
Why get cheap IVERMECTIN when we can give billions of taxpayer money to PFIZER and the corporate media and politicians?

Nirmatrelvir is an updated Ivermectin. Both are Both drugs are 3C-Like protease inhibitors.

Watch this short video recorded a year before COVID... it explains a lot.


That picture... geez.

you have an obligation to yourselves
We have an obligation to ourselves to do the thing that is right for us, to not betray our core values just because a corrupt senile fuck told us so.
to your families
Even if this senile fuck can't comprehend it, choosing NOT to vaccinate CAN be a result of critical thinking. It's not just a random bet. People who don't want to vaccinate even at this point have their VALID reasons not to do so.
quite frankly, I know I'll get criticized for this
What a genius level deduction skill! You've said stupid things before, got criticized, now you're about to say some other stupid things, you figure you'll get criticized for that too. Genius.
Get vaccinated now
Well, there it is.
It's free
Well, there it is again. It's not free, we might have our rights to refuse the shot (for now), but apparently we never had the right to choose not to pay for it. If it was free, you wouldn't push this hard for it. And for everyone who think vaccine is free, YOU are the product.
It's convenient
Because you're making not being jabbed inconvenient you ancient piece of shit.
I promise you it saves lives
What the fuck do you know? You can only finish sentences that were written by others, any time there is a question you just barf out an alphabet soup. Also what am I supposed to do with your promise? Wipe my ass with it while everyone around me slowly dies? Fuck off, you jerk.
CrusaderFrank A weary nation looks to it's leader for strength and hope for the New Year. Oh well fuck that. We get an fear mongoring, coughing, hacking old vaccine hustler. Oh but don't worry they're sending out a bazillion test kits to make sure they keep the cases numbers high and hospitals filled. Just like Big Pharma wants it.

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