Biden VS. Trump in 2020

Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.

Very doubtful he will run. He's like 74, I can't see a 78 year old dude running or being elected. I'm guessing the Democrats will conjure up some new blood. But as a conservative, I'd love to see the DNC run a tired old retread.



Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.

Very doubtful he will run. He's like 74, I can't see a 78 year old dude running or being elected. I'm guessing the Democrats will conjure up some new blood. But as a conservative, I'd love to see the DNC run a tired old retread.
That depends on how Trump does.

If he royally fucks up people will be looking to return to the politicians. If he is even mildly successful then they are going to be looking for more outsiders.
the amazing kreskin already let me know who it's going to be but it's too early to share with you rabid mongrels.

it's not joe biden, i can tell you that...
Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.

Very doubtful he will run. He's like 74, I can't see a 78 year old dude running or being elected. I'm guessing the Democrats will conjure up some new blood. But as a conservative, I'd love to see the DNC run a tired old retread.
That depends on how Trump does.

If he royally fucks up people will be looking to return to the politicians. If he is even mildly successful then they are going to be looking for more outsiders.

Perhaps, and that is a reasonable conclusion. But honestly, Joe Biden is not going to excite the millennialist faction which is the part of the electorate needed for the left to win. I'd lay 3-1 odds right now that Biden is not the next democratic nominee, and 5-1 he isn't the next president. Only caveat, I need equal amounts of money laid on each proposition.
the amazing kreskin already let me know who it's going to be but it's too early to share with you rabid mongrels.

it's not joe biden, i can tell you that...

Sniff sniff sniff....what's that smell? Oh, I know. It's a liar.
Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.
Biden is a typical Democrat phony piece of shit. When you cross over and vote...its that much easier to do it again. Democrats have lost Rust Belt for a long time to come.
They'll need to nominate someone with a pulse. Biden is 74 now.

Thats only 4 years older than Trump. In case you did not know, people live well past their 70s. John McCain is 80 and starting another 6 year stent in the Senate. John McCain's mother will turn 105 in February 2017. This is not 1950 folks. Its 2016 and people are living longer and far more healthy levels both physically and mentally than they did in the past.
Trump is a 40 year old in a 70 year old's body.
He should have run this year instead of stupid, careless and incompetent Hillary.

He's been VP for eight years and was way more qualified than Hillary will ever be.

His running in 2020 could get him elected if Trump fails.

If Trump gets all he wants to do done then I believe he will be re-elected and Biden won't stand a chance.
Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.
Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.

Very doubtful he will run. He's like 74, I can't see a 78 year old dude running or being elected. I'm guessing the Democrats will conjure up some new blood. But as a conservative, I'd love to see the DNC run a tired old retread.
That depends on how Trump does.

If he royally fucks up people will be looking to return to the politicians. If he is even mildly successful then they are going to be looking for more outsiders.

Perhaps, and that is a reasonable conclusion. But honestly, Joe Biden is not going to excite the millennialist faction which is the part of the electorate needed for the left to win. I'd lay 3-1 odds right now that Biden is not the next democratic nominee, and 5-1 he isn't the next president. Only caveat, I need equal amounts of money laid on each proposition.
No, he will not excite the young vote but neither did Hillary and they still ran her for some odd reason. I do agree though, I highly doubt Biden is going to be running for the president.

The thing is, it is a good bet that anyone being talked about right now for presidential nominee will likely not be one. The only exception that I can find to that in recent times is Hillary - she was a known factor a decade ago.
That moment Joe Biden angrily tells the protester dipshits in his party "it is over"

Speaking weeks later beside a crackling fireplace in his West Wing office, Biden was more blunt.

“I was trying to be as tactful as I could in making it clear that I thought we constantly made a mistake of not speaking to the fears, aspirations, concerns of middle class people,” he said.

In the campaign, “you didn’t hear a word about that husband and wife working, making 100,000 bucks a year, two kids, struggling and scared to death. They used to be our constituency.”

Asked about comparisons between his and Trump’s freewheeling rhetorical style and economic message, Biden seemed cautious to avoid directly criticizing the president-elect.

“I think there’s a difference between authenticity and …,” he said before pausing to choose his words carefully. “I don’t think I’ve ever said anything that I didn’t believe. Now maybe I shouldn’t have said it. But I believed it.”

What he more clearly disputes is the notion that Trump was any more successful than Clinton in offering both empathy and hope to economically distressed Americans.

“I don’t think he understands working-class or middle-class people,” Biden said. “He at least acknowledged the pain. But he played to the prejudice. He played to the fear. He played to the desperation. There was nothing positive that I ascertained when he spoke to these folks that was uplifting.”"

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