Biden Total Failure on Confronting Russia

"Worlds't most laughable losers. Democrats who go around claiming they have won"

Yes, I have noticed they are claiming they have won.
I don't know how they can do that, what with their man in the Oval Office, the majority in the House, and 50 Senators in the Senate. I don't know why the judiciary, the military, and the Deep State, don't tell 'em otherwise.

But the only ones giving 'em pushback on this "We Won" gig are the RWNJ's, the QAnon-nutters, the Duped & Snookered TDS'sr, the White Naitonalists, and, of course, the disgraced former POTUS.
Of course the Federal system has tried and succeeded in many ways getting more involved at lower state and local levels, but this is not as intended by the framers and is to be avoided, rather than pleading for more federal control to deal with the problems of states and cities.
I agree, but do you see the Democrats (who are in power now) giving two shits about what the framers intended? I don’t.
Yes, I have noticed they are claiming they have won.
I don't know how they can do that, what with their man in the Oval Office, the majority in the House, and 50 Senators in the Senate. I don't know why the judiciary, the military, and the Deep State, don't tell 'em otherwise.

But the only ones giving 'em pushback on this "We Won" gig are the RWNJ's, the QAnon-nutters, the Duped & Snookered TDS'sr, the White Naitonalists, and, of course, the disgraced former POTUS.

Which of course you see as the entirety of the GOP. Even if they aren’t, you’ll be sure to label them such.
I agree, but do you see the Democrats (who are in power now) giving two shits about what the framers intended? I don’t.
At least not launching as many direct assaults, with attempt to overturn the basis of sustainability of this constitutional continuous rule, that being the vote. They are primarily just whiny lil' bitches crying they didn't get their share as they were busy having a good time or busy selling their brothers and sisters into bondage.
At least not launching as many direct assaults, with attempt to overturn the basis of sustainability of this constitutional continuous rule, that being the vote. They are primarily just whiny lil' bitches crying they didn't get their share as they were busy having a good time or busy selling their brothers and sisters into bondage.
What are the “direct assaults“ you believe Republicans are launching?
You don't know your recent history. Mexico helped pay for the wall by sending 28,000 Mexican troops to the border. Huge co$t to them. They also suffered Billions$$ of losses in remittance cuts, when Obama's catch & release was abolished, and the border was secured.

Walls have been effective in stopping illegal immigration, in dozens of countries all around the world. The US Mexican border wall has been effective too in places where it was completed (ex San Diego).

As for the "ban", Trump was a multibillionaire well before he became president. Your conjecture that Trump is "laughing his way to the bank" is what is laughable. If your complaint is a politician who uses his political office selling influence, and getting rich from it, Joe Biden is your worst nightmare.

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What stops illegals is fining employers.
Do you think they intended for a president to lose and then have his followers storm the Capitol?

That’s an interesting question. Because, the founders clearly provided for the overthrow of a tyrannical government by the people, an intergal part of th 2a…Which is why I believe Democrats, now democratic socialists, want to take away that right.
What are the “direct assaults“ you believe Republicans are launching?
Many on here still favor attacks on the 2020 election and impotently still trying to convince someone, anyone to recall electors a year and a half later, and support trump and his words and actions the week of Jan 6, trying to overthrow the results of the free, accurate election(s).
Many on here still favor attacks on the 2020 election and impotently still trying to convince someone, anyone to recall electors a year and a half later, and support trump and his words and actions the week of Jan 6, trying to overthrow the results of the free, accurate election(s).
While I do not agree that what happened with the 2020 election was free and fair, you seem to believe that the mere voicing of that opinion is akin to an attack? Do I have that right?
While I do not agree that what happened with the 2020 election was free and fair, you seem to believe that the mere voicing of that opinion is akin to an attack? Do I have that right?
Before Jan 6, NO. Anyone supporting that crap that day or afterward is an enemy of the Constitution and this country, as the framers designed it and are a non-starter for high office in this country. That is my expressed opinion, as we should not trust, they didn't learn enough to better plan and pull of the overthrow next time, while their are useful idiots to support the plan.
That’s an interesting question. Because, the founders clearly provided for the overthrow of a tyrannical government by the people, an intergal part of th 2a…Which is why I believe Democrats, now democratic socialists, want to take away that right.
Biden was the elected official chosen by the people, the only tyrant was Trump and those who were supporting him in his overthrow of the Gov't.
Why would Biden confront Putin? The US and NATO aren't invading Ukraine or Russia.
Biden has been confronted BY Putin, Mr know-nothing. If you don't stand up to the confrontation, you encourage more of it.

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