Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says

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Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.

Yes it is.

Clause 7. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

The restriction on drawing money from the Treasury “was intended as a restriction upon the disbursing authority of the Executive department,” and “means simply that no money can be paid out of the Treasury unless it has been appropriated by an act of Congress.”

The Pentagon — not Mexico — will again be paying for the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall on the US’s southern border, to the tune of $7.2 billion in 2020.

According to a Washington Post report, the White House will use last year’s national emergency declaration to pull $3.5 billion from military counter-drug enforcement, up significantly from the $2.5 billion taken from the same program in 2019. An additional $3.2 billion will be taken from Department of Defense construction projects for additional fencing projects. The number is more than five times the amount allocated to barrier construction by Congress for 2020. › 2020/1/14 › 21065352

That $$$ was appropriated by congress.

No, really?

Screw WaPo and Vox - show me the bills.

Why did OldLady Thumb up the following post.

Concerned American said the same dam thing I posted!

Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
That move was within the POTUS powers of discretion--it was viewed as defense. This money has already been party to contract--the current WH squatter can't unilaterally cancel the contract, penalties.

There are no bills, it's in the constitution.

Article I, section 9, clause 7 of the U.S. Constitution states that "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law..." This is what gives Congress the power to make these appropriations.
Trump didn't appropriate the money. He reassigned some that had already be appropriated. He did it with approval from the federal courts.
The money had been appropriated for the dept. of defense. Defending the southern border is a homeland security issue which is most certainly defense of the nation. Biden on the other hand, has taken dept. of defense funds and GIVEN them to illegal aliens by giving them lodging in military housing. That is misappropriation.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.

Yes it is.

Clause 7. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

The restriction on drawing money from the Treasury “was intended as a restriction upon the disbursing authority of the Executive department,” and “means simply that no money can be paid out of the Treasury unless it has been appropriated by an act of Congress.”

The Pentagon — not Mexico — will again be paying for the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall on the US’s southern border, to the tune of $7.2 billion in 2020.

According to a Washington Post report, the White House will use last year’s national emergency declaration to pull $3.5 billion from military counter-drug enforcement, up significantly from the $2.5 billion taken from the same program in 2019. An additional $3.2 billion will be taken from Department of Defense construction projects for additional fencing projects. The number is more than five times the amount allocated to barrier construction by Congress for 2020. › 2020/1/14 › 21065352

That $$$ was appropriated by congress.

No, really?

Screw WaPo and Vox - show me the bills.

Why did OldLady Thumb up the following post.

Concerned American said the same dam thing I posted!

Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
That move was within the POTUS powers of discretion--it was viewed as defense. This money has already been party to contract--the current WH squatter can't unilaterally cancel the contract, penalties.

There are no bills, it's in the constitution.

Article I, section 9, clause 7 of the U.S. Constitution states that "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law..." This is what gives Congress the power to make these appropriations.
Trump didn't appropriate the money. He reassigned some that had already be appropriated. He did it with approval from the federal courts.
We'll see what the Supreme Court says about that.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.

Yes it is.

Clause 7. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

The restriction on drawing money from the Treasury “was intended as a restriction upon the disbursing authority of the Executive department,” and “means simply that no money can be paid out of the Treasury unless it has been appropriated by an act of Congress.”

The Pentagon — not Mexico — will again be paying for the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall on the US’s southern border, to the tune of $7.2 billion in 2020.

According to a Washington Post report, the White House will use last year’s national emergency declaration to pull $3.5 billion from military counter-drug enforcement, up significantly from the $2.5 billion taken from the same program in 2019. An additional $3.2 billion will be taken from Department of Defense construction projects for additional fencing projects. The number is more than five times the amount allocated to barrier construction by Congress for 2020. › 2020/1/14 › 21065352

That $$$ was appropriated by congress.

No, really?

Screw WaPo and Vox - show me the bills.

Why did OldLady Thumb up the following post.

Concerned American said the same dam thing I posted!

Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
That move was within the POTUS powers of discretion--it was viewed as defense. This money has already been party to contract--the current WH squatter can't unilaterally cancel the contract, penalties.

There are no bills, it's in the constitution.

Article I, section 9, clause 7 of the U.S. Constitution states that "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law..." This is what gives Congress the power to make these appropriations.
Trump didn't appropriate the money. He reassigned some that had already be appropriated. He did it with approval from the federal courts.
We'll see what the Supreme Court says about that.
The Supreme Court will declare it moot because Biden is stopping the spending
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.

Yes it is.

Clause 7. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

The restriction on drawing money from the Treasury “was intended as a restriction upon the disbursing authority of the Executive department,” and “means simply that no money can be paid out of the Treasury unless it has been appropriated by an act of Congress.”

The Pentagon — not Mexico — will again be paying for the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall on the US’s southern border, to the tune of $7.2 billion in 2020.

