Biden Took Ownership of the Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal Months Ago


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
This is all on Joe Biden the dipshit.

... Under his agreement, U.S. forces would be out of Afghanistan by May 1, 2021, just a little over three months after I took office.” The implication: that that absolute rotter Donald Trump did all this, while I, Good Ol’ Joey Biden, was just unlucky enough to be in the hot seat when it happened.

Trouble is: U.S. forces weren’t actually “out of Afghanistan by May 1, 2021,” were they? Instead, they were out in August 2021 — which, along with President Biden’s loudly hailed reversals of other Trump initiatives — suggests that Biden had a lot more control over the details than he is now willing to admit. As, indeed, do Biden’s own words.

“After consulting closely with our allies and partners, with our military leaders and intelligence personnel, with our diplomats and our development experts, with the Congress and the vice president, as well as with Ashraf Ghani and many others around the world,” Biden said back in April, “I concluded that it’s time to end America’s longest war. It’s time for American troops to come home.” That’s a lot of conversations to have in pursuit of a policy that was already decided.

In July, Biden was equally emphatic that the plan — and the timetable — were his. “When I announced our drawdown in April,” he told the press, “I said we would be out by September, and we’re on track to meet that target.” In the same speech, Biden confirmed, saying, “I made the decision to end the war. . . . I made the decision to end the U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan. . . . I made the decision with clear eyes.”


Looks like he wanted all the glory by moving the date to 9/11/21, get the spotlight on him and off of Trump, well he did that, now he looks incompetent. He was stupid in his handling of the exit plan.

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