Biden Total Failure on Confronting Russia

Strange...just got back from the store...found EVERYTHING I has millions and millions of Americans.

At any rate, whatever shortages you're finding isn't tied to how Biden and Putin are getting along...unless you're under the hilarious assumption that somehow Russia is responsible for what you've been consuming.
wow…typical dembot…glad you are happy
You are delusional. First, Trump said Mexico would pay for it. They didn't throw in two shits. Then, with a majority in both Congress and the Senate, he couldn't get it paid for. So what did he do, he declared a federal emergency, and then he took it away from our fighting men and women. Barracks, training facilities, housing units, water treatment, sewage disposal--nope for Trump, those men and women in uniform could live in tents, boil their water, and shit in a latrine.

And that might all be good, I mean maybe we need a fence. But then he awarded the money, just like he did PPE providers, to whoever kissed his ring, capability didn't make two shits to Trump and his crew. Political donations were the ticket to the contract, again, like PPE. Remember the movie "War Dogs", well some of those awarded both contracts to build the wall and contracts to provide PPE make those guys look like competent businessmen. The "wall" became a standing joke, a profiteers dream come true and not stopping a single immigrant from crossing the border. I mean damn, how hard is it to see, your ass has been played.

Fool me once, shame on you. But fool me twice? Don't fall for that shit anymore. Because it is coming, Trump will make another bid for the presidency, he will promise a "wall", AGAIN. He will talk about MAGA, what a sham. And the whole time he will be laughing his way to the bank and telling all his closest friends what fools Americans are.

Edited to add, this has always been the Republican way. Lincoln threw so much government money around to fund the Civil War, to those that greased his palms, that Union uniforms actually melted in the rain.
You don't know your recent history. Mexico helped pay for the wall by sending 28,000 Mexican troops to the border. Huge co$t to them. They also suffered Billions$$ of losses in remittance cuts, when Obama's catch & release was abolished, and the border was secured.

Walls have been effective in stopping illegal immigration, in dozens of countries all around the world. The US Mexican border wall has been effective too in places where it was completed (ex San Diego).

As for the "ban", Trump was a multibillionaire well before he became president. Your conjecture that Trump is "laughing his way to the bank" is what is laughable. If your complaint is a politician who uses his political office selling influence, and getting rich from it, Joe Biden is your worst nightmare.


Really? Who won the 2020 US Presidential election?

Either you have to lie or change the subject.

Or you could shock everyone and tell the truth. But you won't do that.
Trump won, of course, as most everyone in the world knows. If you say Biden won, then YOU are lying. Ho hum. Yawn****
wow…typical dembot…glad you are happy
"Shortages" of oil caused by Biden's restrictions on drilling and pipeline closure, is what has caused the gas price spikes. This was together with Biden being cozy with us importing Russin oil, allowing Russian oil to be exported to European countries, and endorsing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, after Trump had sanctioned it (along with members of Putin's inner circle).
Trump won, of course, as most everyone in the world knows. If you say Biden won, then YOU are lying. Ho hum. Yawn****
Thanks for proving my point about your inability to tell the truth. Its not as if your habitual lying was a big secret but its always good that you come back and confirm it time and again.
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Thanks for proving my point about your inability to tell the truth. Its not as if your habitual lying was a big secret but its always good that you come back and confirm it time and again.
Not credible enough to warrant my time.
Not you personally, but yours was just some of the stuff people want to sell me and others on this board to promote points of view and ways of looking at things, I don't buy or don't buy to the extent they want accepted.

I would say that ultimately is "their" problem, who ever "they" are....But, what you are doing when you make those arguments is generalizing. You are telling me that my argument is "crap" without explaining why you think so. IOW, a lazy argument.

I look at things from my own point of view, having successfully avoided being impacted by situations described as national issues, that are actually local issues.

Some are sure. But, I would say that over the past, say, 30 years or so, with the Federal system grabbing ever more power from the states, those local problems, are financed, backed, and proscribed by the National parties...Therefore, a Federal issue as well.

Not being part of a consistent partisan group (Republican/Democrat), with allegiance, commitment only to the country and constitution, I am not constrained to agree to assure myself of acceptability. Like I have said, I am not much of a joiner.

Well, then one would wonder why you involve yourself in a political message board today...I mean to say, 25 years ago in boards like these there was actual discussion of issues, and the opportunity to change minds....Today, it is a pejorative fest, name calling crapfest within the opening page of posting...And I have to say that while you exhibit a higher level of intelligence required to make some good points, as opposed to the standard fare of trolls in here, your positions whether you know it or not, often argue against "the right" whoever they are, more often than "the left"....

You may disagree with that, but that is my observation...
It is just as possible, that a NATO response would produce the opposite result of what you said. It might stop Putin right in his tracks, and have him go backwards, making him realize there will be PAYMENT extracted for what he does.

As long as Biden & NATO do nothing (and even cower down), Putin has a free ride. rump understands this, Biden doesn't.

Ukraine is a NATO war. Without the Glowbully alliance's money, weapons, and training, the Ukraine would have been re-annexed in a cakewalk.

Putin wanted the Donbass back; it had been Russian since 1681. But he knew that the Ukraine would send its whole military there unless it was forced to use most of its troops to guard Kiev and the other regions outside the targeted area around the Donetz River, which also includes Kharkov.
Strange...just got back from the store...found EVERYTHING I has millions and millions of Americans.

At any rate, whatever shortages you're finding isn't tied to how Biden and Putin are getting along...unless you're under the hilarious assumption that somehow Russia is responsible for what you've been consuming.
i am sure…a selfish dembot
I would say that ultimately is "their" problem, who ever "they" are....But, what you are doing when you make those arguments is generalizing. You are telling me that my argument is "crap" without explaining why you think so. IOW, a lazy argument.

Some are sure. But, I would say that over the past, say, 30 years or so, with the Federal system grabbing ever more power from the states, those local problems, are financed, backed, and proscribed by the National parties...Therefore, a Federal issue as well.

Well, then one would wonder why you involve yourself in a political message board today...I mean to say, 25 years ago in boards like these there was actual discussion of issues, and the opportunity to change minds....Today, it is a pejorative fest, name calling crapfest within the opening page of posting...And I have to say that while you exhibit a higher level of intelligence required to make some good points, as opposed to the standard fare of trolls in here, your positions whether you know it or not, often argue against "the right" whoever they are, more often than "the left"....

You may disagree with that, but that is my observation...
Of course the Federal system has tried and succeeded in many ways getting more involved at lower state and local levels, but this is not as intended by the framers and is to be avoided, rather than pleading for more federal control to deal with the problems of states and cities.
If Biden reminded Putin about America nuclear capabilities, instead of doing the opposite by cancelling missle tests, Putin would be a quiet little puppy right now. I don't expect leftist half-awakes to understand that. No need to confirm.
You really believe Putin needs to be "reminded" about America's nuclear capabilities?
You don't know your recent history. Mexico helped pay for the wall by sending 28,000 Mexican troops to the border. Huge co$t to them. They also suffered Billions$$ of losses in remittance cuts, when Obama's catch & release was abolished, and the border was secured.

Walls have been effective in stopping illegal immigration, in dozens of countries all around the world. The US Mexican border wall has been effective too in places where it was completed (ex San Diego).

As for the "ban", Trump was a multibillionaire well before he became president. Your conjecture that Trump is "laughing his way to the bank" is what is laughable. If your complaint is a politician who uses his political office selling influence, and getting rich from it, Joe Biden is your worst nightmare.

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