According to a Washington Post report, the White House will use last year’s national emergency declaration to pull $3.5 billion from military counter-drug enforcement, up significantly from the $2.5 billion taken from the same program in 2019. An additional $3.2 billion will be taken from Department of Defense construction projects for additional fencing projects. The number is more than five times the amount allocated to barrier construction by Congress for 2020. › 2020/1/14 › 21065352

That $$$ was appropriated by congress.

No, really?

Screw WaPo and Vox - show me the bills.

Why did OldLady Thumb up the following post.

Concerned American said the same dam thing I posted!

Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
That move was within the POTUS powers of discretion--it was viewed as defense. This money has already been party to contract--the current WH squatter can't unilaterally cancel the contract, penalties.

There are no bills, it's in the constitution.

Article I, section 9, clause 7 of the U.S. Constitution states that "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law..." This is what gives Congress the power to make these appropriations.
Trump didn't appropriate the money. He reassigned some that had already be appropriated. He did it with approval from the federal courts.
We'll see what the Supreme Court says about that.
The Supreme Court will declare it moot because Biden is stopping the spending
Oh. I thought he was in trouble with the GAO for that. THIS IS REALLY CONFUSING. I'm trying to figure out what's going on and I've got people telling me exact opposite stuff, and articles from the news saying different from you all. I give up.
Tell GAO that we will use the money for military construction like congress actually intended

Another one who has no clue how Gov't funding works.

Or if you do have a clue you sure aren't letting on that you do.

Of course I do, Congress allocates funding for specific purposes

Trump stole from the military and diverted it to his wall


Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall
Daisy Nguyen, The Associated Press
June 26, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court on Friday ruled against the Trump administration in its transfer of $2.5 billion from military construction projects to build sections of the U.S. border wall with Mexico, ruling it illegally sidestepped Congress, which gets to decide how to use the funds.

In two opinions, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with a coalition of border states and environmental groups that contended the money transfer was unlawful and that building the wall would pose environmental threats.
Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall

how long b4 meBelle's obligatory reply that the source of
the AP/MILITARY TIMES is not credible either?
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
that says everything you need to know.
You don't mention any appeal nor this decision being shot down.
Making arguments against the wall with Pelosi abusing power & wasting tax dollars on a false narrative base wall Around the Capitol for propaganda affect to benefit her party, makes for hypocracy and deflection at it's highest level.
View attachment 472069
Lol. in my best Barzoni from the godfather we know that Don Corleoni had all the judges and politicians in his pockets but refused to share them..Needwe say more about Nancy and company given how things have turned out so far....
Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says
BREAKING: Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says | The Daily Wire
23 Mar 2021 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly “under investigation” for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump’s southern border wall.
“Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow,” Politico reported. “The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent — or suspended — at odds with Congress’ intent.”
The report comes as Biden’s border crisis has overwhelmed the U.S.-Mexico border, promoting backlash against Biden from Republicans, Democrats, and even the president of Mexico.
Forty Senate Republicans said in a letter to the Government Accountability Office that in “the weeks that followed” Biden suspending construction of the border wall that “operational control of our southern border was comprised and a humanitarian and national security crisis has ensued.”
The lawmakers wrote:
We are writing to be added as co-requesters of a March 17, 2021 letter, signed by 40 United States Senators, requesting the Government Accountability Office’s investigation and legal opinion on the actions of the Biden Administration to suspend border wall construction and to order a freeze of funds provided by Congress for that purpose, which we believe violated the Impoundment Control Act.
The news comes as the southern border has become overwhelmed under Biden’s leadership after the president reversed numerous policies put in place by the Trump administration. In at least one sector on the U.S. border, the Biden administration has started to release illegal border crossers into the U.S. without scheduling any kind of a court date for the migrants. Recent reports have indicated that there are more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody, which is nearly twice as high as the previous record. The Washington Post recently highlighted how the Biden administration was repeatedly warned that a crisis would erupt on the border if they undid Trump’s policies—a warning that came from career officials, not just political appointees.

In the meantime it's costing $6 million a day for all the equipment lying unused and hundreds of workers unemployed because of a petulant Chyna Joey Xi and his handlers.
Not only is Joey Xi incompetent to stand trial he wasn’t legitimately elected so he can’t be held accountable for any Executive actions he’s taken.
His lawyers have a golden client.
He could allowed the wall to be built as well as the pipeline but he is spineless sellout and the worst kind of American. Maybe we can fight to get both done as this rotting fool wastes away and before giggles the Ho takes over.
What he and his handlers have perpetrated on Americ is something far, far worse than anything Trump ever did. Democrats in their power hungry spree ruin everything.
When did Congress approve money for building a border wall? If they didn't expressly do can Biden be in violation for NOT spending money they never approved?
Tell GAO that we will use the money for military construction like congress actually intended

Another one who has no clue how Gov't funding works.

Or if you do have a clue you sure aren't letting on that you do.

