Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says

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Biden should just tear it down

Mexico will pay for it
So we should call your neighbor and tell them you give the green light to tear down your fencing, remove your doors and windows, and announce your open house, free food and they can have any checks they want in your mail basket?
View attachment 471890

We went over a hundred years without a wall
Congrats, that is the dumbest response on the subject to date.
View attachment 471901

We don’t have a wall with Canada either
Tear it down
That will cost more than finishing the wall...
Mexico will pay for it
No we will be paying through the nose to return the land to what it was before the wall...a near impossible task when it will be Mexico that has to sign off on the job we do....
You are not thinking these days RW...stop feeling and start thinking....
It was Desert
Mexico could say they had a hotel there...or a golf resort or they could demand that they do the restoration and we pay for it...all bets are off I think the term is...this was a very stupid thing for Joe to do...
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
That move was within the POTUS powers of discretion--it was viewed as defense. This money has already been party to contract--the current WH squatter can't unilaterally cancel the contract, penalties.
Biden should just tear it down

Mexico will pay for it
So we should call your neighbor and tell them you give the green light to tear down your fencing, remove your doors and windows, and announce your open house, free food and they can have any checks they want in your mail basket?
View attachment 471890

We went over a hundred years without a wall
Congrats, that is the dumbest response on the subject to date.
View attachment 471901

We don’t have a wall with Canada either
Tear it down
That will cost more than finishing the wall...
Mexico will pay for it
They do pay the price for not reigning it in,
1)by empowering the cartels, making them harder to police.
2)drains their country of talent, labor, taxes, progress
3)drains their resources especially requiring much to stop flow through their southern border.
4)brings terrorists and criminals through their country as well.
5)affects their economy
6)affects tourism
Etc etc
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
That move was within the POTUS powers of discretion--it was viewed as defense. This money has already been party to contract--the current WH squatter can't unilaterally cancel the contract, penalties.
Thank you. What President Biden did was put a 'hold' on any more construction while the administration is looking into whether cancelling the contracts is financially feasible, by talking to the companies about cancellation fees. What the GAO is investigating is if the Pres can refuse to spend the money Congress approved.

But if what T**** did was legal is being heard by the Supreme Court next month. It isn't settled yet.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

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Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says
BREAKING: Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says | The Daily Wire
23 Mar 2021 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly “under investigation” for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump’s southern border wall.
“Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow,” Politico reported. “The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent — or suspended — at odds with Congress’ intent.”
The report comes as Biden’s border crisis has overwhelmed the U.S.-Mexico border, promoting backlash against Biden from Republicans, Democrats, and even the president of Mexico.
Forty Senate Republicans said in a letter to the Government Accountability Office that in “the weeks that followed” Biden suspending construction of the border wall that “operational control of our southern border was comprised and a humanitarian and national security crisis has ensued.”
The lawmakers wrote:
We are writing to be added as co-requesters of a March 17, 2021 letter, signed by 40 United States Senators, requesting the Government Accountability Office’s investigation and legal opinion on the actions of the Biden Administration to suspend border wall construction and to order a freeze of funds provided by Congress for that purpose, which we believe violated the Impoundment Control Act.
The news comes as the southern border has become overwhelmed under Biden’s leadership after the president reversed numerous policies put in place by the Trump administration. In at least one sector on the U.S. border, the Biden administration has started to release illegal border crossers into the U.S. without scheduling any kind of a court date for the migrants. Recent reports have indicated that there are more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody, which is nearly twice as high as the previous record. The Washington Post recently highlighted how the Biden administration was repeatedly warned that a crisis would erupt on the border if they undid Trump’s policies—a warning that came from career officials, not just political appointees.

In the meantime it's costing $6 million a day for all the equipment lying unused and hundreds of workers unemployed because of a petulant Chyna Joey Xi and his handlers.
Not only is Joey Xi incompetent to stand trial he wasn’t legitimately elected so he can’t be held accountable for any Executive actions he’s taken.
His lawyers have a golden client.
He could allowed the wall to be built as well as the pipeline but he is spineless sellout and the worst kind of American. Maybe we can fight to get both done as this rotting fool wastes away and before giggles the Ho takes over.
What he and his handlers have perpetrated on Americ is something far, far worse than anything Trump ever did. Democrats in their power hungry spree ruin everything.
He is a Democrat. They can get away with anything. Hillary ,for instance? Cuomo?
the cash - ' taken ' by trump already earmarked for military construction of housing & schools wasn't discretionary.

he used an EO to bipass from congress at the start.

biden can cancel any EO from trump & will probably return that cash for it's original intent.

