Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says

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Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Congratulations! The first to bring the name Trump into a thread about Biden. Sorry though, no parting gifts.
And this from the OP's link.

Recent reports have indicated that there are more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody, which is nearly twice as high as the previous record. The Washington Post recently highlighted how the Biden administration was repeatedly warned that a crisis would erupt on the border if they undid Trump’s policies—a warning that came from career officials, not just political appointees.
Biden should just tear it down

Mexico will pay for it
So we should call your neighbor and tell them you give the green light to tear down your fencing, remove your doors and windows, and announce your open house, free food and they can have any checks they want in your mail basket?
Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says
BREAKING: Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says | The Daily Wire
23 Mar 2021 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly “under investigation” for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump’s southern border wall.
“Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow,” Politico reported. “The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent — or suspended — at odds with Congress’ intent.”
The report comes as Biden’s border crisis has overwhelmed the U.S.-Mexico border, promoting backlash against Biden from Republicans, Democrats, and even the president of Mexico.
Forty Senate Republicans said in a letter to the Government Accountability Office that in “the weeks that followed” Biden suspending construction of the border wall that “operational control of our southern border was comprised and a humanitarian and national security crisis has ensued.”
The lawmakers wrote:
We are writing to be added as co-requesters of a March 17, 2021 letter, signed by 40 United States Senators, requesting the Government Accountability Office’s investigation and legal opinion on the actions of the Biden Administration to suspend border wall construction and to order a freeze of funds provided by Congress for that purpose, which we believe violated the Impoundment Control Act.
The news comes as the southern border has become overwhelmed under Biden’s leadership after the president reversed numerous policies put in place by the Trump administration. In at least one sector on the U.S. border, the Biden administration has started to release illegal border crossers into the U.S. without scheduling any kind of a court date for the migrants. Recent reports have indicated that there are more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody, which is nearly twice as high as the previous record. The Washington Post recently highlighted how the Biden administration was repeatedly warned that a crisis would erupt on the border if they undid Trump’s policies—a warning that came from career officials, not just political appointees.

In the meantime it's costing $6 million a day for all the equipment lying unused and hundreds of workers unemployed because of a petulant Chyna Joey Xi and his handlers.
Not only is Joey Xi incompetent to stand trial he wasn’t legitimately elected so he can’t be held accountable for any Executive actions he’s taken.
His lawyers have a golden client.
He could allowed the wall to be built as well as the pipeline but he is spineless sellout and the worst kind of American. Maybe we can fight to get both done as this rotting fool wastes away and before giggles the Ho takes over.
What he and his handlers have perpetrated on Americ is something far, far worse than anything Trump ever did. Democrats in their power hungry spree ruin everything.

Find a better source. This is pure horseshit.

He never promised to complete the wall that Mexico was going for.

LIe....Lies and Damned Lies.
" Political Negligence "

* Encouraged Into Idiocy *

Biden should just tear it down
Mexico will pay for it
Mexico put up a human wall under threat of sanctions .

When will the globalism degenerates align themselves with america and americans first ?
Biden should just tear it down

Mexico will pay for it
So we should call your neighbor and tell them you give the green light to tear down your fencing, remove your doors and windows, and announce your open house, free food and they can have any checks they want in your mail basket?
View attachment 471890

We went over a hundred years without a wall
Congrats, that is the dumbest response on the subject to date.
Biden should just tear it down

Mexico will pay for it
So we should call your neighbor and tell them you give the green light to tear down your fencing, remove your doors and windows, and announce your open house, free food and they can have any checks they want in your mail basket?
View attachment 471890

We went over a hundred years without a wall
Congrats, that is the dumbest response on the subject to date.
View attachment 471901

We don’t have a wall with Canada either
Tear it down
" Practitioners Of Red Herring Retorts "

* A Spain In The Ass *

We went over a hundred years without a wall
Had latin america bred itself into poverty with +600 million people manipulated by transnational criminal organizations one hundred years ago ?

* Ding Dong Diddle Mentality *
We don’t have a wall with Canada either
Tear it down
The canadians i have known , who have arrived to work or to visit the us , do so lawfully under strict visa requirements .

Do you see canadians crossing into the us illegally in droves ?
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Joe not only broke the law but some companies are losing millions in equipment purchases they can never get back...I'm sure Joe has no idea how business works especially construction businesses...many materials are not returnable and these companies buy materials months even years away from when they will need other words they can't take the stuff back...they are stuck....and they will sue....
Biden should just tear it down

Mexico will pay for it
So we should call your neighbor and tell them you give the green light to tear down your fencing, remove your doors and windows, and announce your open house, free food and they can have any checks they want in your mail basket?
View attachment 471890

We went over a hundred years without a wall
Congrats, that is the dumbest response on the subject to date.
View attachment 471901

We don’t have a wall with Canada either
Tear it down
That will cost more than finishing the wall...
Biden should just tear it down

Mexico will pay for it
So we should call your neighbor and tell them you give the green light to tear down your fencing, remove your doors and windows, and announce your open house, free food and they can have any checks they want in your mail basket?
View attachment 471890

