Biden wants to tax American companies 15% to send to other countries.

AND--AND--it's stupid to get into these accords with other countries...they have been FKING over the US for a long time
..Mr Trump was the first POTUS in a long time to try to protect the American worker
..Bidumb is fking over the American worker
He did? Trump signed a revised NAFTA agreement & renamed it TPP & the gullible believed it would help Amercan workers because as usual, you've been suckered by Trump.

How many jobs did that lying bastard bring back here from China? None. But go ahead, continue to praise that lying degenerate if it makes you feel better.
He did? Trump signed a revised NAFTA agreement & renamed it TPP & the gullible believed it would help Amercan workers because as usual, you've been suckered by Trump.

How many jobs did that lying bastard bring back here from China? None. But go ahead, continue to praise that lying degenerate if it makes you feel better.
MAJOR fk up by you
...we are buying ALL kinds of crap from China/etc......and all kinds of stuff from other countries...Mr Trump was trying to make trade FAIR = HELPING American workers
..Bidumb, on the other hand is FKING over Americans
--bringing in THOUSANDS of foreigners [ low educated ] = LOWER wages-higher price
--cutting the Pipeline- DESTROYING jobs

But go ahead, continue to praise that lying degenerate if it makes you feel better.
MAJOR fk up by you
...we are buying ALL kinds of crap from China/etc......and all kinds of stuff from other countries...Mr Trump was trying to make trade FAIR = HELPING American workers
..Bidumb, on the other hand is FKING over Americans
--bringing in THOUSANDS of foreigners [ low educated ] = LOWER wages-higher price
--cutting the Pipeline- DESTROYING jobs

But go ahead, continue to praise that lying degenerate if it makes you feel better.
Just wondering how many jobs your boy brought back from China that he ranted & raved about.

I'll wait.
Just wondering how many jobs your boy brought back from China that he ranted & raved about.

I'll wait.

On occasion Trump had the right idea but he was totally unable to do anything about it because of his shortcomings as a person.
Just wondering how many jobs your boy brought back from China that he ranted & raved about.

I'll wait.
..please read again--I said TRIED----he tried to help America in many ways--but the Dems FOUGHT him from day one!! with all kinds of BULLSHIT/lies
....and look NOW!!!! Biden is doing the OPPOSITE of what Trump wanted =Bidumb is destroying the US !!!!!!!!!!
..please read again--I said TRIED----he tried to help America in many ways--but the Dems FOUGHT him from day one!! with all kinds of BULLSHIT/lies
....and look NOW!!!! Biden is doing the OPPOSITE of what Trump wanted =Bidumb is destroying the US !!!!!!!!!!
Yea, sure he is. Just keep repeating the talking points of right wing media hacks like Tucker Carlson who's owned by Rupert Murdoch.
I raise the two of you to 50% and we send all the politicians and partisan hacks to China!
and get 'em a real job>

Yea, sure he is. Just keep repeating the talking points of right wing media hacks like Tucker Carlson who's owned by Rupert Murdoch.

You mean one of those shows you leftists constantly criticize yet never watched once? He's absolutely correct. Dementia set forth doing the exact opposite of Trump.

He reversed most all of Trump's border policies and now the border is the worst it's been in over 20 years according to the border patrol.
Trump's plan was to move out of Afghanistan when it was safe enough to do so. Dementia just pulled them out with no considerations and created a disaster.
Dementia closed the Keystone that Trump opened, and also domestic exploration and drilling that Trump allowed. Gasoline went up over 30%. Natural gas over 50%.
Trump refused to sign the Pork bill that paid people to stay home instead of work. Dementia signed it and created out of control inflation and a labor shortage we are all paying for.
The additional money ended and yet we are still in the same position. I find it funny how a few hundred a month seems to be a bigger deal to you and others than years of pumping trillions of dollars.

A few hundred a month? Try an additional $300.00 a week. Our state calculated that between state and federal unemployment, people who were collecting were bringing in what was equal to a working person making 57K a year when you consider all the taxes you don't pay on unemployment.

If you made 25K to 30K a year, you almost doubled your income by sitting home playing video games. They didn't live checks to checks, so now apparently they have more than enough to stretch staying home another several months. We won't see any improvements until these people start running out of money and have to return to work.
A few hundred a month? Try an additional $300.00 a week. Our state calculated that between state and federal unemployment, people who were collecting were bringing in what was equal to a working person making 57K a year when you consider all the taxes you don't pay on unemployment.

If you made 25K to 30K a year, you almost doubled your income by sitting home playing video games. They didn't live checks to checks, so now apparently they have more than enough to stretch staying home another several months. We won't see any improvements until these people start running out of money and have to return to work.

Which is still a drop in the bucket compared to the trillions a year we have pumped for the last dozen plus years.
Which is still a drop in the bucket compared to the trillions a year we have pumped for the last dozen plus years.

Trillions in what? The Democrats are going to spend a few trillion on green alone that won't benefit the country one iota. It will just make a bunch of environmental screw balls a little happier.
Trillions in what? The Democrats are going to spend a few trillion on green alone that won't benefit the country one iota. It will just make a bunch of environmental screw balls a little happier.

Maybe so but that is in the future, we are discussing the reasons for the present.
So Trump's tax increases didn't raise prices, only Biden's would?
that’s not the question you asked

but yes trump’s would…in particular overseas since its just on foreign profits…and were countered by trump lowering the overall corp tax rate
xiden wants to raise the corp tax rate
that’s not the question you asked

but yes trump’s would…in particular overseas since its just on foreign profits…and were countered by trump lowering the overall corp tax rate
xiden wants to raise the corp tax rate

Well at least you answered. It took long enough for someone to. I saw no one condemning Trump's actions, saying it was going to raise prices.

It's really not that difficult to provide an answer to my question as you have shown but oddly many were unable.
Well at least you answered. It took long enough for someone to. I saw no one condemning Trump's actions, saying it was going to raise prices.

It's really not that difficult to provide an answer to my question as you have shown but oddly many were unable.
Agreed. It's frustrating when folks won't answer, or at least attempt to find the answer

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