Biden will not send official delegation to 2022 Olympics

Not officially recognizing the 2022 winter olympics in china is not the act of a puppet

The CCP are going to be highly embarrassed by the snub
It is a lame act for show, while Joe and Hunter collect the CCP dough.

Wake up dummy. You have been played.
So what do you want to do about china and russia?
Do you think that sending our athletes to China but not our diplomats is going to do anything to change China's behavior?

Do you think that if Russia invades Ukraine, sanctions will get them out?

They are nothing but empty gestures to make the left feel better about themselves.
It is a lame act for show, while Joe and Hunter collect the CCP dough.

Wake up dummy. You have been played.
I have no patience with know-it-all blowhards who like to insult people who disagree with them
Do you think that sending our athletes to China but not our diplomats is going to do anything to change China's behavior?
I never said it would change china all by itself

You may not know it but china is in very deep trouble within its own borders

Not officially accepting the Olympic games in china is a chink in their armor
Fuck that. why punish the innocent athletes who have worked their whole life to get to the games?
Allowing them to go there only endorses China's behavior, the concentration camps and the genocide.

We legitimized Hitler's chancellory by sending our athletes to the 1930 Olympics, and you know what he turned out to be. Can we manage not to make the same mistake twice?
Allowing them to go there only endorses China's behavior, the concentration camps and the genocide.

We legitimized Hitler's chancellory by sending our athletes to the 1930 Olympics, and you know what he turned out to be. Can we manage not to make the same mistake twice?

Oh horseshit. The athletes have nothing to do with all of this. They are just people that spent the life training for this one moment, do not fuck them over in some meaningless fashion. What good came out of our 1980 boycott....NONE
No, Im describing the olympics and the corrupt committee. You should seek help for your trump clinical disorder.

You are the one who is a Trump fanatic. Trump is corrupt but that is okay with you. Yet you accuse others of immorality.
I don’t disagree. I’m just saying we should be all in or all out on what we decide to do with China.

This is just a half-measure that makes a weak statement without much bite to it.

This is called freedom. Athletes have a right to compete if they desire. The government has no right to stop them.
have you stopped?

Not in general, but if there is a choice, I choose non-Chinese production. But I am not pretending to be a hypocrite like the official USA. On the one hand, the US criticizes China (and for good reason), but on the other hand, China is one of the largest trading partners of the United States. All Chinese power and influence is largely due to the United States.
Allowing them to go there only endorses China's behavior, the concentration camps and the genocide.

We legitimized Hitler's chancellory by sending our athletes to the 1930 Olympics, and you know what he turned out to be. Can we manage not to make the same mistake twice?

Actually Hitler was embarassed by Jesse Owen's performance in the Berlin Olympics.
You are the one who has been conned by Trump.
No one cares about Trump. People just want represented, and are tired of career corrupt politicians like Bejing Joe.

You people are the morons who deify scum like Faux Xiden.

Why do you worship dirty diapers, and bow down in homage to EmperorShitzHizPantz?
Worthless bitch move. I tire of this asinine, worthless and impotent virtue signaling. We import billions in goods from China. Almost all electronics on the face of the globes are produced in China at some point or another. They do not give a rats ass if we send some political bobble heads over there to massage their egos, every action we are taking in regard to what MATTERS, wealth and goods, is a direct benefit and in support of China.

Do not give your politicians credit for virtue signaling. It is pointless. They get credit when they start making policy that has real effect on the state of the world.
They are just people that spent the life training for this one moment, do not fuck them over in some meaningless fashion.

If I were president (and I'm not, thankfully) I would prohibit them from competing. We would not endorse China or legitimize them in any fashion. I wouldn't care how much training they did. Such a prohibition would call their attention to the atrocities being committed by the CCP.

Not a punishment, but a message.
If I were president (and I'm not, thankfully) I would prohibit them from competing. We would not endorse China or legitimize them in any fashion. I wouldn't care how much training they did. Such a prohibition would call their attention to the atrocities being committed by the CCP.

Not a punishment, but a message.

A meaningless message that punishes people have nothing to do with it. But I do agree it is good you are not POTUS, how many other innocent people would you punish for some meaningless gesture?

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