Biden VS. Trump in 2020


Well, it's certain that their bullpen is empty, and they're just stuffing recycled warm bodies back into various slots, as placeholders.

A sure sign of a substantive failure of imagination and vision and political courage and common sense.

They have a team to rebuild, but they can't even begin, until they admit to themselves, that their own agenda and elitism and arrogance are what beat them.

The problem with the Democrats is their far Left extremism that dominates the party.

When you look at their history it is not very good.

Carter got elected because of Watergate and he was a disaster. Slick Willy won because the Conservatives were split because of Papa Bush's liberal agenda. If the Monica story would have been leaked a month earlier then Slick Willy would never have been reelected. The CRA chickens (Democrat initiative) came home to roost and cased the Democrats to win big because it was never reported as a failure of Liberalism, which it was.

Obama won because he was Black and he has been a disaster that caused the Democrats to lose big in 2010 and 2014 and contributed to Crooked Hillary losing. Cooked Hillary had nothing for America but more of the same.

The Democrats will remain in power in the big city shitholes but they will not be much of a national party until they get away from their extreme far Left agenda.
Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.
I think that you summed it up correctly when you said we would have to see what happens under Trump. If he screws up then the office is wide open for the democrats to take it and control of the houses back.
If he actually somehow manages to turn things around then it would be hard for anyone to beat him.
but with their age in 2020, is the word "race" really a good description?
I think its time for some new not yet tried thinking from someone maybe a bit younger. Say, mid 50s or younger?
2020 will be a food fight between Biden, Kaine, Pelosi, Warner, and any other rat from the sinking ship which is now called The Democrat Party.

Should be some good mud slinging.

I agree and they should have gotten Biden to run this year.

He would have been a much better pick than Hillary Clinton. He's been VP for eight years and has way more experience then she will ever have.

They went with Clinton and thought they had the election in the bag. LMAO. Guess not.
Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.
Biden could have beaten him the last time. Do not know what will happen in the next 4 years. Will Trump even serve 4 years?
Biden is already in stage 7 of senility, can u just imagine Biden in 4 years when he wont even be able to recall the last time he used the restroom, or saw a 12 year old girl in person?
Biden had two brain surgeries in 1989.

He shows mental capacity issues.

Plus he's frisky with females - even minors

Swims nude regularly
Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.

That would be awesome. It would be like two retards fighting over a cat turd in the sand box. Man I hope it happens.
Come on folks. Biden was just joking to get laughs.

He is the is what he is all he does...and he just wont't stop until everyone in the room is laughing.
Boy the dems will be rolling out the CREAM OF THEIR CROP with old smokin' Joe.... :lol:

2020, another easy win for the conservatives.
Oh please run! And make Hillary your running mate!

It's too good to be true!
Learn from the left. NEVER tempt fate:

Somebody's gotta learn the lesson...

It sure as hell won't be the Left itself...

Those retards are so busy blaming everybody but themselves and every factor but their own over-reaching agenda that they can't even recognize their own shortcomings.
They'll need to nominate someone with a pulse. Biden is 74 now.

Thats only 4 years older than Trump. In case you did not know, people live well past their 70s. John McCain is 80 and starting another 6 year stent in the Senate. John McCain's mother will turn 105 in February 2017. This is not 1950 folks. Its 2016 and people are living longer and far more healthy levels both physically and mentally than they did in the past.
I like Joe.

The one thing that really sticks with me is when he went over-the-top Identity Politics with his horrific, pandering "...and they're gonna put ya'll back in chains" bullshit to a black crowd.

Gawd, that was bad. Really, really disappointing. I try to chalk that up to him trying too hard to keep up with the crazies in his party.

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