Biden will not send official delegation to 2022 Olympics

No one cares about Trump. People just want represented, and are tired of career corrupt politicians like Bejing Joe.

You people are the morons who deify scum like Faux Xiden.

Why do you worship dirty diapers, and bow down in homage to EmperorShitzHizPantz?

You are the morons who are attacking this country. There is no difference between Chinese Communists and Republicans who are doing everything they can to ensure that elections are rigged in their favor. You are the scumbags who are more akin to cockroaches.
Why do people want to lend credence to China and its genocidal behavior by letting our athletes compete in the Beijing Winter Olympics?

If it were me, I wouldn't care about your athletic ambitions. You would not be allowed to travel anywhere on the Chinese mainland for the duration of the event.

Cold-hearted? Yes. Necessary? Yes.

People need to be educated about China's behavior. And if your dreams need to be put on hold to do it, so be it.

People like Golfing Gator can go cry in a corner.

I won't move on this position.
It's not Godwin's law when the pertinent history to this discussion took place during Nazi-era Germany. Namely, the 1930 Olympics.

Keep deflecting though, ghoul.

Enjoy the games, I know I will. Been watching curling and bobsled and speed skating as a warm up for the games!
You are the morons who are attacking this country. There is no difference between Chinese Communists and Republicans who are doing everything they can to ensure that elections are rigged in their favor. You are the scumbags who are more akin to cockroaches.


So emotional.

Are we actively censoring people? Massacring innocent religious minorities? Forcing them into concentration camps or slave labor?

Nope. None of that. Even if we wanted to, we lack the power to do it.

You can't be serious.
Enjoy the games, I know I will. Been watching curling and bobsled and speed skating as a warm up for the games!

More power to you!

This is an opinion board, not a place to make ultimatums one will never enforce.

However, it is noted you support China's genocidal behavior, though.
If I were president (and I'm not, thankfully) I would prohibit them from competing. We would not endorse China or legitimize them in any fashion. I wouldn't care how much training they did. Such a prohibition would call their attention to the atrocities being committed by the CCP.

Not a punishment, but a message.

Thank you Nazi pig. If I were a athlete, I would go anyway and tell you to go to hell. We have something called FREEDOM. It will have no effect on the Chinese.
Thank you Nazi pig. If I were a athlete, I would go anyway and tell you to go to hell. We have something called FREEDOM. It will have no effect on the Chinese.

Well, you kinda are an athlete, one who engages in mental and verbal gymnastics.

But hey, the athletes going and competing is a strike on their character, their ignorance of China's atrocities is their fault.

So emotional.

Are we actively censoring people? Massacring innocent religious minorities? Forcing them into concentration camps or slave labor?

Nope. None of that. Even if we wanted to, we lack the power to do it.

You can't be serious.

Yes I am very serious.

Republicans are making it harder to vote. They are installing people who will overturn election results if they do not go their way. People doing their jobs in a fair and partisan manner are being replaced by partisans. Workers have been treated like slaves by businesses who have refused to lift worker pay until now and working conditions have been deplorable. The top 1% now own m ore of the nation';s wealth than the middle 60. Republicans want to destroy our environment just like China does.
Well, you kinda are an athlete, one who engages in mental and verbal gymnastics.

But hey, the athletes going and competing is a strike on their character, their ignorance of China's atrocities is their fault.

It is not a strike on their character. It is a strike on your fascist ass.
An old adage from Star Trek that I think is prudent in this context:

'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.'

The stance of my government should take precedent over the efforts of athletes.

If you walked into my Oval Office and started spouting this crap, I'd dismiss you out of hand and have you escorted out of the WH by the Secret Service.

You are nothing but a bully who should have their ass kicked.
Republicans are making it harder to vote.

No they aren't. But that has little to do with this thread.

They are installing people who will overturn election results if they do not go their way.

Not really. You live under the delusion that our elections are perfect, flawless, or without functional error. Once again, irrelevant.

People doing their jobs in a fair and partisan manner are being replaced by partisans.

Tis the nature of politics. Irrelevant, once more.

Workers have been treated like slaves by businesses who have refused to lift worker pay until now and working conditions have been deplorable.
Have you seen China's slave camps lately?

How do the work conditions of Americans even remotely compare to that?
Look into the 1980 Olympics.

The government can do that. Whether it’s right or not is subjective.

That is because they chose not to challenge it. I would challenge it in a court of law. The government provides no money to these athletes. Quite using them to play political games.
No they aren't. But that has little to do with this thread.

Not really. You live under the delusion that our elections are perfect, flawless, or without functional error. Once again, irrelevant.

Tis the nature of politics. Irrelevant, once more.

Have you seen China's slave camps lately?

How do the work conditions of Americans even remotely compare to that?

Yes it does. Not being able to vote is a hallmark in China. Republicans are doing the same thing to keep themselves in power. The Republican Party is no different than the Chinese Communists.

You are irrelevant. Unless you are prepared to use military force, leave our athletes alone.
Yes it does. Not being able to vote is a hallmark in China.

Last I checked, 130+ million people voted here in the US the last election.

But this is the US, not China.

Republicans are doing the same thing to keep themselves in power.
What power? Democrats have both houses of Congress and the presidency, foolish human.

You are irrelevant. Unless you are prepared to use military force, leave our athletes alone.

Don't need military force to keep our athletes from going to Beijing. A travel ban would work just fine.

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