Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says

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He’ll plead incontinence.
That's a slick doctor word right there. "Incontinence." Because if you talk to a Catholic priest, it's a moral failing or inability to abstain from sexual intercourse. Then you shuffle off to the doctor's office and they've got that knife out already, they're doing prostrate surgery on a dude, or a routine hysterectomy on a lady -- and they call their patients "incontinent" because they can't abstain from urinating or defecating. There's a catheter, and a lady's pad is all wet, or a dude's got too many bedsores because he's had colon surgery and can't help himself from passing stool in the night.
Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says
BREAKING: Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says | The Daily Wire
23 Mar 2021 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly “under investigation” for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump’s southern border wall.
“Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow,” Politico reported. “The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent — or suspended — at odds with Congress’ intent.”
The report comes as Biden’s border crisis has overwhelmed the U.S.-Mexico border, promoting backlash against Biden from Republicans, Democrats, and even the president of Mexico.
Forty Senate Republicans said in a letter to the Government Accountability Office that in “the weeks that followed” Biden suspending construction of the border wall that “operational control of our southern border was comprised and a humanitarian and national security crisis has ensued.”
The lawmakers wrote:
We are writing to be added as co-requesters of a March 17, 2021 letter, signed by 40 United States Senators, requesting the Government Accountability Office’s investigation and legal opinion on the actions of the Biden Administration to suspend border wall construction and to order a freeze of funds provided by Congress for that purpose, which we believe violated the Impoundment Control Act.
The news comes as the southern border has become overwhelmed under Biden’s leadership after the president reversed numerous policies put in place by the Trump administration. In at least one sector on the U.S. border, the Biden administration has started to release illegal border crossers into the U.S. without scheduling any kind of a court date for the migrants. Recent reports have indicated that there are more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody, which is nearly twice as high as the previous record. The Washington Post recently highlighted how the Biden administration was repeatedly warned that a crisis would erupt on the border if they undid Trump’s policies—a warning that came from career officials, not just political appointees.

In the meantime it's costing $6 million a day for all the equipment lying unused and hundreds of workers unemployed because of a petulant Chyna Joey Xi and his handlers.
Not only is Joey Xi incompetent to stand trial he wasn’t legitimately elected so he can’t be held accountable for any Executive actions he’s taken.
His lawyers have a golden client.
He could allowed the wall to be built as well as the pipeline but he is spineless sellout and the worst kind of American. Maybe we can fight to get both done as this rotting fool wastes away and before giggles the Ho takes over.
What he and his handlers have perpetrated on Americ is something far, far worse than anything Trump ever did. Democrats in their power hungry spree ruin everything.

Here’s why you’re going to lose.

First, there is no Trump border wall. Any such infrastructure is the property of the United States. Trump doesn’t own anything.

Second, money that was illegally directed to the border wall, was destroyed be so by executive order, that was money appropriated by Congress for other budgetary priorities.

Trump should be brought up on charges, which is coming by the way, and those 40 Republicans should be expelled from office.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
No because national security is a defense issue, and if you haven't noticed, the laziness of the Biden administration depts to fill out paper work on the people violating the border and releasing them inside without vetting, will be noted and has been noted by terrorist orgs and cells, some who were caught before the laziness and new heads came in to cause the chaos. That's why you no longer hear of the numbers coming in that are on terrorist lists, we no longer have a clue. It will take a big incident before people wake up, and perhaps someone with power and prestige to be affected by the event before they take national security serious.
T**** claimed it a defense issue, an emergency or disaster or something, and the court said he had the right to call it that because of that damned law passed during Clinton's term, but that law was not designed for the purpose T**** used it for, and HE DIDN'T GET APPROVAL FROM CONGRESS EITHER.
But it is what it is no matter who passed what law or judge subjectively agreed or disagreed,and no media spin that convinced you otherwise will change it being a national security issue whether you see it or not. In fact the China Fetynal coming through with the help by the cartels that China aligned with and the war against the cartels and how they knocked off some of our tourists make it militaries business to ensure our safety. Biden being in Chinas pockets is more then ever a national security risk and a treasonous act at it's most severe ever of any presidency, and that's not even including his part in the coup using the Russian hoax, the former AG talked about and admitted was a coup to remove Trump.
" Border Policies By An Idiotic Administration "

* Feeble Mind Contracted For Anti-American Hyper Partisan Stupidity *

The left are anti-racist racists and when one mentions us workers versus foreign workers , any foreign worker and interest are put before the evil whitey and evil capitalist scapegoats with who the american worker is associated .

There are reasons for laws preventing non familial care givers from being made beneficiaries of the aged .
the cash - ' taken ' by trump already earmarked for military construction of housing & schools wasn't discretionary.

he used an EO to bipass from congress at the start.

biden can cancel any EO from trump & will probably return that cash for it's original intent.
Makes me think back to what Trump got impeached over when he held back from Ukraine the money congress had allocated. Not much similarity in regards to the charge of using the funds for political blackmail, but its good somebody is keeping an eye on the situation. To do things legally the current congress would at least have to rescind the wall money allocated by the previous congress.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
Building the wall is a NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE as well pumpkin---------------
The criminal aliens create all sorts of problems for everyone including the military

But leaving the borders open allows our enemies in which allow terrorist military attacks such as the Japanese and Germans did in WW2 and why the japanese, germans, and Italians were put on the farms (but shhhhh no one is supposed to remember that the Japanese with japanese americans aiding were terrorizing the US.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
No because national security is a defense issue, and if you haven't noticed, the laziness of the Biden administration depts to fill out paper work on the people violating the border and releasing them inside without vetting, will be noted and has been noted by terrorist orgs and cells, some who were caught before the laziness and new heads came in to cause the chaos. That's why you no longer hear of the numbers coming in that are on terrorist lists, we no longer have a clue. It will take a big incident before people wake up, and perhaps someone with power and prestige to be affected by the event before they take national security serious.
T**** claimed it a defense issue, an emergency or disaster or something, and the court said he had the right to call it that because of that damned law passed during Clinton's term, but that law was not designed for the purpose T**** used it for, and HE DIDN'T GET APPROVAL FROM CONGRESS EITHER.