These are not executive orders and Biden has stopped the use of these funds to build the wall...
Outta the park, Doc7505. Yay! :texflag:

you really gotta educate yerself & stop being so ignorant just cause it gives you false comfort.

The ignorance YOU have that it is the law of the land for the Border wall to be constructed.
the cash - ' taken ' by trump already earmarked for military construction of housing & schools wasn't discretionary.

he used an EO to bipass from congress at the start.

biden can cancel any EO from trump & will probably return that cash for it's original intent.

These are not executive orders and Biden has stopped the use of these funds to build the wall...
Outta the park, Doc7505. Yay! :texflag:

you really gotta educate yerself & stop being so ignorant just cause it gives you false comfort.
Trump was an advocate for peace in the MiddleEast, and the world breathed easier on account of so many middle eastern people willing to forgetting about wiping Israel off the map over disagreements dating back five thousand stinking years old. Biden pissed on that and pissed it away for good. No more trusting each other now that greedy for power Pelosi, Schumer, Harris,Waters, et al, have ended this civil victory Trump gave no only to the American people, but also to the greater and universal world. What a flummox led by assholes who worship power to hurt and not to heal nothin.'

The border wall closing put a total halt to the fentanyl drug poisoning of 300 Americans dying every week due to ill effects of the drug traced back to coyotes illegally carrying the poison hidden in baby bags carried by threatened mothers and other devious maneuvers. Biden's puerile reopening the border has been a human disaster with stupid lefties who hadn't a clue that the cages for children were put in place by the Obama brain trust, and never by Trump as the uninformed on the left foolishly cast the shame of those horrid cages wrongfully onto Trump, who is as usual innocent of yet more altered reality of grossly uninformed Demonrats who bought into misinformation and brainwashing for the purpose of instituting Marxism on this Nation rather than civil freedoms. It is not I who am misguided by leftist press loudmouth lines. I'm onto their little departures from the real world in their simple greed for narratives for a fine meal and under-the-table cash for ransoming and replacing the truth with salacious lies about a great American leader who saw the light of the good that can come from teaching a fledgling society to work hard, trade well, and also to do good for nations who, like they used to be, poor and taken advantage of. Trump did good, and in hate for his gargantuan successes in world peace, the deep Staters sullied him with salacious lies about actions he did not do, etc ad nauseum.

Quite frankly, ma'am, the Democrats operate in Neverland dreams when young and when old act like liver-eating carnivores against nonMarxists and breadwinners who pay taxes to build, educate, and take care of those who cannot take care of themselves, all of which are encouraged by Christian ethics that earned this nation loving respect from nations who solicited and won our helping hands our founders wanted us to be with the liberties they procured and exercised in helping our neighbors.

Mr. Biden has little common sense and is on one of the most negative hate-and-get-even political campaigns to scorch the earth to the very foundations of our founders who produced a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the principles all of us are created to be equals with 1 vote per person, not 30 or ten million, quite frankly. And I'm done on your naivite of which there is less of in a nursery school. You are not paying attention, and nobody here can wake you up!
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the cash - ' taken ' by trump already earmarked for military construction of housing & schools wasn't discretionary.

he used an EO to bipass from congress at the start.

biden can cancel any EO from trump & will probably return that cash for it's original intent.

These are not executive orders and Biden has stopped the use of these funds to build the wall...
Outta the park, Doc7505. Yay! :texflag:

you really gotta educate yerself & stop being so ignorant just cause it gives you false comfort.
Trump was an advocate for peace in the MiddleEast, and the world breathed easier on account of so many middle eastern people willing to forgetting about wiping Israel off the map over disagreements dating back five thousand stinking years old. Biden pissed on that and pissed it away for good. No more trusting each other now that greedy for power Pelosi, Schumer, Harris,Waters, et al, have ended this civil victory Trump gave no only to the American people, but also to the greater and universal world. What a flummox led by assholes who worship power to hurt and not to heal nothin.'

