Biden to release ALL vaccine doses

People have to get their first dose before they can get the second. We're way behind schedule and I'm not sure why the wingnuts care anyway, they don't plan on getting vaccinated.
Why even bother getting the first dose if there isn't going to be a second? The Biden White House hasn't even taken power yet and they're already proving that they are IDIOTS!

That first does gets your over 50% protection. If you don't get the first dose you never get the second.

From your own cited source!
"Despite the early protection afforded by the first dose, it’s unclear how long that protection would last on its own, underscoring the importance of the second dose. Previous studies have found that the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine gives the immune system a major, long-term boost, an effect seen in many other vaccines."
One dose gives about 50% protection. Get this shit out and follow up.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

Follow up with what...hope. I see you're still stupid as ever.
Obviously the second dose. Jesus Christ.

Christ sake is right, which part of "release ALL doses" is difficult for you to understand...dumbass.

More doses are going to be made and distributed, you know this, right?

Sure, and they'll be here when?

You don't think they are going to make more? That's strange.
People have to get their first dose before they can get the second. We're way behind schedule and I'm not sure why the wingnuts care anyway, they don't plan on getting vaccinated.
Why even bother getting the first dose if there isn't going to be a second? The Biden White House hasn't even taken power yet and they're already proving that they are IDIOTS!

That first does gets your over 50% protection. If you don't get the first dose you never get the second.

From your own cited source!
"Despite the early protection afforded by the first dose, it’s unclear how long that protection would last on its own, underscoring the importance of the second dose. Previous studies have found that the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine gives the immune system a major, long-term boost, an effect seen in many other vaccines."
One dose gives about 50% protection. Get this shit out and follow up.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

Follow up with what...hope. I see you're still stupid as ever.
Obviously the second dose. Jesus Christ.

Christ sake is right, which part of "release ALL doses" is difficult for you to understand...dumbass.

More doses are going to be made and distributed, you know this, right?

Sure, and they'll be here when?

You don't think they are going to make more? That's strange.
I thought Trump got plenty of vaccine made?

He lied about that?
People have to get their first dose before they can get the second. We're way behind schedule and I'm not sure why the wingnuts care anyway, they don't plan on getting vaccinated.
Why even bother getting the first dose if there isn't going to be a second? The Biden White House hasn't even taken power yet and they're already proving that they are IDIOTS!

That first does gets your over 50% protection. If you don't get the first dose you never get the second.

From your own cited source!
"Despite the early protection afforded by the first dose, it’s unclear how long that protection would last on its own, underscoring the importance of the second dose. Previous studies have found that the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine gives the immune system a major, long-term boost, an effect seen in many other vaccines."
One dose gives about 50% protection. Get this shit out and follow up.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

Follow up with what...hope. I see you're still stupid as ever.
Obviously the second dose. Jesus Christ.

Christ sake is right, which part of "release ALL doses" is difficult for you to understand...dumbass.

More doses are going to be made and distributed, you know this, right?

Sure, and they'll be here when?

You don't think they are going to make more? That's strange.
I thought Trump got plenty of vaccine made?

He lied about that?

Trump lie? Not possible.
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump

Dude, after Dear Leaders botched pandemic response and terrible distribution plan .. Just STFU and let Fauci handle things. Thanks!
The CDC had the plan, the states implemented their plan which may, or may not have followed the CDC plan.
Some states did do a terrible job of the implementation, and I'll leave that right here.

Dude No - Donald corrupted the CDC & there was NO plan for distribution. None
DrLove it's up to the states for the distribution of the doses, not the feds. The feds were responsible
for getting the states the vaccine. Donald did not corrupt the CDC
Which means if you happen to live in a State with a Governor who has their shit Kristi Noem in South Dakota then you're probably going to get your vaccines faster than a State like New York...which is stuck with Andrew Cuomo!