You seem to forget that it was the Democrats in 2006 who strongly help pass the Border Wall act.

H.R.6061 - Secure Fence Act of 2006

Senate 89-19
House 283-138

It has been a mandate ever since to complete the border, but the democrats started dragging their fiscal responsibility when they had their triangle power for part of the Obama years
T**** claimed it a defense issue, an emergency or disaster or something, and the court said he had the right to call it that because of that damned law passed during Clinton's term, but that law was not designed for the purpose T**** used it for, and HE DIDN'T GET APPROVAL FROM CONGRESS EITHER.
He had approval from the courts. He didn't need approval from Congress.

Not us that love communist and Russia.
Is that why you people elected a communist to be Mayor of New York City.

Not everyone agrees he should have declared a national emergency to do this.
Look at the border today and tell me it's not a national emergency...caused by the Biden Crime Family halting the wall construction and inviting the mass migration of criminals and possibly Covid-19 infected people into the US. Continuation of Trump's border policies would have prevented all this shit Biden has caused. And the dimwits in his administration don't even want it called a "crisis".
Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says
BREAKING: Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says | The Daily Wire
23 Mar 2021 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly “under investigation” for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump’s southern border wall.
“Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow,” Politico reported. “The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent — or suspended — at odds with Congress’ intent.”
The report comes as Biden’s border crisis has overwhelmed the U.S.-Mexico border, promoting backlash against Biden from Republicans, Democrats, and even the president of Mexico.
Forty Senate Republicans said in a letter to the Government Accountability Office that in “the weeks that followed” Biden suspending construction of the border wall that “operational control of our southern border was comprised and a humanitarian and national security crisis has ensued.”
The lawmakers wrote:
We are writing to be added as co-requesters of a March 17, 2021 letter, signed by 40 United States Senators, requesting the Government Accountability Office’s investigation and legal opinion on the actions of the Biden Administration to suspend border wall construction and to order a freeze of funds provided by Congress for that purpose, which we believe violated the Impoundment Control Act.
The news comes as the southern border has become overwhelmed under Biden’s leadership after the president reversed numerous policies put in place by the Trump administration. In at least one sector on the U.S. border, the Biden administration has started to release illegal border crossers into the U.S. without scheduling any kind of a court date for the migrants. Recent reports have indicated that there are more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody, which is nearly twice as high as the previous record. The Washington Post recently highlighted how the Biden administration was repeatedly warned that a crisis would erupt on the border if they undid Trump’s policies—a warning that came from career officials, not just political appointees.

In the meantime it's costing $6 million a day for all the equipment lying unused and hundreds of workers unemployed because of a petulant Chyna Joey Xi and his handlers.
Not only is Joey Xi incompetent to stand trial he wasn’t legitimately elected so he can’t be held accountable for any Executive actions he’s taken.
His lawyers have a golden client.
He could allowed the wall to be built as well as the pipeline but he is spineless sellout and the worst kind of American. Maybe we can fight to get both done as this rotting fool wastes away and before giggles the Ho takes over.
What he and his handlers have perpetrated on Americ is something far, far worse than anything Trump ever did. Democrats in their power hungry spree ruin everything.
What I don't understand is how a serial ripoff extortionist was allowed to run for President and also why the Democrat Party was allowed to cheat the votes of several million American voters by numerous avenues of cheating, breaking the laws set in place constitutionally, traditionally, and respectfully. Nothing resembling American ideals is respected by people so bent on enslaving human beings since the Antebellum period of the Nineteenth Century. :cranky:
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Will the liberals in the House crap on the Constitution, or will they do the right thing and impeach Biden? Clear violation, clearly a High Crime or Misdemeanor. Let the Senate hear the case.

the desperation continues......

O_.008.obma (50).jpg
the cash - ' taken ' by trump already earmarked for military construction of housing & schools wasn't discretionary.

he used an EO to bipass from congress at the start.

biden can cancel any EO from trump & will probably return that cash for it's original intent.

These are not executive orders and Biden has stopped the use of these funds to build the wall...
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
No because national security is a defense issue, and if you haven't noticed, the laziness of the Biden administration depts to fill out paper work on the people violating the border and releasing them inside without vetting, will be noted and has been noted by terrorist orgs and cells, some who were caught before the laziness and new heads came in to cause the chaos. That's why you no longer hear of the numbers coming in that are on terrorist lists, we no longer have a clue. It will take a big incident before people wake up, and perhaps someone with power and prestige to be affected by the event before they take national security serious.
T**** claimed it a defense issue, an emergency or disaster or something, and the court said he had the right to call it that because of that damned law passed during Clinton's term, but that law was not designed for the purpose T**** used it for, and HE DIDN'T GET APPROVAL FROM CONGRESS EITHER.

OK, the court said he was right and you say he was wrong. Just out of curiosity, where did you get your law degree?
the cash - ' taken ' by trump already earmarked for military construction of housing & schools wasn't discretionary.

he used an EO to bipass from congress at the start.

biden can cancel any EO from trump & will probably return that cash for it's original intent.

These are not executive orders and Biden has stopped the use of these funds to build the wall...
Outta the park, Doc7505. Yay! :texflag:
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