Biden want to waive intellectual property rights so everyone could make covid vaccines

Coon Dog just said he expects to remove all restrictions in Virginia EXCEPT MASKS come June 15. Ironically, it will be illegal to wear masks once that restriction is removed in Virginia because the state law prohibits the wearing of masks in public by adults.

I expect as long as Coon Dog follows Biden's CDC's recommendations, however, we will be in masks for the next 4 years.
Government financed the development

Trump enabled the development through Operation Warp Speed, the company's took people off of other money making projects like new, more powerful hair growing ointments and ED drugs. So it did cost Pfizer and J&J a lot.
More evidence that the GOP is a death cult.

More companies making vaccines will save millions of lives in other parts of the world.

The Trump cultists are having a screaming meltdown over that.

Like I said, death cult. They are literally willing to kill millions of people just so they have an excuse to attack Biden.
Yeah how horrible is to allow anyone to make the vaccination to save lives and the big pharmaceuticals companies will lose some money. If it is a moral issue then it is the right decision by Biden. Save lives and to end this COVID 19 crisis that has hit the whole world.

But but pharmaceutical companies will lose money is the other side of the argument and there profits won't be as high as it could be.
More evidence that the GOP is a death cult.

More companies making vaccines will save millions of lives in other parts of the world.

The Trump cultists are having a screaming meltdown over that.

Like I said, death cult. They are literally willing to kill millions of people just so they have an excuse to attack Biden.

Why doesn't the Biden Regime, as well as foreign nations BUY vaccines from Pfizer and the other outfits that make them?

Why the insistence that the pharm concerns provide their goods gratis?
Government financed the development

Trump enabled the development through Operation Warp Speed, the company's took people off of other money making projects like new, more powerful hair growing ointments and ED drugs. So it did cost Pfizer and J&J a lot.

Government financed the R&D on the vaccine

We have the right to give the production rights to other companies
Government financed the development

Trump enabled the development through Operation Warp Speed, the company's took people off of other money making projects like new, more powerful hair growing ointments and ED drugs. So it did cost Pfizer and J&J a lot.

Government financed the R&D on the vaccine

We have the right to give the production rights to other companies
Does not matter kid.

See the virus has already mutated

Game over so give away the useless vaccine
Government financed the development

Trump enabled the development through Operation Warp Speed, the company's took people off of other money making projects like new, more powerful hair growing ointments and ED drugs. So it did cost Pfizer and J&J a lot.

Government financed the R&D on the vaccine

We have the right to give the production rights to other companies

The government buys significant quantities to distribute to military, government employees and the general public. They placed a 2 billion dollar order with one company that I know about.
Who financed the research and development of the vaccine? Pfizer or the government?

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