Of course I do, Congress allocates funding for specific purposes

Trump stole from the military and diverted it to his wall


Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall
Daisy Nguyen, The Associated Press
June 26, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court on Friday ruled against the Trump administration in its transfer of $2.5 billion from military construction projects to build sections of the U.S. border wall with Mexico, ruling it illegally sidestepped Congress, which gets to decide how to use the funds.

In two opinions, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with a coalition of border states and environmental groups that contended the money transfer was unlawful and that building the wall would pose environmental threats.
Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall

how long b4 meBelle's obligatory reply that the source of
the AP/MILITARY TIMES is not credible either?
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
that says everything you need to know.
You don't mention any appeal nor this decision being shot down.
Making arguments against the wall with Pelosi abusing power & wasting tax dollars on a false narrative base wall Around the Capitol for propaganda affect to benefit her party, makes for hypocracy and deflection at it's highest level.
View attachment 472069

nancy pelosi has nothing to do with the security of the capital.

do try to learn something.


the capital grounds & first line of defense is secured by the

capital police.

they were denied the help of the national guard by

the dept of DEFENSE for several hours whilst being attacked.

that's the fact, jack.

neither nancy pelosi NOR moscow mitch have anything to do with the capital security ... anymore than the mayor had.
Tell GAO that we will use the money for military construction like congress actually intended

Another one who has no clue how Gov't funding works.

Or if you do have a clue you sure aren't letting on that you do.

Of course I do, Congress allocates funding for specific purposes

Trump stole from the military and diverted it to his wall


Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall
Daisy Nguyen, The Associated Press
June 26, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court on Friday ruled against the Trump administration in its transfer of $2.5 billion from military construction projects to build sections of the U.S. border wall with Mexico, ruling it illegally sidestepped Congress, which gets to decide how to use the funds.

In two opinions, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with a coalition of border states and environmental groups that contended the money transfer was unlawful and that building the wall would pose environmental threats.
Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall

how long b4 meBelle's obligatory reply that the source of
the AP/MILITARY TIMES is not credible either?
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
that says everything you need to know.
You don't mention any appeal nor this decision being shot down.
Making arguments against the wall with Pelosi abusing power & wasting tax dollars on a false narrative base wall Around the Capitol for propaganda affect to benefit her party, makes for hypocracy and deflection at it's highest level.
View attachment 472069

nancy pelosi has nothing to do with the security of the capital.

do try to learn something.
Actually she does, and she was the one responsible for there being lack of protection Jan6 by not approving placing national guards. -oops
Tell GAO that we will use the money for military construction like congress actually intended

Another one who has no clue how Gov't funding works.

Or if you do have a clue you sure aren't letting on that you do.

Of course I do, Congress allocates funding for specific purposes

Trump stole from the military and diverted it to his wall


Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall
Daisy Nguyen, The Associated Press
June 26, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court on Friday ruled against the Trump administration in its transfer of $2.5 billion from military construction projects to build sections of the U.S. border wall with Mexico, ruling it illegally sidestepped Congress, which gets to decide how to use the funds.

In two opinions, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with a coalition of border states and environmental groups that contended the money transfer was unlawful and that building the wall would pose environmental threats.
Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall

how long b4 meBelle's obligatory reply that the source of
the AP/MILITARY TIMES is not credible either?
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
that says everything you need to know.
You don't mention any appeal nor this decision being shot down.
Making arguments against the wall with Pelosi abusing power & wasting tax dollars on a false narrative base wall Around the Capitol for propaganda affect to benefit her party, makes for hypocracy and deflection at it's highest level.
View attachment 472069

ummmm. ... it was the appeal, dummy. trump lost.
Nope try again.
Tell GAO that we will use the money for military construction like congress actually intended

Another one who has no clue how Gov't funding works.

Or if you do have a clue you sure aren't letting on that you do.

Of course I do, Congress allocates funding for specific purposes

Trump stole from the military and diverted it to his wall


Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall
Daisy Nguyen, The Associated Press
June 26, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court on Friday ruled against the Trump administration in its transfer of $2.5 billion from military construction projects to build sections of the U.S. border wall with Mexico, ruling it illegally sidestepped Congress, which gets to decide how to use the funds.

In two opinions, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with a coalition of border states and environmental groups that contended the money transfer was unlawful and that building the wall would pose environmental threats.
Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall

how long b4 meBelle's obligatory reply that the source of
the AP/MILITARY TIMES is not credible either?
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
that says everything you need to know.
You don't mention any appeal nor this decision being shot down.
Making arguments against the wall with Pelosi abusing power & wasting tax dollars on a false narrative base wall Around the Capitol for propaganda affect to benefit her party, makes for hypocracy and deflection at it's highest level.
View attachment 472069

nancy pelosi has nothing to do with the security of the capital.

do try to learn something.


the capital grounds & first line of defense is secured by the

capital police.

they were denied the help of the national guard by

the dept of DEFENSE for several hours whilst being attacked.

that's the fact, jack.

neither nancy pelosi NOR moscow mitch have anything to do with the capital security ... anymore than the mayor had.
I think I know more about this stuff then you do.
Tell GAO that we will use the money for military construction like congress actually intended

Another one who has no clue how Gov't funding works.

