Biden weaponizing Feds again. Sending Treasury Dept after DeSantis over flights to Martha’s Vinyard.

Lol, contrary to your retard beliefs tax payers money has. Rules attached to the way it is spent. If DeSantis broke those rules then he is just getting what he has coming. The courts will decide whether or not to charge him a jury will then decide whether guilty or not. That's the system retard, don't like it you are welcome to move out
Post # 30, dummy.
DeSantis doesn’t need Fed money, Stupid.

His state allocated $12 Million to transport illegals.
I pay taxes in Florida. I don't want my taxes funding political campaign stunts.

The state program, was intended to “relocate out of the state of Florida foreign nationals who are not lawfully present in the United States".
  • The state program did not mention the potential of transporting migrants from Texas, the Post notes from records released by the Florida Department of Transportation and the governor’s office.
  • The state records also show that Florida paid Vertol Systems, an Oregon-based charter airline company, $615,000 for the September flights to Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. That equals to about $12,300 for each of the 50 migrants on board the two flights.
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Way ahead of you, dumbass.
With your constant profanity, I picture you as some sort of meth user whose never amounted to anything. From your idiotic posting, I would imagine that you have dreamt of being a success but could never accomplish it...blaming everyone else.
Stalin did that too
Exactly. And we see the very same with the relationship between Democrats and the MSM. The MSM are fed the official government line, report what Democrats want them to report, sweep the stories that would hurt the Democratic party under the table, report what they claim is misinformation to social media for banning, stifle the free speech rights of those who oppose the Democratic party, and decide for themselves what the facts are and what is misinformation. Stalin would have been proud of today's Democratic party.
DiSantis used Florida money to fly immigrants from Texas to Mass in a political stunt.

He should be investigated for that
What federal statute does that violate, Simp?

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