Maybe that is because NY has 20 or so times as many people to vaccinate?
Nah, couldn’t be! :laugh:
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump

Dude, after Dear Leaders botched pandemic response and terrible distribution plan .. Just STFU and let Fauci handle things. Thanks!
The CDC had the plan, the states implemented their plan which may, or may not have followed the CDC plan.
Some states did do a terrible job of the implementation, and I'll leave that right here.

Dude No - Donald corrupted the CDC & there was NO plan for distribution. None
DrLove it's up to the states for the distribution of the doses, not the feds. The feds were responsible
for getting the states the vaccine. Donald did not corrupt the CDC

Cool, if only states had the money and wherewithal to get such a thing done ..
Military should have been engaged a month or so ago in this effort!
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump

Dude, after Dear Leaders botched pandemic response and terrible distribution plan .. Just STFU and let Fauci handle things. Thanks!
The CDC had the plan, the states implemented their plan which may, or may not have followed the CDC plan.
Some states did do a terrible job of the implementation, and I'll leave that right here.

Dude No - Donald corrupted the CDC & there was NO plan for distribution. None
DrLove it's up to the states for the distribution of the doses, not the feds. The feds were responsible
for getting the states the vaccine. Donald did not corrupt the CDC
Which means if you happen to live in a State with a Governor who has their shit Kristi Noem in South Dakota then you're probably going to get your vaccines faster than a State like New York...which is stuck with Andrew Cuomo!

Maybe that is because NY has 20 or so times as many people to vaccinate?
Nah, couldn’t be! :laugh:
Actually it's because Cuomo screws up everything he touches and Noem doesn't! The size of their respective States has nothing to do with it! :)
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump

Dude, after Dear Leaders botched pandemic response and terrible distribution plan .. Just STFU and let Fauci handle things. Thanks!
The CDC had the plan, the states implemented their plan which may, or may not have followed the CDC plan.
Some states did do a terrible job of the implementation, and I'll leave that right here.

Dude No - Donald corrupted the CDC & there was NO plan for distribution. None
DrLove it's up to the states for the distribution of the doses, not the feds. The feds were responsible
for getting the states the vaccine. Donald did not corrupt the CDC

Cool, if only states had the money and wherewithal to get such a thing done ..
Military should have been engaged a month or so ago in this effort!
First you claim that there was "NO plan for distribution" and you're shown that there WAS a now you change your tune to the States don't have the "wherewithal" to get such a thing done? Is that liberal speak for liberally controlled States don't have a clue what they're doing? Cuomo changed his mind about opening and closing schools in New York so many times...parents didn't know one day to the next what to be ready for. If he couldn't handle THAT it's a good sign that he won't be able to handle distribution of the vaccines either! The only real question at this point is who Cuomo tries to scapegoat when he FUBARS the thing completely! :)

This is what happens when you've got A) a Governor that cares more about her people than politics and B) a Governor that sees crisis as an opportunity to increase his power over the people.
Last edited:
People have to get their first dose before they can get the second. We're way behind schedule and I'm not sure why the wingnuts care anyway, they don't plan on getting vaccinated.
speak for yourself...I'm just waiting until I can get one

Fair enough, I've heard many on the right say they don't plan on getting one, the new anti-vaxxers.
Governor Coumo and Vice President Elect Harris?

People have to get their first dose before they can get the second. We're way behind schedule and I'm not sure why the wingnuts care anyway, they don't plan on getting vaccinated.
Why even bother getting the first dose if there isn't going to be a second? The Biden White House hasn't even taken power yet and they're already proving that they are IDIOTS!

That first does gets your over 50% protection. If you don't get the first dose you never get the second.

From your own cited source!
"Despite the early protection afforded by the first dose, it’s unclear how long that protection would last on its own, underscoring the importance of the second dose. Previous studies have found that the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine gives the immune system a major, long-term boost, an effect seen in many other vaccines."
One dose gives about 50% protection. Get this shit out and follow up.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

Follow up with what...hope. I see you're still stupid as ever.
Obviously the second dose. Jesus Christ.

Christ sake is right, which part of "release ALL doses" is difficult for you to understand...dumbass.