Or if you do have a clue you sure aren't letting on that you do.

Of course I do, Congress allocates funding for specific purposes

Trump stole from the military and diverted it to his wall


Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall
Daisy Nguyen, The Associated Press
June 26, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court on Friday ruled against the Trump administration in its transfer of $2.5 billion from military construction projects to build sections of the U.S. border wall with Mexico, ruling it illegally sidestepped Congress, which gets to decide how to use the funds.

In two opinions, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with a coalition of border states and environmental groups that contended the money transfer was unlawful and that building the wall would pose environmental threats.
Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall

how long b4 meBelle's obligatory reply that the source of
the AP/MILITARY TIMES is not credible either?
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
that says everything you need to know.
You don't mention any appeal nor this decision being shot down.
Making arguments against the wall with Pelosi abusing power & wasting tax dollars on a false narrative base wall Around the Capitol for propaganda affect to benefit her party, makes for hypocracy and deflection at it's highest level.
View attachment 472069

nancy pelosi has nothing to do with the security of the capital.

do try to learn something.
Actually she does, and she was the one responsible for there being lack of protection Jan6 by not approving placing national guards. -oops

Pelosi did not reject appeals for troops to secure US Capitol

PolitiFact - No, Capitol security is not only Pelosi’s responsibility, but she bears some
Tell GAO that we will use the money for military construction like congress actually intended

Another one who has no clue how Gov't funding works.

Or if you do have a clue you sure aren't letting on that you do.

Of course I do, Congress allocates funding for specific purposes

Trump stole from the military and diverted it to his wall


Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall
Daisy Nguyen, The Associated Press
June 26, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court on Friday ruled against the Trump administration in its transfer of $2.5 billion from military construction projects to build sections of the U.S. border wall with Mexico, ruling it illegally sidestepped Congress, which gets to decide how to use the funds.

In two opinions, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with a coalition of border states and environmental groups that contended the money transfer was unlawful and that building the wall would pose environmental threats.
Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall

how long b4 meBelle's obligatory reply that the source of
the AP/MILITARY TIMES is not credible either?
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
that says everything you need to know.
You don't mention any appeal nor this decision being shot down.
Making arguments against the wall with Pelosi abusing power & wasting tax dollars on a false narrative base wall Around the Capitol for propaganda affect to benefit her party, makes for hypocracy and deflection at it's highest level.
View attachment 472069

nancy pelosi has nothing to do with the security of the capital.

do try to learn something.


the capital grounds & first line of defense is secured by the

capital police.

they were denied the help of the national guard by

the dept of DEFENSE for several hours whilst being attacked.

that's the fact, jack.

neither nancy pelosi NOR moscow mitch have anything to do with the capital security ... anymore than the mayor had.
I think I know more about this stuff then you do.
View attachment 472257

Who’s responsible for deploying them locally?

Typically, the governor has the authority to activate guard troops within a state’s borders. He or she informs the adjutant general to mobilize troops. The adjutant general sends the message down the chain of command.

It’s more complicated in D.C., as are most things around here.

Mayor Muriel Bowser does not have the same authority over the D.C. National Guard that governors have over their states. She can only request guard troops from the Secretary of the Army. That request then gets sent up the chain of command to the Secretary of Defense for approval.

Even then, Bowser’s jurisdiction is limited. Because of the District’s finicky federal status of not being a state, she can only request guard troops to land that belongs to the city. That excludes federal territory, like the Capitol and its environs. The Secretary of Defense needs to approve the deployment of National Guard troops from any jurisdiction at federal land like the Capitol complex.

Why was there so much confusion about whether and how they should be deployed at the Capitol this week?

There are different accounts from local and state officials as well as from the Pentagon about what the confusion was during Wednesday’s attack, which led to a delay in deployment.

On Monday and Tuesday of last week, Bowser requested 340 D.C. guard troops to help D.C. police prepare for Wednesday’s protests. The request prohibited guardsmen from receiving ammunition or riot gear (unless necessary for self-defense), sharing equipment with local law enforcement or using surveillance or air assets with explicit sign-off from the defense secretary, according to The Washington Post. There were also 40 personnel stationed at Joint Base Andrews if additional support was needed. That request was approved by the Pentagon and 255 D.C. guardsmen arrived in D.C. and began traffic management.

When an angry mob breached the Capitol Wednesday afternoon, Bowser and Capitol Police needed to file an additional request to the Army secretary in order to send in additional troops and to expand their responsibilities, because it was on federal property.

Then what happened?

A full timeline released by the Department of Defense shows series of phone calls between the Defense and Army Secretaries, Bowser, then-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund and Commanding General of the D.C. National Guard William Walker.

The first call was at 1:34 p.m., in which Bowser requested additional forces from Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy. Then at 1:49 p.m., Sund called Walker asking for immediate assistance.

