What the lefties do not understand is that no one is saying you cant wear a mask.


The Dems in government dont even wear them WHEN CAMERAS ARE ROLLING.

How many Dems have been busted not wearing a mask. If they were truly scared of the virus and if masks worked, they would be wearing them.
I came across this. Apparently your overlords at the CDC are warning you sheep. I sure hope you didn’t take the J&J jab.

The panel reviewed data from CDC officials on thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), acknowledging 54 cases of the condition among J&J recipients, including nine deaths.

The median age of cases was about 45 but the vaccine-injured ranged in age from 18 to 70.

Thirty-seven cases were in women and more than half (54%) of cases included cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST). All cases occurred after the primary vaccine dose.

CDC excludes blood clotting disorders from data

The CDC’s COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force said it excluded “reports where [the] only thrombosis is ischemic stroke or myocardial infarction.”

The exclusions significantly reduced the number of coagulopathy cases included in the task force’s analysis. Coagulopathy refers to a medical condition characterized by an inability of blood to coagulate, or clot.
CDC endorses Pfizer, Moderna jabs over J&J, citing blood clot risk: But data show all 3 carry similar risk - LifeSite
That's it?? 54 cases??

There have been half a billion jabs given so far. That's an incident rate of just 0.000000108. And just 9 people dying is a rate of 0.000000018. That's what conservatives are freaking out over??

And you lied. a) that's not "a lot"; and b) that's not "more every day." That's about one a week. No wonder you were hesitant to answer.
So the doctors that don’t agree with you? First you want doctors to beat people up for not following your panic and then say doctors are idiots and need to be regulated to do what you want them to do.

Basically it’s just you wanting the world to be at the same level of panic as you are. The problem with that is we all know you’re a gaping asshole of fucking stupid.

Leftist: Every doctor agree that vaccine work.
Doctor: I don't agree...
Doctor cancelled, lost license, removed from social media, doxed, you name it...
Leftist: Every doctor agree that vaccine work.
Leftist: Every doctor agree that vaccine work.
Doctor: I don't agree...
Doctor cancelled, lost license, removed from social media, doxed, you name it...
Leftist: Every doctor agree that vaccine work.
There’s enough doctors out there that you can find a few to say almost anything.

As far as I can tell, those who are on the fringe of the medical establishment regarding COVID are almost always detached from the actual management of COVID.
For example, Scott Atlas who is a radiologist.
Research? Did you say research? Why would Fort do that, when all he has to do is listen to his Messiah Lil’ Lyin’ Fuck Fauci?
I'll just leave this here...

There’s enough doctors out there that you can find a few to say almost anything.

As far as I can tell, those who are on the fringe of the medical establishment regarding COVID are almost always detached from the actual management of COVID.
For example, Scott Atlas who is a radiologist.

We must not do our own research. We must listen to the authorities. They are much much smarter than you and I.


These people are nothing but sheep, yet they want those who refuse the vax to be harmed.

It's interesting how the pharma paid media is NOW lampooning people who do their own research.




There’s enough doctors out there that you can find a few to say almost anything.

As far as I can tell, those who are on the fringe of the medical establishment regarding COVID are almost always detached from the actual management of COVID.
For example, Scott Atlas who is a radiologist.
Check it out sheeple!

Isn’t this wonderful!!! But no conflict of interest here, but those asshole doctors criticizing the vaccines need to be SILENCED!!! KILL THEM!!!

Pfizer and Moderna shareholders pocket £7.8billion in a week after Omicron was discovered​

It's interesting how the pharma paid media is NOW lampooning people who do their own research.




And yet millions of Americans are falling in line and doing exactly as the elites tell them.

WTF has happened to my country!!!

I guess we dissenters have a slit trench in our future, in the land of the free and home of the sheep.
Check it out sheeple!

Isn’t this wonderful!!! But no conflict of interest here, but those asshole doctors criticizing the vaccines need to be SILENCED!!! KILL THEM!!!

Pfizer and Moderna shareholders pocket £7.8billion in a week after Omicron was discovered​

What exactly is the conflict of interest here?
View attachment 578458
That picture... geez.

We have an obligation to ourselves to do the thing that is right for us, to not betray our core values just because a corrupt senile fuck told us so.

Even if this senile fuck can't comprehend it, choosing NOT to vaccinate CAN be a result of critical thinking. It's not just a random bet. People who don't want to vaccinate even at this point have their VALID reasons not to do so.

What a genius level deduction skill! You've said stupid things before, got criticized, now you're about to say some other stupid things, you figure you'll get criticized for that too. Genius.

Well, there it is.

Well, there it is again. It's not free, we might have our rights to refuse the shot (for now), but apparently we never had the right to choose not to pay for it. If it was free, you wouldn't push this hard for it. And for everyone who think vaccine is free, YOU are the product.

Because you're making not being jabbed inconvenient you ancient piece of shit.

What the fuck do you know? You can only finish sentences that were written by others, any time there is a question you just barf out an alphabet soup. Also what am I supposed to do with your promise? Wipe my ass with it while everyone around me slowly dies? Fuck off, you jerk.
Fuck Joe says "it's FREE" just like William Shatner when he peddles whatever it is that he's peddling. It's FREE. Take two.
And yet millions of Americans are falling in line and doing exactly as the elites tell them.

WTF has happened to my country!!!

I guess we dissenters have a slit trench in our future, in the land of the free and home of the sheep.

It's embarrassing how docile and weak this country is. You look around the world and many countries have massive protests against these lockdowns and injections.
It's embarrassing how docile and weak this country is. You look around the world and many countries have massive protests against these lockdowns and injections.
It’s embarrassing how many people in this country live in an alternate reality where COVID is fake and the vaccine is super dangerous.
It's embarrassing how docile and weak this country is. You look around the world and many countries have massive protests against these lockdowns and injections.
As long protests are peaceful, politicians wont do shit and will keep pushing their agenda, and tightening restrictions.

Left doesn't care, they'll ignore your rights, they'll ignore the constitution, until they get what they want. Here is the pure example of it, from Castro Jr.:

"The cases are exploding", "spreading like wildfire". The authoritarians uses these scare tactics to lockdown cities, destroy the economy, increase draconian mandates. The evidence shows this latest variant is the equivalent of a runny nose. Folks, they will continue with their illegal decrees if we do nothing.
"The cases are exploding", "spreading like wildfire". The authoritarians uses these scare tactics to lockdown cities, destroy the economy, increase draconian mandates. The evidence shows this latest variant is the equivalent of a runny nose. Folks, they will continue with their illegal decrees if we do nothing.

Imagine, Dr. Gates had to cancel most of his holiday plans.


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