Biden Withdrawing from Presidential Race

Biden is endorsing Harris. Which means the women’s vote, youth vote, black vote, is sewed up. Bad news for the Trumplikins.

The Trumpys are whining and crying loudly. Watch how fast they try to go to court Monday because that’s what a loser Trumplikin does.

Harris is going to tear tRump a new asshole.
not if they look at her record in office

Which means the women’s vote, youth vote, black vote, is sewed up
you forgot
Trump's entire campaign was built on running against Biden. That was their whole message.

Well four months before an election, what the hell do you think they would be planning for?

Who knew just how desperate the Dems were for power? This is the message I would be repeating over and over "they lied to you and told you Biden was as sharp as a tack, they rigged their own Primary. After a debate where citizens learned they had been lied to and he sunk in the polls, a Party decided to throw away millions of votes already cast to throw a coup".

The damage the Dems have done to America domestically and Internationally is something. China has one hell of an iron grip on Cali and NY no doubt.
You're wrong. Trump is fundamentally weak;

FACT. Trump was polling ahead of Biden, but Biden was about as flawed a president as the D's have ever had.

Joe was like a buzzard with a broken wing.

Trump has his work now cut out for him.

It will be a fight to the death and Trump could easily lose by a couple swing states by just a few tens of thousands of votes again.
J.D Vance a Yale graduate and only age 39? Raised by his grandmother because his mother had an addiction?

I doubt a debate with a politician is going to worry him.
JD Vance is a politician. Understand that before you pretend he is something different. And he is an inexperenced politician with no real public policy experience. If he goes up against Shapiro or any of the potential Democratic governors who could be on the ticket with Harris, he is in for a haircut.
Biden is in good cognitive shape for 81, The narrative was repeated from the beginninig. Now it's time those like you shut up or started to look at Trumps real mental decline.
Yeah a mentally incoherent 77 year old vs an energetic 60 year old.
Just the opposite. They are doing what they do best--- they just redrew the course so that they have a way of winning. Of course, democracy is out the door and they may have to bend/break a few laws/rules getting there.

Give the democrats credit--- the GOP could NEVER pull out of a nose dive of certain defeat.
I disagree with your assessment. The only way the Democrats can win is with massive voter fraud.
I believe people are voting. Biden was too far to the right anyway. Hopefully someone fully committed to the ideals of the left will be nominated.

You will do your best to try and elect a monarchy, or, someone obedient to the Establishment.

Dems don't have any good options and the GOP will keep reminding voters of this.

I will admit, Trump was fleeced with his choice of Vance, though he may be so strong in the Rustbelt that it's game over already considering how many of the worst policies the Dems silently and passively accepted.
Nope. It is a brilliant move that just put the DNC back in the race that Trump and the GOP should have seen coming a mile away, but as usual, they WALKED RIGHT INTO IT, stupidly, blindly, by agreeing to that debate THREE MONTHS EARLY so that the D's could test drive Joe's fitness for reelection first before committing anything.
If any Prog wins, then our nation is done anyway. This is what passes for DEMOCRACY in the Progressive Socialist agendas. Joe won those votes in the primaries as the Prog Party kept him in the race. Nothing will change no matter who the Prog candidate is with agendas. Perhaps they will be magnanimous and not let the Trump tax cuts run out in 2025 at least for the peasants. Also, the Prog Party will most likely be Pro Muslim and Anti Israel. With Republicans being the opposite for now.
FACT. Trump was polling ahead of Biden, but Biden was about as flawed a president as the D's have ever had.

Joe was like a buzzard with a broken wing.

Trump has his work now cut out for him.

It will be a fight to the death and Trump could easily lose by a couple swing states by just a few tens of thousands of votes again.
Trump now has an easier road to the White House.
Well four months before an election, what the hell do you think they would be planning for?

Who knew just how desperate the Dems were for power? This is the message I would be repeating over and over "they lied to you and told you Biden was as sharp as a tack, they rigged their own Primary. After a debate where citizens learned they had been lied to and he sunk in the polls, a Party decided to throw away millions of votes already cast to throw a coup".

The damage the Dems have done to America domestically and Internationally is something. China has one hell of an iron grip on Cali and NY no doubt.
It is the Republicans who have been desparate for powr. Specifically Trump. Trump is a convicted felon, there are jobs he cannot work. He can't be a barber, yet he is running for President.
You will do your best to try and elect a monarchy, or, someone obedient to the Establishment.

Dems don't have any good options and the GOP will keep reminding voters of this.

I will admit, Trump was fleeced with his choice of Vance, though he may be so strong in the Rustbelt that it's game over already considering how many of the worst policies the Dems silently and passively accepted.
Dems have plenty of good options. Dems need to win PA, MI, and WI and they win the WH. So someone like Whitmer makes sense.
The difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump was thrown out of office
The D's admitted IN FUCKING PRINT they changed the entire election in the courts to bend the laws to cheat Trump out of reelection.

and Biden voluntarily stepped aside.
Biden didn't volunteer for anything Derp--- the entire party was demanding his resignation while all the party's big donors were withholding funds. He had no choice but leave.

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