Sund told the Washington Post that early last week House and Senate security officials turned down his request for members of the National Guard to be placed on standby. While the Capitol was under attack on Wednesday, Sund said he pleaded for help five more times and was also rejected or delayed.

Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, director of the Army Staff, told McCarthy he could not recommend sending in additional troops because of the “optics of soldiers inside the Capitol building was not something they wanted,” according to The Post.

A third phone call at 2:22 p.m. between McCarthy, Bowser, and Metropolitan Police Department leadership to discuss the need for additional guard troops.

McCarthy’s office says it received the request around 2 p.m., according to Military Times. “We quickly worked to move our resources forward in support of Metro PD and the Capitol Police,” McCarthy said at a press conference the following day.

A fourth phone call happened at 2:30 p.m. between McCarthy, Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss Bowser and Sund’s request.

At 3 p.m., McCarthy and Miller determined that all available D.C. guard troops would be required to reestablish security at the Capitol. A little while later, McCarthy directed the full activation of the D.C. National Guard’s 1,100 personnel available that day.

McCarthy reassured Bowser and MPD leadership that the request had not been denied at 3:26 p.m., though troops were still not at the Capitol.

But the Military Times reported the request was sent up the chain of command to Miller. President Trump then gave the directive to Miller to send additional troops. But other published reports assert that Miller spoke with Vice President Pence about the decision as a courtesy, but not a request for permission.

Reporter Maggie Haberman of the New York Times tweeted Wednesday that “Trump initially rebuffed and resisted requests to mobilize the National Guard” and that “it required intervention from White House officials to get it done.”

D.C. guard troops were finally mobilized around 3:52 p.m and arrived at the Capitol around 5:40 p.m.

Lawmakers have called for investigations into the delay in deployment.

Your Questions About How The National Guard Works In DC, Answered
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.

Yes it is.

Clause 7. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

The restriction on drawing money from the Treasury “was intended as a restriction upon the disbursing authority of the Executive department,” and “means simply that no money can be paid out of the Treasury unless it has been appropriated by an act of Congress.”

The Pentagon — not Mexico — will again be paying for the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall on the US’s southern border, to the tune of $7.2 billion in 2020.

According to a Washington Post report, the White House will use last year’s national emergency declaration to pull $3.5 billion from military counter-drug enforcement, up significantly from the $2.5 billion taken from the same program in 2019. An additional $3.2 billion will be taken from Department of Defense construction projects for additional fencing projects. The number is more than five times the amount allocated to barrier construction by Congress for 2020. › 2020/1/14 › 21065352

That $$$ was appropriated by congress.

No, really?

Screw WaPo and Vox - show me the bills.

Why did OldLady Thumb up the following post.

Concerned American said the same dam thing I posted!

Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
That move was within the POTUS powers of discretion--it was viewed as defense. This money has already been party to contract--the current WH squatter can't unilaterally cancel the contract, penalties.

There are no bills, it's in the constitution.

Article I, section 9, clause 7 of the U.S. Constitution states that "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law..." This is what gives Congress the power to make these appropriations.
Trump didn't appropriate the money. He reassigned some that had already be appropriated. He did it with approval from the federal courts.
We'll see what the Supreme Court says about that.
I think the SCOTUS was the last to hear then case. Perhaps you should keep up with the news as it happens. I remembered when this happened.

Supreme Court rules Trump can use military funds for border wall construction
Tell GAO that we will use the money for military construction like congress actually intended

Another one who has no clue how Gov't funding works.

Or if you do have a clue you sure aren't letting on that you do.

Of course I do, Congress allocates funding for specific purposes

Trump stole from the military and diverted it to his wall


Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall
Daisy Nguyen, The Associated Press
June 26, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court on Friday ruled against the Trump administration in its transfer of $2.5 billion from military construction projects to build sections of the U.S. border wall with Mexico, ruling it illegally sidestepped Congress, which gets to decide how to use the funds.

In two opinions, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with a coalition of border states and environmental groups that contended the money transfer was unlawful and that building the wall would pose environmental threats.
Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall

how long b4 meBelle's obligatory reply that the source of
the AP/MILITARY TIMES is not credible either?
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
that says everything you need to know.
You don't mention any appeal nor this decision being shot down.
Making arguments against the wall with Pelosi abusing power & wasting tax dollars on a false narrative base wall Around the Capitol for propaganda affect to benefit her party, makes for hypocracy and deflection at it's highest level.
View attachment 472069

nancy pelosi has nothing to do with the security of the capital.

do try to learn something.


the capital grounds & first line of defense is secured by the

capital police.

they were denied the help of the national guard by

the dept of DEFENSE for several hours whilst being attacked.

that's the fact, jack.

neither nancy pelosi NOR moscow mitch have anything to do with the capital security ... anymore than the mayor had.
I think I know more about this stuff then you do.
View attachment 472257

Who’s responsible for deploying them locally?

