Biden to tax away your guns

Y'all gun fetishists try this shit every time.

Has it ever worked?

There are alert lobbyists in Washington that keep an eye on the liberals so they don't actually pull this shit on armed law abiders.

Poor people are actually a lot more likely to be victimized as opposed to more affluent Americans. To try and make exercising their rights too expensive is a disgrace.

If someone lives in a Ghetto, where hundreds are being killed every weekend, they need to be able to defend themselves.
There are rightwing liars and demagogues in Washington who dream up this nonsense to scare you and other conservative rubes.

I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.
Lol here we go again with this democrats and guns shit.

Here’s the real truth republicans don’t want to admit: they LOVE anti-gun rhetoric. Why? Because it indulges their child-like fantasy of “defending liberty and standing up to big gubmint!”. They, of course, would totally puss out if it actually came to pulling the trigger, but the fantasy itself gives them a hard-on. An actual mature adult doesn’t obsess over the subject.
Did Joe say he was taking ar15s or not?

Lol I don’t even give a shit either way.
We know. So, fuck you. I hope you don't get ass raped then murdered in your gunless state.
See, this gets back to the fantasy side of things. You have deluded yourself into thinking the 2nd amendment itself is in danger and you sound absolutely ridiculous. The amendment is going nowhere. No one will EVER overturn it. I get that the fantasy of that scenario turns you on or whatever, but you’re wasting what brain cells you have. Even if Biden miraculously outlawed AR-15’s, there is no way in hell he could overturn the amendment itself even if he wanted to. You’re all such drama queens lol
Y'all gun fetishists try this shit every time.

Has it ever worked?
Every fuckin' election--that's why they keep doing it.

Far as I can see the only way it "works" is to sell more guns to the Gullibles.

Seems to me if said yahoos are too stupid to get that they're being played for chumps over and over and over, that should be the intelligence test that disqualifies them from playing with death machines.

And for the last several months gullible rightwing idiots have cause both a gun and ammo shortage – many makes of guns are difficult to find or are over-priced; all types of ammunition are difficult to find and likewise over-priced.

It’s ridiculous insanity.
There are rightwing liars and demagogues in Washington who dream up this nonsense to scare you and other conservative rubes.
Far rightwing USMB lemmings like the OP, love being led around by their handlers...


I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.
Lol here we go again with this democrats and guns shit.

Here’s the real truth republicans don’t want to admit: they LOVE anti-gun rhetoric. Why? Because it indulges their child-like fantasy of “defending liberty and standing up to big gubmint!”. They, of course, would totally puss out if it actually came to pulling the trigger, but the fantasy itself gives them a hard-on. An actual mature adult doesn’t obsess over the subject.
Did Joe say he was taking ar15s or not?

Eight years Obama was in office and not one gun was ‘banned,’ not one gun was ‘confiscated.’

And now the reprehensible right is propagating that same ridiculous lie all over again.

I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.
Lol here we go again with this democrats and guns shit.

Here’s the real truth republicans don’t want to admit: they LOVE anti-gun rhetoric. Why? Because it indulges their child-like fantasy of “defending liberty and standing up to big gubmint!”. They, of course, would totally puss out if it actually came to pulling the trigger, but the fantasy itself gives them a hard-on. An actual mature adult doesn’t obsess over the subject.
Did Joe say he was taking ar15s or not?

Lol I don’t even give a shit either way.
We know. So, fuck you. I hope you don't get ass raped then murdered in your gunless state.
See, this gets back to the fantasy side of things. You have deluded yourself into thinking the 2nd amendment itself is in danger and you sound absolutely ridiculous. The amendment is going nowhere. No one will EVER overturn it. I get that the fantasy of that scenario turns you on or whatever, but you’re wasting what brain cells you have. Even if Biden miraculously outlawed AR-15’s, there is no way in hell he could overturn the amendment itself even if he wanted to. You’re all such drama queens lol

And Biden has no authority to ‘outlaw’ AR 15s – only Congress has that authority; and Congress is not going to enact a new AWB – Democrats couldn’t even pass UBC legislation when they controlled the Senate.

This is more baseless, idiotic rightwing demagoguery.
Eight years Obama was in office and not one gun was ‘banned,’ not one gun was ‘confiscated.’

And now the reprehensible right is propagating that same ridiculous lie all over again.