The border wall closing put a total halt to the fentanyl drug poisoning of 300 Americans dying every week due to ill effects of the drug traced back to coyotes illegally carrying the poison hidden in baby bags carried by threatened mothers and other devious maneuvers. Biden's puerile reopening the border has been a human disaster with stupid lefties who hadn't a clue that the cages for children were put in place by the Obama brain trust, and never by Trump as the uninformed on the left foolishly cast the shame of those horrid cages wrongfully onto Trump, who is as usual innocent of yet more altered reality of grossly uninformed Demonrats who bought into misinformation and brainwashing for the purpose of instituting Marxism on this Nation rather than civil freedoms. It is not I who am misguided by leftist press loudmouth lines. I'm onto their little departures from the real world in their simple greed for narratives for a fine meal and under-the-table cash for ransoming and replacing the truth with salacious lies about a great American leader who saw the light of the good that can come from teaching a fledgling society to work hard, trade well, and also to do good for nations who, like they used to be, poor and taken advantage of. Trump did good, and in hate for his gargantuan successes in world peace, sullied him with salacious lies about actions he did not do, etc ad nauseum.

Quite frankly, ma'am, the Democrats operate in Neverland dreams when young and liver-eating carnivores against nonMarxists and breadwinners who pay taxes to build, educate, and take care of those who cannot take care of themselves, all of which are encouraged by Christian ethics that earned this nation loving respect from nations who solicited and won our helping hands our founders wanted us to be with the liberties they procured and exercised in helping our neighbors.

Mr. Biden has little common sense and is on one of the most negative hate-and-get-even political campaigns to scorch the earth to the very foundations of our founders who produced a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the principles all of us are created to be equals with 1 vote per person, not 30 or ten million, quite frankly. And I'm done on your naivite of which there is less of in a nursery school. You are not paying attention, and nobody here can wake you up!

Just imagine that in less than 90 days, Chyna Joey Xi has stopped building of the border wall, stopped the further construction of the Keystone pippline, pissed off Putin, kowtowed to China's insults, increased military presence in the ME, North Korea has launched missiles and gasoline prices have risen 75 cents to $1.00/gallon throughout the U.S., not to mention nearly a week of the stock market plunging. I almost forgot the increase of more than 100,000 illgal aliens crossing our borders unhindered.
Have I left anything thing out? If so fill it in....
the cash - ' taken ' by trump already earmarked for military construction of housing & schools wasn't discretionary.

he used an EO to bipass from congress at the start.

biden can cancel any EO from trump & will probably return that cash for it's original intent.

These are not executive orders and Biden has stopped the use of these funds to build the wall...
Outta the park, Doc7505. Yay! :texflag:

you really gotta educate yerself & stop being so ignorant just cause it gives you false comfort.
Trump was an advocate for peace in the MiddleEast, and the world breathed easier on account of so many middle eastern people willing to forgetting about wiping Israel off the map over disagreements dating back five thousand stinking years old. Biden pissed on that and pissed it away for good. No more trusting each other now that greedy for power Pelosi, Schumer, Harris,Waters, et al, have ended this civil victory Trump gave no only to the American people, but also to the greater and universal world. What a flummox led by assholes who worship power to hurt and not to heal nothin.'

The border wall closing put a total halt to the fentanyl drug poisoning of 300 Americans dying every week due to ill effects of the drug traced back to coyotes illegally carrying the poison hidden in baby bags carried by threatened mothers and other devious maneuvers. Biden's puerile reopening the border has been a human disaster with stupid lefties who hadn't a clue that the cages for children were put in place by the Obama brain trust, and never by Trump as the uninformed on the left foolishly cast the shame of those horrid cages wrongfully onto Trump, who is as usual innocent of yet more altered reality of grossly uninformed Demonrats who bought into misinformation and brainwashing for the purpose of instituting Marxism on this Nation rather than civil freedoms. It is not I who am misguided by leftist press loudmouth lines. I'm onto their little departures from the real world in their simple greed for narratives for a fine meal and under-the-table cash for ransoming and replacing the truth with salacious lies about a great American leader who saw the light of the good that can come from teaching a fledgling society to work hard, trade well, and also to do good for nations who, like they used to be, poor and taken advantage of. Trump did good, and in hate for his gargantuan successes in world peace, sullied him with salacious lies about actions he did not do, etc ad nauseum.