Typically, the governor has the authority to activate guard troops within a state’s borders. He or she informs the adjutant general to mobilize troops. The adjutant general sends the message down the chain of command.

It’s more complicated in D.C., as are most things around here.

Mayor Muriel Bowser does not have the same authority over the D.C. National Guard that governors have over their states. She can only request guard troops from the Secretary of the Army. That request then gets sent up the chain of command to the Secretary of Defense for approval.

Even then, Bowser’s jurisdiction is limited. Because of the District’s finicky federal status of not being a state, she can only request guard troops to land that belongs to the city. That excludes federal territory, like the Capitol and its environs. The Secretary of Defense needs to approve the deployment of National Guard troops from any jurisdiction at federal land like the Capitol complex.

Why was there so much confusion about whether and how they should be deployed at the Capitol this week?

There are different accounts from local and state officials as well as from the Pentagon about what the confusion was during Wednesday’s attack, which led to a delay in deployment.

On Monday and Tuesday of last week, Bowser requested 340 D.C. guard troops to help D.C. police prepare for Wednesday’s protests. The request prohibited guardsmen from receiving ammunition or riot gear (unless necessary for self-defense), sharing equipment with local law enforcement or using surveillance or air assets with explicit sign-off from the defense secretary, according to The Washington Post. There were also 40 personnel stationed at Joint Base Andrews if additional support was needed. That request was approved by the Pentagon and 255 D.C. guardsmen arrived in D.C. and began traffic management.

When an angry mob breached the Capitol Wednesday afternoon, Bowser and Capitol Police needed to file an additional request to the Army secretary in order to send in additional troops and to expand their responsibilities, because it was on federal property.

Then what happened?

A full timeline released by the Department of Defense shows series of phone calls between the Defense and Army Secretaries, Bowser, then-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund and Commanding General of the D.C. National Guard William Walker.

The first call was at 1:34 p.m., in which Bowser requested additional forces from Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy. Then at 1:49 p.m., Sund called Walker asking for immediate assistance.

Sund told the Washington Post that early last week House and Senate security officials turned down his request for members of the National Guard to be placed on standby. While the Capitol was under attack on Wednesday, Sund said he pleaded for help five more times and was also rejected or delayed.

Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, director of the Army Staff, told McCarthy he could not recommend sending in additional troops because of the “optics of soldiers inside the Capitol building was not something they wanted,” according to The Post.

A third phone call at 2:22 p.m. between McCarthy, Bowser, and Metropolitan Police Department leadership to discuss the need for additional guard troops.

McCarthy’s office says it received the request around 2 p.m., according to Military Times. “We quickly worked to move our resources forward in support of Metro PD and the Capitol Police,” McCarthy said at a press conference the following day.

A fourth phone call happened at 2:30 p.m. between McCarthy, Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss Bowser and Sund’s request.

At 3 p.m., McCarthy and Miller determined that all available D.C. guard troops would be required to reestablish security at the Capitol. A little while later, McCarthy directed the full activation of the D.C. National Guard’s 1,100 personnel available that day.

McCarthy reassured Bowser and MPD leadership that the request had not been denied at 3:26 p.m., though troops were still not at the Capitol.

But the Military Times reported the request was sent up the chain of command to Miller. President Trump then gave the directive to Miller to send additional troops. But other published reports assert that Miller spoke with Vice President Pence about the decision as a courtesy, but not a request for permission.

Reporter Maggie Haberman of the New York Times tweeted Wednesday that “Trump initially rebuffed and resisted requests to mobilize the National Guard” and that “it required intervention from White House officials to get it done.”

D.C. guard troops were finally mobilized around 3:52 p.m and arrived at the Capitol around 5:40 p.m.

Lawmakers have called for investigations into the delay in deployment.

Your Questions About How The National Guard Works In DC, Answered
Thank you for proving it was not an insurrection then. ;-)
ALSO note that CNN inadvertantly admitted that Antifa was there while doing a hit piece on a proud boy they showed the target was antifa by that individual not congress.-oops broadcasted that they lied and people in these forums denying antifa was there are exposed as misinformation, so I guess half these people and media hosts need to be yanked from Facebook and Twitter.
Now get back on topic.
Hunter can do drugs without jail time, Hunter can sell out the country in quid pro Joes and him and his father and uncle face no jail time, Hunter can lie to the IRS and not report all his earnings and not receive jail time, Hunter can lie on his gun registration and not face jail time, but a black man caught stoping in the wrong neighborhood in the wrong kind of beat up car where
Anderson Cooper lives can get jail time because Anderson Cooper lives in an all white privledged zone.
Tell GAO that we will use the money for military construction like congress actually intended

Another one who has no clue how Gov't funding works.

Or if you do have a clue you sure aren't letting on that you do.

Of course I do, Congress allocates funding for specific purposes

Trump stole from the military and diverted it to his wall


Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall
Daisy Nguyen, The Associated Press
June 26, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court on Friday ruled against the Trump administration in its transfer of $2.5 billion from military construction projects to build sections of the U.S. border wall with Mexico, ruling it illegally sidestepped Congress, which gets to decide how to use the funds.

