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Biden/Trump Quid Pro Pros--Compared


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
You have to give credit to the power of the Mainstream Media (operated out of New York for the Democratic Party) to control the thoughts of the Trumply Deranged, and to keep the truth from Sane Americans.

The Demo/Socialists want Trump impeached and tried for a supposed quid pro pro with Ukraine and they want Biden elected in spite of an admitted quid pro pro with Ukraine involving the prosecutor investigating his bogus son's bogus, but lucrative, job for a corrupt Ukrainian company.

But, their Pravda-like Media would never it to you that way.

The truth, nevertheless, is that both Trump's alleged behavior and Biden's admitted behavior tract each other closely...and vary mainly in the important elements of Proof and Results---both of which tilt in favor of Trump's innocence and Biden's guilt.

Compare the elements:

1) U. S. Governmental power to influence another nation:

YES---BIDEN, as VP with charge of Ukrainian policy

YES---TRUMP, as President

2) Threat to Use Power:

BIDEN-----ABSOLUTELY, see Biden Tape where he is bragging about it.

TRUMP---ALLEGEDLY, but only by hearsay and secret witness, and yet strongly contested by both U. S. and Ukrainian Presidents, and outright contradicted by transcript of phone call between the two, which is the BEST EVIDENCE.

3) Possible good Reason for threat:

BIDEN-----Prosecutor corrupt----but only has unsubstantiated claims by Democratic Media that other countries said so.....as if we must do what other countries want in any event.

TRUMP---V. P. of USA Biden corrupt, and committed crimes in 2016 by shaking down Ukraine to fire prosecutor, and has proof---SEE Biden Tape bragging on it.

4) Possible bad reason for threat:

BIDEN-----Prosecutor was investigating his corrupt son's corrupt Ukrainian company.

TRUMP---Biden may be his 2020 opponent.

(Note: Both cases could involve Intenrt. Wonder why Democrat Media goes one way for Biden and the other way against Trump?)

5) Results from Quid Pro Quo Threat:

BIDEN-----got prosecutor fired immediately. SEE Biden tape bragging on it.

TRUMP---No Results. No Quid. No Pro.


So the Democrats/Socialists have the corrupt Media shilling for them to frame Trump while Biden walks, even though PROOF and RESULT point to Trump's innocence and Biden's guilt.

While Sane American have going for them only Common Sense:

Because this is the american way, the less corrupt quid pro quo wins, let the hairsplitting begin. Fweeedumb.
Can I get some of you Bolshevik, Dumb-Ass, Liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Cocksucking, Half-wit, Rotting-City-Educated, Trump Derangement Syndrome Suffering, Numb-Skulls--to debate on these matters?

Have you Morons seen the tape where Joe Biden bragged hard on holding up ONE BILLION in aid to Ukraine until they fired their equivalent to our Attorney General?

Have you seen the sworn affidavits from that fired Prosecutor AND others that he was investigating Hunter Biden's Gravy Train Corrupt Ukrainian Company---and that he was fired because that investigation?

Do you ass-clowns believe only what it suits you to believe?

Have you seen evidence justifying why Joe Biden would hold up ONE BILLION in aid to interfere with the government of an independent country? I mean more than New York Media reports that other countries didn't like the Prosecutor any more than Joe Biden did? Do you even know who those countries were? Have you seen evidence of those countries actually saying "Joe, fire that Prosecutor!!---or do you just believe whatever Rachel Maddow tells you? Or Fredo Cuomo?

Have you considered whether that is enough evidence for Joe Biden to interfere in the internal affairs of an independent country when his interference just happened to help out his cocaine-snorting son?

Do you see the utter Hypocrisy in letting Uncle Joe Biden off the hook for the very same conduct that you have impeached Trump for---except you have far less evidence of wrongdoing by Trump?

How much Bull Shit will you FOOLS swallow to feed your Trump Derangement Syndrome?

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