Biden using your money for hotels for illegals while homeless Vets sleep on the streets. Is that the new American Way?

So Trump lies to the American people about COVID which kills 600,000 Americans, he gets a pass...

Biden is running a vaccine program which was the envy of the world right up until the time the GOP/Trump/RW Media saw it as a win for Biden and without caring for consequences released the anit-vax into the mainstream...

The main people failing the US people right now are the ones which gave Anti Vaxers a platform... Some have even seen how bad it is and are trying a U-Turn... US is now behind Europe in the rollout ...

The main problem is there are large Red areas which are going to have a lot of trouble because Delta is on a different level:
  • GOP is caring now because it will cost votes when it was discovered what they did...
  • Democrats cared because they are Americans (that just hold different views on a few things)
..Biden is destroying America
Bidens Mexico First agenda is in your face and on the surface...they don’t try to hide it do the “save the homeless, save the poor blacks” Left feel about this?
Bogus... fer shure... but... why didn't your Orange Baboon-God fix the 'homeless veteran' problem in the past four years?
Sure they were. Any asylum seekers had to stay in Mexico until their court date. Not the US. Mexico footed the bill for that.

Trump had the border handled quite well. Biden screwed it up royally and we now have thousands of illegals, many with the Chines virus, in our country. Instead of packing them on busses and getting them back to the border Biden is flying and bussing them all over our country. Mans an incompetent imbecile.
That's my point, you're idea of "helping" our veterans involves spending other people's money, not yours.
The investigation has to be taken further to include the State. In Wisconsin, one must show proof or residence to obtain a State ID. You start with pathologies such as this example and connect it to vets living on the streets of Eugene, Oregon who could not vote because they had no residential address. Making houselessness a crime when the absurdity is the cost of housing across the planet. During this commie virus pandemic, there’s more reasons to boycott housing than the traditional reasons: irresponsibility of tenants and the rent pimp is one.

Pandemic aware, you ask the panhandler if they have been vaccinated before giving them any money. That will do something about the commie virus. Most panhandlers you cannot vet before giving them your money, but if they are addicts, they use it to buy cigarettes, cannabis, alcohol, etc. Signs of communism are the gaps on store shelves, and what makes socialism impossible is precisely the pivot between necessary labor and surplus labor.
Then work hard to convince people that you're right and win elections and assume power peaceably.
That doesn’t work because JoeXi is not only a genuflecting Catholic people trafficker, JoeXi is also a CIA puppet. The CIA having gone to church, was surely not going there to pray but to learn technique, including how to rig an election.
System has problems
Bullshit. The system works. it's the people in charge of the system.

Both parties are responsible. We need term limits on all of them, that's the ONLY way to "fix" our problems.
Kondor3 hahahahhahahah....a lot of people are stupid---you tell them the facts--and they scream all kinds of bullshit...stupid people that vote for the Dems
Kondor3 the only baboon is Biden--he is a complete dumbass.....he keeps doing stupid shit----now he wants to give BILLIONS $$$$ to Amtrak!!!!!!!!!! = idiot
Bullshit. The system works. it's the people in charge of the system.

Both parties are responsible. We need term limits on all of them, that's the ONLY way to "fix" our problems.
The system has
  • US Drug money
  • US Guns
being shipped down south of the border. This is making there countries highly unstable and dangerous.... These people are Asylum seekers, they are fleeing a very dangerous area...
Sorry but the US is a very high contributor to this... If the CIA was trying to destabilise countries this is exactly what they would do... Give lawless people in other countries the resources and weapons to cause this havoc.

It is not great for the US either with the drugs that is infecting there areas...

Then there is a need for these workers as well, otherwise why is it so easy to hire them... Why aren't employers of illegals put in jail? It would severely affect the US economy. These undocumented workers can be exploited and are...

A proper documented seasonal work visas that allows these workers to come and go through legal channels would actually give them rights. This might not allow the employers to have the same unregulated way to treat these workers... That might be bad for their businesses but could work out for America as a whole. The money they could get allow better way of life south of the boarder as they could return when seasons are over...
This is what Reagan proposed when he was President...
That doesn’t work because JoeXi is not only a genuflecting Catholic people trafficker, JoeXi is also a CIA puppet. The CIA having gone to church, was surely not going there to pray but to learn technique, including how to rig an election.
You will never convince enough people to vote for you in order to win, with ideas and talk like that... that's just Crazy Talk... and it doesn't fly at election time...

As to 'rigging elections', feel free to present your evidence...

You had sixty (60+) plus changes in 60+ court cases, and Republican judges and SCOTUS laughed you out of court, because you didn't have diddly-squat...

If all else fails... learn to cheat better... :abgg2q.jpg:
Kondor3 hahahahhahahah....a lot of people are stupid---you tell them the facts--and they scream all kinds of bullshit...stupid people that vote for the Dems

"Facts?" Most Trumplicans are lucky if they can SPELL the word, never mind (a) understand its meaning nor (b) recognize a "fact" when they see one.
Kondor3 the only baboon is Biden--he is a complete dumbass.....he keeps doing stupid shit----now he wants to give BILLIONS $$$$ to Amtrak!!!!!!!!!! = idiot
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe was not MY first choice either... I think he leaves one helluva lot to be desired and a lot of his policies are bull$hit.

But at least he'll stand down peaceably when his time comes and at least he doesn't rule by whipping a redneck base into a frenzy over race etc.
The system has
  • US Drug money
  • US Guns
being shipped down south of the border. This is making there countries highly unstable and dangerous.... These people are Asylum seekers, they are fleeing a very dangerous area...
Sorry but the US is a very high contributor to this... If the CIA was trying to destabilise countries this is exactly what they would do... Give lawless people in other countries the resources and weapons to cause this havoc.

It is not great for the US either with the drugs that is infecting there areas...

Then there is a need for these workers as well, otherwise why is it so easy to hire them... Why aren't employers of illegals put in jail? It would severely affect the US economy. These undocumented workers can be exploited and are...

A proper documented seasonal work visas that allows these workers to come and go through legal channels would actually give them rights. This might not allow the employers to have the same unregulated way to treat these workers... That might be bad for their businesses but could work out for America as a whole. The money they could get allow better way of life south of the boarder as they could return when seasons are over...
This is what Reagan proposed when he was President...
It's easy to hire them because they are here. If we were to actually enforce our laws a lot of this would go away, Trump was trying to address the border. But, now *biden has destroyed all of the progress that was made.

Also, I'm all for punishing businesses who employ illegals IF first we secure the border and enforce the laws surrounding it.

Biden using your money for hotels for illegals while homeless Vets sleep on the streets. Is that the new American Way?​

Yes, it is the new American way! That's one of the reason these communist, globalists thugs stole the election!

That's the Anti-American demonRats way in all its splendor! :mad-61:
Kondor3 ''based on race''' ---hhhahhahahahaha--not only is that babble crap, but Biden is the one choosing people based on race and not qualifications/etc fkd up
Kondor3 ''based on race''' ---hhhahhahahahaha--not only is that babble crap, but Biden is the one choosing people based on race and not qualifications/etc fkd up
Oh, there's no getting around the fact that the Dems race-bait and hold onto power by appeasing Blacks and Hispanics and other minorities...

But... unlike your Orange Kool-Aid Kon-Man... they don't actually agitate their plebians that way... they merely enact policy and laws along those lines...
Bidens Mexico First agenda is in your face and on the surface...they don’t try to hide it do the “save the homeless, save the poor blacks” Left feel about this?
There are programs to help homeless vets.

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