In two opinions, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with a coalition of border states and environmental groups that contended the money transfer was unlawful and that building the wall would pose environmental threats.
Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall

how long b4 meBelle's obligatory reply that the source of
the AP/MILITARY TIMES is not credible either?
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
9th U.S. Circuit Court
that says everything you need to know.
You don't mention any appeal nor this decision being shot down.
Making arguments against the wall with Pelosi abusing power & wasting tax dollars on a false narrative base wall Around the Capitol for propaganda affect to benefit her party, makes for hypocracy and deflection at it's highest level.
View attachment 472069

nancy pelosi has nothing to do with the security of the capital.

do try to learn something.


the capital grounds & first line of defense is secured by the

capital police.

they were denied the help of the national guard by

the dept of DEFENSE for several hours whilst being attacked.

that's the fact, jack.

neither nancy pelosi NOR moscow mitch have anything to do with the capital security ... anymore than the mayor had.
I think I know more about this stuff then you do.
View attachment 472257

Who’s responsible for deploying them locally?

Typically, the governor has the authority to activate guard troops within a state’s borders. He or she informs the adjutant general to mobilize troops. The adjutant general sends the message down the chain of command.

It’s more complicated in D.C., as are most things around here.

Mayor Muriel Bowser does not have the same authority over the D.C. National Guard that governors have over their states. She can only request guard troops from the Secretary of the Army. That request then gets sent up the chain of command to the Secretary of Defense for approval.

Even then, Bowser’s jurisdiction is limited. Because of the District’s finicky federal status of not being a state, she can only request guard troops to land that belongs to the city. That excludes federal territory, like the Capitol and its environs. The Secretary of Defense needs to approve the deployment of National Guard troops from any jurisdiction at federal land like the Capitol complex.

Why was there so much confusion about whether and how they should be deployed at the Capitol this week?

There are different accounts from local and state officials as well as from the Pentagon about what the confusion was during Wednesday’s attack, which led to a delay in deployment.

On Monday and Tuesday of last week, Bowser requested 340 D.C. guard troops to help D.C. police prepare for Wednesday’s protests. The request prohibited guardsmen from receiving ammunition or riot gear (unless necessary for self-defense), sharing equipment with local law enforcement or using surveillance or air assets with explicit sign-off from the defense secretary, according to The Washington Post. There were also 40 personnel stationed at Joint Base Andrews if additional support was needed. That request was approved by the Pentagon and 255 D.C. guardsmen arrived in D.C. and began traffic management.

When an angry mob breached the Capitol Wednesday afternoon, Bowser and Capitol Police needed to file an additional request to the Army secretary in order to send in additional troops and to expand their responsibilities, because it was on federal property.

Then what happened?

A full timeline released by the Department of Defense shows series of phone calls between the Defense and Army Secretaries, Bowser, then-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund and Commanding General of the D.C. National Guard William Walker.

The first call was at 1:34 p.m., in which Bowser requested additional forces from Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy. Then at 1:49 p.m., Sund called Walker asking for immediate assistance.

Sund told the Washington Post that early last week House and Senate security officials turned down his request for members of the National Guard to be placed on standby. While the Capitol was under attack on Wednesday, Sund said he pleaded for help five more times and was also rejected or delayed.

Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, director of the Army Staff, told McCarthy he could not recommend sending in additional troops because of the “optics of soldiers inside the Capitol building was not something they wanted,” according to The Post.

A third phone call at 2:22 p.m. between McCarthy, Bowser, and Metropolitan Police Department leadership to discuss the need for additional guard troops.

McCarthy’s office says it received the request around 2 p.m., according to Military Times. “We quickly worked to move our resources forward in support of Metro PD and the Capitol Police,” McCarthy said at a press conference the following day.

A fourth phone call happened at 2:30 p.m. between McCarthy, Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss Bowser and Sund’s request.

At 3 p.m., McCarthy and Miller determined that all available D.C. guard troops would be required to reestablish security at the Capitol. A little while later, McCarthy directed the full activation of the D.C. National Guard’s 1,100 personnel available that day.

McCarthy reassured Bowser and MPD leadership that the request had not been denied at 3:26 p.m., though troops were still not at the Capitol.

But the Military Times reported the request was sent up the chain of command to Miller. President Trump then gave the directive to Miller to send additional troops. But other published reports assert that Miller spoke with Vice President Pence about the decision as a courtesy, but not a request for permission.

Reporter Maggie Haberman of the New York Times tweeted Wednesday that “Trump initially rebuffed and resisted requests to mobilize the National Guard” and that “it required intervention from White House officials to get it done.”

D.C. guard troops were finally mobilized around 3:52 p.m and arrived at the Capitol around 5:40 p.m.

Lawmakers have called for investigations into the delay in deployment.