Quite frankly, ma'am, the Democrats operate in Neverland dreams when young and liver-eating carnivores against nonMarxists and breadwinners who pay taxes to build, educate, and take care of those who cannot take care of themselves, all of which are encouraged by Christian ethics that earned this nation loving respect from nations who solicited and won our helping hands our founders wanted us to be with the liberties they procured and exercised in helping our neighbors.

Mr. Biden has little common sense and is on one of the most negative hate-and-get-even political campaigns to scorch the earth to the very foundations of our founders who produced a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the principles all of us are created to be equals with 1 vote per person, not 30 or ten million, quite frankly. And I'm done on your naivite of which there is less of in a nursery school. You are not paying attention, and nobody here can wake you up!

Just imagine that in less than 90 days, Chyna Joey Xi has stopped building of the border wall, stopped the further construction of the Keystone pippline, pissed off Putin, kowtowed to China's insults, increased military presence in the ME, North Korea has launched missiles and gasoline prices have risen 75 cents to $1.00/gallon throughout the U.S., not to mention nearly a week of the stock market plunging. I almost forgot the increase of more than 100,000 illgal aliens crossing our borders unhindered.
Have I left anything thing out? If so fill it in....
Well, that's close, but I think the line has been crossed on the press, the smarter ones have acknowledged some of the errors of taking sides that have confused Americans who caught onto it sooner than they and are starting to be outraged by the isolation they have put police into with defund demands that have cost innocent people to lose their lives to careless or drugged shooters who believe the nonsense driven down the bullets of naive persons who believe exaggerations meant to dismember President Trump's world peace plans Deep Staters and delusional powermongers perpetrating fake narratives against Trump who almost got the excitement of having world peace being mankind's future, but with Democrats assassinating the characters of all believers, all Republican voters, conservatives, and representatives, not to mention President Trump, world peace will not be, war will. That's why I believe the Democrats deserve to be stopped from bumbling humanity into annihilation by taking apart that phony Biden "win" for the gross loss it was before the cheat sheet election was launched with pretentious outcome and the rightful incumbent winner reestablished before the beginning day of summer. I also believe the Senate and House were in fact cheated out of Republican landslides. If we fail world peace will be over and a war with China will destroy the world, and covid was our warning. The Democrats see nothing wrong with lying to sully good men and women, and they are not going to get one iota of respect from the world class monsters they have aided and abetted just to defy political rivals. When they see this continent blackened by what the Chinese have planned for free people who say what they think, it will be too late for panicked apologies to God whom they sullied with their choice of thorough and unapologetic atheistic pursuits and American citizens they betrayed with lies and false witness. Democrats have played with fire that destroys unchary liars. I pray for them but more for those they tried to destroy: Dear Lord, please deliver us from all that is wrong and give us the wisdom of George Washington who loved his fellow man so dearly he put his life in harm's way to save us from sinful monarchs who took money from peasants but would not so much as listen to their hardships. We need our sense of brotherhood restored. This we ask in your son's name. Amen.
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Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.

Yes it is.

Clause 7. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

The restriction on drawing money from the Treasury “was intended as a restriction upon the disbursing authority of the Executive department,” and “means simply that no money can be paid out of the Treasury unless it has been appropriated by an act of Congress.”

The Pentagon — not Mexico — will again be paying for the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall on the US’s southern border, to the tune of $7.2 billion in 2020.

According to a Washington Post report, the White House will use last year’s national emergency declaration to pull $3.5 billion from military counter-drug enforcement, up significantly from the $2.5 billion taken from the same program in 2019. An additional $3.2 billion will be taken from Department of Defense construction projects for additional fencing projects. The number is more than five times the amount allocated to barrier construction by Congress for 2020. › 2020/1/14 › 21065352

That $$$ was appropriated by congress.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.
Not everyone agrees he should have declared a national emergency to do this.
My point was mostly that he also bypassed Congress. That is what they are investigating President Biden for, isn't it?

No, he didn't bypass Congress. Congress had already funded the military.

Look at discretionary funds as a 'slush fund' of's not line itemed to be spent on anything specific.

Biden wants to EO $$$ from what I understand. << That is illegal as fk!

