doses ready to go. Got her first about 10 days ago. Will you please stalk someone else? You crazed Canuck witch.
Does the second dose vary some how from the "first"? Or is it a repeat of the original?
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump
Science doesn't say all doses should not be released.
It says you need a 2nd dose shortly after the 1st for the 1st to be effective and currently there aren't enough 2nd doses so releasing the 1st dose in mass quantities is futile.

21 days isn't "shortly after" None of the dispensaries have second doses for the patients they've given first doses to. All have received assurances that the second doses will come but they don't have them on hand.

Republicans are looking to slag Biden based on nothing but conjecture and fear.

American conservatives are the biggest whiny snowflakes in the fucking world. We can't do this, we can't do that. You people have more excuses to keep you from doing ANYTHING, that anyone I've ever met.
I'll be amused who you blame for the Biden Administration's myriad screw ups, Dragon Lady! If the Democrats control the House and the Senate and Joe's in the Oval Office you don't have a scape goat if Biden's policies start imploding the economy! I think that secretly Joe was PRAYING that the GOP kept control of the Senate! That way when he's not able to give everyone all the promises he made during the campaign...he could have blamed it on an "obstructionist" Senate! He knows we can't afford all the free shit he's promised. Now he's got no excuse for not delivering on those promises!
She ll blame me as she stalks me nonstop. Crazed loon.
As a long time student of American politics I'm intrigued by what will be taking place over the next few years! You've got a Democratic Party that has control of both Houses of Congress and the Oval Office but you've got groups like "The Squad" that are young and vehemently progressive and the old guard led by Pelosi, Schumer and Biden. The Squad wants far left policies put in place and they want it now! So the question is...can Biden placate them with little things? I think the biggest political battles of 2021 and 2022 are not going to be between the GOP and the Democrats...but between different factions of the Democrats themselves.
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump

Dude, after Dear Leaders botched pandemic response and terrible distribution plan .. Just STFU and let Fauci handle things. Thanks!
The CDC had the plan, the states implemented their plan which may, or may not have followed the CDC plan.
Some states did do a terrible job of the implementation, and I'll leave that right here.

Dude No - Donald corrupted the CDC & there was NO plan for distribution. None
DrLove it's up to the states for the distribution of the doses, not the feds. The feds were responsible
for getting the states the vaccine. Donald did not corrupt the CDC
People have to get their first dose before they can get the second. We're way behind schedule and I'm not sure why the wingnuts care anyway, they don't plan on getting vaccinated.
Why even bother getting the first dose if there isn't going to be a second? The Biden White House hasn't even taken power yet and they're already proving that they are IDIOTS!

That first does gets your over 50% protection. If you don't get the first dose you never get the second.

From your own cited source!
"Despite the early protection afforded by the first dose, it’s unclear how long that protection would last on its own, underscoring the importance of the second dose. Previous studies have found that the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine gives the immune system a major, long-term boost, an effect seen in many other vaccines."
One dose gives about 50% protection. Get this shit out and follow up.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

Follow up with what...hope. I see you're still stupid as ever.
Obviously the second dose. Jesus Christ.

Christ sake is right, which part of "release ALL doses" is difficult for you to understand...dumbass.
People have to get their first dose before they can get the second. We're way behind schedule and I'm not sure why the wingnuts care anyway, they don't plan on getting vaccinated.
Why even bother getting the first dose if there isn't going to be a second? The Biden White House hasn't even taken power yet and they're already proving that they are IDIOTS!

That first does gets your over 50% protection. If you don't get the first dose you never get the second.

From your own cited source!
"Despite the early protection afforded by the first dose, it’s unclear how long that protection would last on its own, underscoring the importance of the second dose. Previous studies have found that the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine gives the immune system a major, long-term boost, an effect seen in many other vaccines."
One dose gives about 50% protection. Get this shit out and follow up.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

Follow up with what...hope. I see you're still stupid as ever.
Obviously the second dose. Jesus Christ.

Christ sake is right, which part of "release ALL doses" is difficult for you to understand...dumbass.

More doses are going to be made and distributed, you know this, right?
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump

Dude, after Dear Leaders botched pandemic response and terrible distribution plan .. Just STFU and let Fauci handle things. Thanks!
The CDC had the plan, the states implemented their plan which may, or may not have followed the CDC plan.
Some states did do a terrible job of the implementation, and I'll leave that right here.

Dude No - Donald corrupted the CDC & there was NO plan for distribution. None
DrLove it's up to the states for the distribution of the doses, not the feds. The feds were responsible
for getting the states the vaccine. Donald did not corrupt the CDC
Which means if you happen to live in a State with a Governor who has their shit Kristi Noem in South Dakota then you're probably going to get your vaccines faster than a State like New York...which is stuck with Andrew Cuomo!
People have to get their first dose before they can get the second. We're way behind schedule and I'm not sure why the wingnuts care anyway, they don't plan on getting vaccinated.
Why even bother getting the first dose if there isn't going to be a second? The Biden White House hasn't even taken power yet and they're already proving that they are IDIOTS!

That first does gets your over 50% protection. If you don't get the first dose you never get the second.

From your own cited source!
"Despite the early protection afforded by the first dose, it’s unclear how long that protection would last on its own, underscoring the importance of the second dose. Previous studies have found that the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine gives the immune system a major, long-term boost, an effect seen in many other vaccines."
One dose gives about 50% protection. Get this shit out and follow up.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

Follow up with what...hope. I see you're still stupid as ever.
Obviously the second dose. Jesus Christ.

Christ sake is right, which part of "release ALL doses" is difficult for you to understand...dumbass.

More doses are going to be made and distributed, you know this, right?

Sure, and they'll be here when?
People have to get their first dose before they can get the second. We're way behind schedule and I'm not sure why the wingnuts care anyway, they don't plan on getting vaccinated.
Why even bother getting the first dose if there isn't going to be a second? The Biden White House hasn't even taken power yet and they're already proving that they are IDIOTS!

That first does gets your over 50% protection. If you don't get the first dose you never get the second.

From your own cited source!
"Despite the early protection afforded by the first dose, it’s unclear how long that protection would last on its own, underscoring the importance of the second dose. Previous studies have found that the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine gives the immune system a major, long-term boost, an effect seen in many other vaccines."
One dose gives about 50% protection. Get this shit out and follow up.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

Follow up with what...hope. I see you're still stupid as ever.
Obviously the second dose. Jesus Christ.

Christ sake is right, which part of "release ALL doses" is difficult for you to understand...dumbass.

More doses are going to be made and distributed, you know this, right?
I thought we were following the "science"? Isn't that the mantra from the left that got our economies shut down for months at a time? So when the science tells you that a second dose of the vaccine is needed for lasting protection...why would you reply that we shouldn't let the perfect be the enemy of the good?

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