Your Questions About How The National Guard Works In DC, Answered
Thank you for proving it was not an insurrection then. ;-)
ALSO note that CNN inadvertantly admitted that Antifa was there while doing a hit piece on a proud boy they showed the target was antifa by that individual not congress.-oops broadcasted that they lied and people in these forums denying antifa was there are exposed as misinformation, so I guess half these people and media hosts need to be yanked from Facebook and Twitter.
Now get back on topic.
Hunter can do drugs without jail time, Hunter can sell out the country in quid pro Joes and him and his father and uncle face no jail time, Hunter can lie to the IRS and not report all his earnings and not receive jail time, Hunter can lie on his gun registration and not face jail time, but a black man caught stoping in the wrong neighborhood in the wrong kind of beat up car where
Anderson Cooper lives can get jail time because Anderson Cooper lives in an all white privledged zone. View attachment 472267

oh now i get it....

you're nuts.
Will the liberals in the House crap on the Constitution, or will they do the right thing and impeach Biden? Clear violation, clearly a High Crime or Misdemeanor. Let the Senate hear the case.

the desperation continues......

View attachment 471733
So you admit the Dems control the investigative branches and abuse power to attack their opponents while sweeping their crimes under the rug. Just like a cartel.
Biden should just tear it down

Mexico will pay for it
So we should call your neighbor and tell them you give the green light to tear down your fencing, remove your doors and windows, and announce your open house, free food and they can have any checks they want in your mail basket?
View attachment 471890

We went over a hundred years without a wall
Congrats, that is the dumbest response on the subject to date.
View attachment 471901

We don’t have a wall with Canada either
Tear it down

Curiously though, Nancy has a wall around the White House...........
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.

Yes it is.

Clause 7. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

The restriction on drawing money from the Treasury “was intended as a restriction upon the disbursing authority of the Executive department,” and “means simply that no money can be paid out of the Treasury unless it has been appropriated by an act of Congress.”

The Pentagon — not Mexico — will again be paying for the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall on the US’s southern border, to the tune of $7.2 billion in 2020.

According to a Washington Post report, the White House will use last year’s national emergency declaration to pull $3.5 billion from military counter-drug enforcement, up significantly from the $2.5 billion taken from the same program in 2019. An additional $3.2 billion will be taken from Department of Defense construction projects for additional fencing projects. The number is more than five times the amount allocated to barrier construction by Congress for 2020. › 2020/1/14 › 21065352

That $$$ was appropriated by congress.

No, really?

Screw WaPo and Vox - show me the bills.

Why did OldLady Thumb up the following post.

Concerned American said the same dam thing I posted!

Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
That move was within the POTUS powers of discretion--it was viewed as defense. This money has already been party to contract--the current WH squatter can't unilaterally cancel the contract, penalties.

There are no bills, it's in the constitution.

Article I, section 9, clause 7 of the U.S. Constitution states that "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law..." This is what gives Congress the power to make these appropriations.
Trump didn't appropriate the money. He reassigned some that had already be appropriated. He did it with approval from the federal courts.
We'll see what the Supreme Court says about that.
The Supreme Court will declare it moot because Biden is stopping the spending
I see you're also oblivious to reality. The SCOTUS has already ruled in Trump's favor...on July 21, 2019. PAY ATTENTION!

Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.

Yes it is.

Clause 7. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

The restriction on drawing money from the Treasury “was intended as a restriction upon the disbursing authority of the Executive department,” and “means simply that no money can be paid out of the Treasury unless it has been appropriated by an act of Congress.”

The Pentagon — not Mexico — will again be paying for the construction of President Donald Trump’s wall on the US’s southern border, to the tune of $7.2 billion in 2020.

According to a Washington Post report, the White House will use last year’s national emergency declaration to pull $3.5 billion from military counter-drug enforcement, up significantly from the $2.5 billion taken from the same program in 2019. An additional $3.2 billion will be taken from Department of Defense construction projects for additional fencing projects. The number is more than five times the amount allocated to barrier construction by Congress for 2020. › 2020/1/14 › 21065352

That $$$ was appropriated by congress.

No, really?

Screw WaPo and Vox - show me the bills.

Why did OldLady Thumb up the following post.

Concerned American said the same dam thing I posted!

Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
That move was within the POTUS powers of discretion--it was viewed as defense. This money has already been party to contract--the current WH squatter can't unilaterally cancel the contract, penalties.

There are no bills, it's in the constitution.

Article I, section 9, clause 7 of the U.S. Constitution states that "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law..." This is what gives Congress the power to make these appropriations.
Trump didn't appropriate the money. He reassigned some that had already be appropriated. He did it with approval from the federal courts.
We'll see what the Supreme Court says about that.
I think the SCOTUS was the last to hear then case. Perhaps you should keep up with the news as it happens. I remembered when this happened.

Supreme Court rules Trump can use military funds for border wall construction
I thought that was the case, but I was lazy and didn't want to do her work for her.
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