More doses are going to be made and distributed, you know this, right?

Sure, and they'll be here when?

You don't think they are going to make more? That's strange.
I thought Trump got plenty of vaccine made?

He lied about that?

Trump lie? Not possible.

Liberals tell the truth...not possible.
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump

Dude, after Dear Leaders botched pandemic response and terrible distribution plan .. Just STFU and let Fauci handle things. Thanks!
Trump did what Fauci asked, if we would've let it take it's course like Trump wanted to do. This crap would be over with.
PROGS should be happy. They complained for nearly a year Trump was doing nothing about COVID, and Biden's answer to COVID is he'd mandate everyone wears a mask. He's a real sharp character this Biden fellow, he's going to demand all business install plexi-glass too
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump
Science doesn't say all doses should not be released.
It says you need a 2nd dose shortly after the 1st for the 1st to be effective and currently there aren't enough 2nd doses so releasing the 1st dose in mass quantities is futile.

21 days isn't "shortly after" None of the dispensaries have second doses for the patients they've given first doses to. All have received assurances that the second doses will come but they don't have them on hand.

Republicans are looking to slag Biden based on nothing but conjecture and fear.

American conservatives are the biggest whiny snowflakes in the fucking world. We can't do this, we can't do that. You people have more excuses to keep you from doing ANYTHING, that anyone I've ever met.
Are you typing this while waiting for your pension checks and getting your free benefit package and medical treatments? When Progs curtail this stuff it is going to be so funny.
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump
Science doesn't say all doses should not be released.
It says you need a 2nd dose shortly after the 1st for the 1st to be effective and currently there aren't enough 2nd doses so releasing the 1st dose in mass quantities is futile.

21 days isn't "shortly after" None of the dispensaries have second doses for the patients they've given first doses to. All have received assurances that the second doses will come but they don't have them on hand.

Republicans are looking to slag Biden based on nothing but conjecture and fear.

American conservatives are the biggest whiny snowflakes in the fucking world. We can't do this, we can't do that. You people have more excuses to keep you from doing ANYTHING, that anyone I've ever met.
Are you typing this while waiting for your pension checks and getting your free benefit package and medical treatments? When Progs curtail this stuff it is going to be so funny.
She is a Canuck. Hates America
First of all, did he do the math? who would admin the vaccine? People take them home and DIY :rolleyes:
People have to get their first dose before they can get the second. We're way behind schedule and I'm not sure why the wingnuts care anyway, they don't plan on getting vaccinated.

I do. and what's the point of getting the first dose if you don't get the 2nd?

Exactly. The first dose will be given, but the second will depend on "compliance" with whatever Beijing Joe wants you to do to get it.

I just think the distribution system will not be able to meet the window requirements for having 2nd does available when they need to be administered.
President-elect Joe Biden plans to release almost all vaccine doses immediately, a spokesman said Friday, a change from the Trump administration's strategy of holding half of the supply in reserve for second doses.

So much for following the "science".

Biden to quickly release nearly all vaccine doses in shift from Trump

Dude, after Dear Leaders botched pandemic response and terrible distribution plan .. Just STFU and let Fauci handle things. Thanks!
The CDC had the plan, the states implemented their plan which may, or may not have followed the CDC plan.
Some states did do a terrible job of the implementation, and I'll leave that right here.

Dude No - Donald corrupted the CDC & there was NO plan for distribution. None
DrLove it's up to the states for the distribution of the doses, not the feds. The feds were responsible
for getting the states the vaccine. Donald did not corrupt the CDC
Which means if you happen to live in a State with a Governor who has their shit Kristi Noem in South Dakota then you're probably going to get your vaccines faster than a State like New York...which is stuck with Andrew Cuomo!

Maybe that is because NY has 20 or so times as many people to vaccinate?
Nah, couldn’t be! :laugh:
Actually it's because Cuomo screws up everything he touches and Noem doesn't! The size of their respective States has nothing to do with it! :)

Correct. Nevada isn't big, yet we are low rated on the roll-out scale.

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