We went over a hundred years without a wall
Congrats, that is the dumbest response on the subject to date.
View attachment 471901

We don’t have a wall with Canada either
Tear it down
That will cost more than finishing the wall...
Mexico will pay for it
Biden should just tear it down

Mexico will pay for it
So we should call your neighbor and tell them you give the green light to tear down your fencing, remove your doors and windows, and announce your open house, free food and they can have any checks they want in your mail basket?
View attachment 471890

We went over a hundred years without a wall
Congrats, that is the dumbest response on the subject to date.
View attachment 471901

We don’t have a wall with Canada either
Tear it down
That will cost more than finishing the wall...
Mexico will pay for it
No we will be paying through the nose to return the land to what it was before the wall...a near impossible task when it will be Mexico that has to sign off on the job we do....
You are not thinking these days RW...stop feeling and start thinking....
Biden should just tear it down

Mexico will pay for it
So we should call your neighbor and tell them you give the green light to tear down your fencing, remove your doors and windows, and announce your open house, free food and they can have any checks they want in your mail basket?
View attachment 471890

We went over a hundred years without a wall
Congrats, that is the dumbest response on the subject to date.
View attachment 471901

We don’t have a wall with Canada either
Tear it down
That will cost more than finishing the wall...
Mexico will pay for it
No we will be paying through the nose to return the land to what it was before the wall...a near impossible task when it will be Mexico that has to sign off on the job we do....
You are not thinking these days RW...stop feeling and start thinking....
It was Desert
the cash - ' taken ' by trump already earmarked for military construction of housing & schools wasn't discretionary.

he used an EO to bipass from congress at the start.

biden can cancel any EO from trump & will probably return that cash for it's original intent.

These are not executive orders and Biden has stopped the use of these funds to build the wall...

uh, yes they were.

Trump signs immigration executive orders at visit to DHS

By Emily Schultheis
Updated on: January 26, 2017 / 12:05 AM / CBS

President Donald Trump signed two executive orders during a visit to the Department of Homeland Security Wednesday, both pertaining to immigration and national security issues.

The first executive order called for the construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, while the second involved various provisions relating to enforcement of immigration laws, including withholding federal grant money from sanctuary cities
Trump signs immigration executive orders at visit to DHS

he wanted a hell of alot more cash than what congress was willing to give him so he grabbed it from other areas.

How much did it cost and who paid?

Trump, of course, repeatedly promised that Mexico would pay for the wall. And that hasn’t happened, despite Trump’s false claims that Mexico is paying somehow through the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement or with a border toll.

According to CBP data provided to, the Trump administration secured a total of $15 billion during his presidency for wall construction. Some of it was appropriated in annual budgets by Congress, and some was diverted by Trump from counternarcotics and military construction funding. But it has all been borne by American taxpayers.

The figure committed to date for wall construction — $15 billion — suggests the wall Trump got is well short of what he wanted.

And it is unlikely the Trump administration will be able to spend even that much. According to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ estimates reviewed by the Washington Post, there will be about $3.3 billion in unused border barrier funding when Biden takes office. If Biden immediately stops construction as promised, it would cost the U.S. about $700 million to terminate those contracts, saving the U.S. government about $2.6 billion.
Trump's Border Wall: Where Does It Stand? -

Trump administration raids military construction projects for border wall
The move is likely to further inflame Democrats who have accused the administration of illegally overriding Congress’ spending decisions.

09/03/2019 05:16 PM EDT
Updated 09/03/2019 07:48 PM EDT

The Trump administration is carrying out plans to raid $3.6 billion in military construction projects to build the border wall, further inflaming lawmakers who have accused President Donald Trump of illegally overriding Congress’ spending decisions.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper informed congressional leaders on Tuesday of the cash grab from a total of 127 military projects. Roughly half the money will come from funds previously dedicated to upgrading military bases abroad and the other half in the United States.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Esper told him some of the money will come from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in his home state of New York.

“It is a slap in the face to the members of the Armed Forces who serve our country that President Trump is willing to cannibalize already allocated military funding to boost his own ego and for a wall he promised Mexico would pay to build,” Schumer said in a statement.

Trump declared a national emergency in February in order to divert $8 billion from various federal accounts to build a physical barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border, including a Treasury Department fund and Defense Department efforts to interdict illegal drugs.

Tuesday's announcement comes on top of $2.5 billion the Pentagon already diverted from its budget toward the border barrier this spring over objections from leaders on the House and Senate Armed Services and Appropriations committees.
Trump administration raids military construction projects for border wall
the cash - ' taken ' by trump already earmarked for military construction of housing & schools wasn't discretionary.

he used an EO to bipass from congress at the start.

biden can cancel any EO from trump & will probably return that cash for it's original intent.

These are not executive orders and Biden has stopped the use of these funds to build the wall...
Outta the park, Doc7505. Yay! :texflag:

you really gotta educate yerself & stop being so ignorant just cause it gives you false comfort.
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