Actually, you have a point. Biden may well have been lying when he said "bingo" when asked about gun confiscation and appointing O'Rourke as the gun confiscation tsar.

However, why take a chance? Remember that Trump set a new high bar for keeping campaign promises, and Sleepy Joe may be tempted to try.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!

To the militiamobile!
Its funny to you. Then we watch what happened in cities for several months and it is not that funny. When the Politicians turned away from taxpaying people living in their own governed areas. People rioting, politicians not doing a thing to defend their citizens and police neutered. The triple play of anarchy. And you continue the Prog agendas. Just a few nukes...a few nukes...
All right wing gun lovers proved was that the unorganized militia is worthless an unNecessary to the security of our free States.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!

To the militiamobile!
Its funny to you. Then we watch what happened in cities for several months and it is not that funny. When the Politicians turned away from taxpaying people living in their own governed areas. People rioting, politicians not doing a thing to defend their citizens and police neutered. The triple play of anarchy. And you continue the Prog agendas. Just a few nukes...a few nukes...
All right wing gun lovers proved was that the unorganized militia is worthless an unNecessary to the security of our free States.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

So its your point of view, that the 2nd Amendment only protects the rights of the militia aka the Military, to keep and bear arms?

Sort of pointless,as even Tyrannical despotates like Germany and the Soviet Union in the 1940's, allow their military to have weapons.

I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.

This can be appealed in would be like taxing books and magazines or newspapers to the point you invalidate the 1st Amendment...

Not really, since it is already done. Even Scalia admitted jurisdictions have the authority to tax guns. And that includes the federal government. It is actually a great idea, just make those "modern sporting rifles", that still cracks me up, like automatic weapons. Eliminating selling new by preventing their production, and then taxing the ones that are in private hands. Not really seeing a case here. You can still own your pistols, shotguns, and real rifles.

Just curious........what is your problem with the AR-15 rifle? I know why democrat politicians want to ban them, but what is your particular issue with them?

I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.

OK, this is too funny. It is a two hundred dollar tax, and a registration, for...

"a modern sporting rifle".

Now what is this thing, called "a modern sporting rifle". Is my gopher gun a "modern sporting rifle"? My deer gun? What about my duck gun? Bird gun, well, which bird? So I looked some more.

View attachment 418152

There are your "modern sporting guns". You got a SCAR and a Vector. All perfect for blinking soda cans.

And all those owners are going to line up to register their guns and pay the two hundred bucks.


As always the ATF will make a few examples so mind shatteringly fascist that the bulk of gun owners will fall into line, at least on the surface. Tens of millions of us have already bowed down to registration—in some states registration with multiple agencies at both state and federal levels.
Which is why that unconstitutional organization should have been disbanded decades ago.

Who? The NRA??

You mean like Beto....who is going to be the gun grabbing Czar for the puppet joe biden, who said that he wants to go house to house to take guns?
Y'all gun fetishists try this shit every time.

Has it ever worked?

There are alert lobbyists in Washington that keep an eye on the liberals so they don't actually pull this shit on armed law abiders.

Poor people are actually a lot more likely to be victimized as opposed to more affluent Americans. To try and make exercising their rights too expensive is a disgrace.

If someone lives in a Ghetto, where hundreds are being killed every weekend, they need to be able to defend themselves.
There are rightwing liars and demagogues in Washington who dream up this nonsense to scare you and other conservative rubes.

You mean like this right doofus.......


I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.

This can be appealed in would be like taxing books and magazines or newspapers to the point you invalidate the 1st Amendment...

Not really, since it is already done. Even Scalia admitted jurisdictions have the authority to tax guns. And that includes the federal government. It is actually a great idea, just make those "modern sporting rifles", that still cracks me up, like automatic weapons. Eliminating selling new by preventing their production, and then taxing the ones that are in private hands. Not really seeing a case here. You can still own your pistols, shotguns, and real rifles.

Just curious........what is your problem with the AR-15 rifle? I know why democrat politicians want to ban them, but what is your particular issue with them?

According to Dementia Joe, AR 15 guns should be banned cuz they are harder to aim and use than a shotgun

I'm just glad that such experts are in power now. I feel much better about things

I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.

OK, this is too funny. It is a two hundred dollar tax, and a registration, for...