Spending bills start in the House.
T**** claimed it a defense issue, an emergency or disaster or something, and the court said he had the right to call it that because of that damned law passed during Clinton's term, but that law was not designed for the purpose T**** used it for, and HE DIDN'T GET APPROVAL FROM CONGRESS EITHER.
He had approval from the courts. He didn't need approval from Congress.

Not us that love communist and Russia.
Is that why you people elected a communist to be Mayor of New York City.

Not everyone agrees he should have declared a national emergency to do this.
Look at the border today and tell me it's not a national emergency...caused by the Biden Crime Family halting the wall construction and inviting the mass migration of criminals and possibly Covid-19 infected people into the US. Continuation of Trump's border policies would have prevented all this shit Biden has caused. And the dimwits in his administration don't even want it called a "crisis".

"Is that why you people elected a communist to be Mayor of New York City".
Never heard De Blasio defend Russia.
Never heard De Blasio defend N. Korea.
Never heard De Blasio defend China.
Never heard De Blasio praise Russia.
Never heard De Blasio praise N. Korea.
Never heard De Blasio praise China.

You're dear leader did.
Makes me think back to what Trump got impeached over when he held back from Ukraine the money congress had allocated. Not much similarity in regards to the charge of using the funds for political blackmail, but its good somebody is keeping an eye on the situation. To do things legally the current congress would at least have to rescind the wall money allocated by the previous congress.

Good grief!

Why did Trump pause funding for Ukraine?

Pause is not the same as withheld - Ukraine got the money before the end of the fiscal year.
Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says
BREAKING: Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says | The Daily Wire
23 Mar 2021 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly “under investigation” for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump’s southern border wall.
“Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow,” Politico reported. “The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent — or suspended — at odds with Congress’ intent.”
The report comes as Biden’s border crisis has overwhelmed the U.S.-Mexico border, promoting backlash against Biden from Republicans, Democrats, and even the president of Mexico.
Forty Senate Republicans said in a letter to the Government Accountability Office that in “the weeks that followed” Biden suspending construction of the border wall that “operational control of our southern border was comprised and a humanitarian and national security crisis has ensued.”
The lawmakers wrote:
We are writing to be added as co-requesters of a March 17, 2021 letter, signed by 40 United States Senators, requesting the Government Accountability Office’s investigation and legal opinion on the actions of the Biden Administration to suspend border wall construction and to order a freeze of funds provided by Congress for that purpose, which we believe violated the Impoundment Control Act.
The news comes as the southern border has become overwhelmed under Biden’s leadership after the president reversed numerous policies put in place by the Trump administration. In at least one sector on the U.S. border, the Biden administration has started to release illegal border crossers into the U.S. without scheduling any kind of a court date for the migrants. Recent reports have indicated that there are more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody, which is nearly twice as high as the previous record. The Washington Post recently highlighted how the Biden administration was repeatedly warned that a crisis would erupt on the border if they undid Trump’s policies—a warning that came from career officials, not just political appointees.

In the meantime it's costing $6 million a day for all the equipment lying unused and hundreds of workers unemployed because of a petulant Chyna Joey Xi and his handlers.
Not only is Joey Xi incompetent to stand trial he wasn’t legitimately elected so he can’t be held accountable for any Executive actions he’s taken.
His lawyers have a golden client.
He could allowed the wall to be built as well as the pipeline but he is spineless sellout and the worst kind of American. Maybe we can fight to get both done as this rotting fool wastes away and before giggles the Ho takes over.
What he and his handlers have perpetrated on Americ is something far, far worse than anything Trump ever did. Democrats in their power hungry spree ruin everything.
I said it, and I'll say till the cows come home, that Biden is a national security risk, and should have never been allowed to be president. I have called these things right so many times.

The only national security risk is in Palm Beach, sitting on his fat ass.

That must be you snowbird.


I wish, I could vacation in Palm Beach.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.

Yes it is.

Clause 7. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

The restriction on drawing money from the Treasury “was intended as a restriction upon the disbursing authority of the Executive department,” and “means simply that no money can be paid out of the Treasury unless it has been appropriated by an act of Congress.”

The Pentagon — not Mexico — will again be paying for the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall on the US’s southern border, to the tune of $7.2 billion in 2020.

