Biden using your money for hotels for illegals while homeless Vets sleep on the streets. Is that the new American Way?

Bidens Mexico First agenda is in your face and on the surface...they don’t try to hide it do the “save the homeless, save the poor blacks” Left feel about this?
You have to remember that the veterans are patriotic Americans and thus, he and his administration doesn't give a damn about those that served. The administration is pro-Marxist and thus, the only military personnel he will care about are the new leftist ones that joined, while weeding out the patriots.
Using tax dollars to help veterans means using everyone's money to help those who served, and to keep the promises we made.

How many time have we seen "No money spent on ___________ as long as our veterans are homeless"? And yet, whether we spend money of refugees, drug addicts, immigrants or whatever, somehow there never seems to be enough money to keep our promises to those who served. The Wounded Warrior Project was created by veterans who saw that the US was not keeping their promise. The fact that a private charity had to be started to take care of our veterans is an embarrassment. Not because someone stepped up, but because someone had to.

We always have enough money to send troops someplace, but never enough to take care of them when they come back.

When did enlistment come with a free house bonus? If not, then they weren't promised. And WWP, well they have take a beating for how much of their money isn't going to provide services, rather to run self-congratulatory ads and treat its management to first-class everything.

As for homelessness, addiction and mental health cannot be overcome in people who don't seek or want help.
You have to remember that the veterans are patriotic Americans and thus, he and his administration doesn't give a damn about those that served. The administration is pro-Marxist and thus, the only military personnel he will care about are the new leftist ones that joined, while weeding out the patriots.
So, why didn't Trump and the Repugs take care of the homeless veterans when they ran the whole show?
So, why didn't Trump and the Repugs take care of the homeless veterans when they ran the whole show?
Are you trying to miss the point?
Why don’t you Lefties want Biden to direct wetback spending toward blacks and the homeless AMERICANS?
I addressed the homeless. Those complaining here are not interested in helping the homeless.

• blocked a $1 billion jobs bill that would have helped millions of vets

• blocked a bill that would have kept benefits on par with the cost of living

• killed the Wounded Veteran Job Security Act

• killed the Veterans Retraining Act

• killed the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Act

• killed the Disabled Veterans Home Improvement Act

• killed the Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act

Lets stop pretending... GOP doesn't backs anything to non rich people, Vets included
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Veteran Treatment Court Coordination Act
Specially Adaptive Housing Act of 2019

Co Sponsored Bipartisan bills...

Do you want Trump to be tanked he didn't veto them?

Well the military have a thing about stolen valour?

"We passed Choice ... they've been trying to get that passed for decades and decades and decades, and no president has ever been able to do it. And we got it done so veterans have Choice," he said. "And now you have accountability -- that if you don't love your vets, if you're in the VA and you don't love the vets or take care of the vets, you can actually get fired if you don't do your job."

The president then went on to talk about the treatment courts and adaptive housing laws before moving on to other subjects.

Trump consistently refers to the VA Mission Act as VA Choice -- the program established in 2014 by President Barack Obama to widen veterans' access to health care treatment from non-VA providers.
The first job of any President is to protect the American people. Biden is failing miserably. I think it's about time to end this illegitimate Presidency.
Why is *biden letting this happen? He's been there 50 years, why isn't it fixed yet?
So could tell us in they 50 years when he was made Supreme Leader with no check or balances...

System has problems... It is got to the point where the best bill in the world could come in front of congress and it has less than 50-50 chance of passing because no one wants to give the credit to the other side...

McConnell upped this war in 2009 when Obama was elected... This introduced a far more toxic environment and probably accelerated the decline where we are today.. (I say this was inevitable with the way the media has gone tribal..)
How much was spent, per person, keeping people locked up at the border by the prior administration? $750 a day?
Biden invited them, Trump didn't. Trump created remain in Mexico Biden ripped that up. Biden has made border patrol a massive relocation agency.
The first job of any President is to protect the American people. Biden is failing miserably. I think it's about time to end this illegitimate Presidency.

End the presidency? lol

Let me remind you, if you end President Biden's presidency, you will have President Harris. I don't care for Biden. But I prefer him to Harris.
The first job of any President is to protect the American people. Biden is failing miserably. I think it's about time to end this illegitimate Presidency.

So Trump lies to the American people about COVID which kills 600,000 Americans, he gets a pass...

Biden is running a vaccine program which was the envy of the world right up until the time the GOP/Trump/RW Media saw it as a win for Biden and without caring for consequences released the anit-vax into the mainstream...

The main people failing the US people right now are the ones which gave Anti Vaxers a platform... Some have even seen how bad it is and are trying a U-Turn... US is now behind Europe in the rollout ...

The main problem is there are large Red areas which are going to have a lot of trouble because Delta is on a different level:
  • GOP is caring now because it will cost votes when it was discovered what they did...
  • Democrats cared because they are Americans (that just hold different views on a few things)

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