"a modern sporting rifle".

Now what is this thing, called "a modern sporting rifle". Is my gopher gun a "modern sporting rifle"? My deer gun? What about my duck gun? Bird gun, well, which bird? So I looked some more.

View attachment 418152

There are your "modern sporting guns". You got a SCAR and a Vector. All perfect for blinking soda cans.

And all those owners are going to line up to register their guns and pay the two hundred bucks.


As always the ATF will make a few examples so mind shatteringly fascist that the bulk of gun owners will fall into line, at least on the surface. Tens of millions of us have already bowed down to registration—in some states registration with multiple agencies at both state and federal levels.

There are millions of gun owners out there, in fact I'd say just about every American has at least one gun.

Vote the assholes out of office.

I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.
Lol here we go again with this democrats and guns shit.

Here’s the real truth republicans don’t want to admit: they LOVE anti-gun rhetoric. Why? Because it indulges their child-like fantasy of “defending liberty and standing up to big gubmint!”. They, of course, would totally puss out if it actually came to pulling the trigger, but the fantasy itself gives them a hard-on. An actual mature adult doesn’t obsess over the subject.
Did Joe say he was taking ar15s or not?

Eight years Obama was in office and not one gun was ‘banned,’ not one gun was ‘confiscated.’

And now the reprehensible right is propagating that same ridiculous lie all over again.

Because he did it through the courts and local and state gun bans and confiscations.........he wanted to protect obamacare, and didn't want to lose seats in congress to anti-gun votes, the way the democrats lost control of the house in the 90s because of the Assault weapon ban.

He knew they just need to appoint anti-gun judges, get town and state democrats to pass gun bans and confiscations....then the judges will make them constitutional.......making passing laws at the national level unnecessary.....

They also plan, as joe biden has stated, in ending the protection for lawful commerce in arms act....which will allow every left wing democrat lawyer to sue gun makers and gun stores out of business.....another way to ban guns without a vote in congress....

sell your crap to democrats, they are the only ones stupid enough to believe you.

You twit.

I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.
Lol here we go again with this democrats and guns shit.

Here’s the real truth republicans don’t want to admit: they LOVE anti-gun rhetoric. Why? Because it indulges their child-like fantasy of “defending liberty and standing up to big gubmint!”. They, of course, would totally puss out if it actually came to pulling the trigger, but the fantasy itself gives them a hard-on. An actual mature adult doesn’t obsess over the subject.
Did Joe say he was taking ar15s or not?

Lol I don’t even give a shit either way.
We know. So, fuck you. I hope you don't get ass raped then murdered in your gunless state.
See, this gets back to the fantasy side of things. You have deluded yourself into thinking the 2nd amendment itself is in danger and you sound absolutely ridiculous. The amendment is going nowhere. No one will EVER overturn it. I get that the fantasy of that scenario turns you on or whatever, but you’re wasting what brain cells you have. Even if Biden miraculously outlawed AR-15’s, there is no way in hell he could overturn the amendment itself even if he wanted to. You’re all such drama queens lol

And Biden has no authority to ‘outlaw’ AR 15s – only Congress has that authority; and Congress is not going to enact a new AWB – Democrats couldn’t even pass UBC legislation when they controlled the Senate.

This is more baseless, idiotic rightwing demagoguery.

After they vote out the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, he sends the Justice Department against the gun makers for made up Civil Rights violations and harrassment to force them to sign Consent Decrees to obey whatever the democrats want for gun control......that is how they will do it, you dumb ass.
Biden promised not a dime in new taxes for anyone who earns less than 400k. Exempting poor Americans below that threshold should be part of any proposed tax, as per his explicit vows to the Electorate.
Hang on. You believe that shit?

I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.
Lol here we go again with this democrats and guns shit.

Here’s the real truth republicans don’t want to admit: they LOVE anti-gun rhetoric. Why? Because it indulges their child-like fantasy of “defending liberty and standing up to big gubmint!”. They, of course, would totally puss out if it actually came to pulling the trigger, but the fantasy itself gives them a hard-on. An actual mature adult doesn’t obsess over the subject.
Did Joe say he was taking ar15s or not?

Lol I don’t even give a shit either way.
We know. So, fuck you. I hope you don't get ass raped then murdered in your gunless state.
Speaking for yourself, of course.

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