According to a Washington Post report, the White House will use last year’s national emergency declaration to pull $3.5 billion from military counter-drug enforcement, up significantly from the $2.5 billion taken from the same program in 2019. An additional $3.2 billion will be taken from Department of Defense construction projects for additional fencing projects. The number is more than five times the amount allocated to barrier construction by Congress for 2020. › 2020/1/14 › 21065352

That $$$ was appropriated by congress.

No, really?

Screw WaPo and Vox - show me the bills.

Why did OldLady Thumb up the following post.

Concerned American said the same dam thing I posted!

Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
That move was within the POTUS powers of discretion--it was viewed as defense. This money has already been party to contract--the current WH squatter can't unilaterally cancel the contract, penalties.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.

Yes it is.

Clause 7. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

The restriction on drawing money from the Treasury “was intended as a restriction upon the disbursing authority of the Executive department,” and “means simply that no money can be paid out of the Treasury unless it has been appropriated by an act of Congress.”

The Pentagon — not Mexico — will again be paying for the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall on the US’s southern border, to the tune of $7.2 billion in 2020.

According to a Washington Post report, the White House will use last year’s national emergency declaration to pull $3.5 billion from military counter-drug enforcement, up significantly from the $2.5 billion taken from the same program in 2019. An additional $3.2 billion will be taken from Department of Defense construction projects for additional fencing projects. The number is more than five times the amount allocated to barrier construction by Congress for 2020. › 2020/1/14 › 21065352

That $$$ was appropriated by congress.

No, really?

Screw WaPo and Vox - show me the bills.

Why did OldLady Thumb up the following post.

Concerned American said the same dam thing I posted!

Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
That move was within the POTUS powers of discretion--it was viewed as defense. This money has already been party to contract--the current WH squatter can't unilaterally cancel the contract, penalties.
Don't start.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.

Yes it is.

Clause 7. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

The restriction on drawing money from the Treasury “was intended as a restriction upon the disbursing authority of the Executive department,” and “means simply that no money can be paid out of the Treasury unless it has been appropriated by an act of Congress.”

The Pentagon — not Mexico — will again be paying for the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall on the US’s southern border, to the tune of $7.2 billion in 2020.

According to a Washington Post report, the White House will use last year’s national emergency declaration to pull $3.5 billion from military counter-drug enforcement, up significantly from the $2.5 billion taken from the same program in 2019. An additional $3.2 billion will be taken from Department of Defense construction projects for additional fencing projects. The number is more than five times the amount allocated to barrier construction by Congress for 2020. › 2020/1/14 › 21065352

That $$$ was appropriated by congress.

No, really?

Screw WaPo and Vox - show me the bills.

Why did OldLady Thumb up the following post.

Concerned American said the same dam thing I posted!

Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
That move was within the POTUS powers of discretion--it was viewed as defense. This money has already been party to contract--the current WH squatter can't unilaterally cancel the contract, penalties.
Don't start.

Don't start what?

Can't handle being wrong about something or being called the hypocrite that you are in this situation?
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.

Yes it is.

Clause 7. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

The restriction on drawing money from the Treasury “was intended as a restriction upon the disbursing authority of the Executive department,” and “means simply that no money can be paid out of the Treasury unless it has been appropriated by an act of Congress.”

The Pentagon — not Mexico — will again be paying for the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall on the US’s southern border, to the tune of $7.2 billion in 2020.

According to a Washington Post report, the White House will use last year’s national emergency declaration to pull $3.5 billion from military counter-drug enforcement, up significantly from the $2.5 billion taken from the same program in 2019. An additional $3.2 billion will be taken from Department of Defense construction projects for additional fencing projects. The number is more than five times the amount allocated to barrier construction by Congress for 2020. › 2020/1/14 › 21065352

That $$$ was appropriated by congress.

No, really?

Screw WaPo and Vox - show me the bills.

Why did OldLady Thumb up the following post.

Concerned American said the same dam thing I posted!

Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
That move was within the POTUS powers of discretion--it was viewed as defense. This money has already been party to contract--the current WH squatter can't unilaterally cancel the contract, penalties.

There are no bills, it's in the constitution.

Article I, section 9, clause 7 of the U.S. Constitution states that "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law..." This is what gives Congress the power to make these appropriations.
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